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China and Thailand signed an agreement on mutual visa exemption for holders of ordinary passports and passports for public affairs on Sunday. The policy, which will come into effect on March 1, is expected to boost people-to-people exchanges between the two countries.1月28日,中国和泰国签署了普通护照和因公护照互免签证协议。该政策将于3月1日起实施,将促进两国人文交流。The agreement was a major outcome during the first meeting of consultation mechanism between the ministers of foreign affairs of Thailand and China, which was held in Bangkok.该协议是在曼谷举行的中泰外长磋商机制首次会议的一项重大成果。At a news conference in the Thai capital, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said: "It's important that peoples from the two countries have forged closer friendships and stronger bonds, and are now embracing a better life."中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅在泰国首都举行的新闻发布会上表示:“两国人民的友谊将更加紧密,血脉将更加牢固,助力拥抱更好的生活。There will be a big increase in the number of Chinese tourists visiting Thailand, Wang said. "We also welcome friends from Thailand to feel the vitality and vibrancy of China and the hospitality of the Chinese people."王毅表示,前往泰国旅游的中国游客数量将大幅增加。我们也欢迎泰国朋友来感受中国的生机与活力,感受中国人民的热情好客。At the news conference, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara said the visa-free agreement is a symbol of long-lasting Sino-Thai friendship, trust and confidence, which is evidenced at every level. 泰国副总理兼外交部长帕恩普里·巴希达·努卡拉(Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara)在新闻发布会上表示,免签协议是中泰长久友谊、信任和信心的象征,这在各个层面都有体现。"The meeting is a significant step in our cooperation, held at the level of foreign ministers of both countries, and we have agreed to alternately host at least once every year," he said, "I am certain that travel between our two peoples, whether for tourism or business, will become more convenient, and help to stimulate the tourism industry in both countries."他发言表示:“此次外长磋商机制会议是中泰两国外长级合作的重要一步,我们以达成一致,未来每年两国将轮流主办此类型会议。我相信,两国人民之间的往来,无论是旅游还是商务往来都将变得更加便利,有助于刺激两国旅游业的发展”。As next year will mark the 50th anniversary of China-Thailand diplomatic relations, Wang said China highly commends China-Thailand friendship and mutual trust. The bilateral relationship between the two countries has withstood the test of the changing international landscape and grown from strength to strength over the past half a century, he said.王毅表示,明年是中泰建交50周年,中方高度评价中泰友谊和互信。半个世纪以来,两国关系经受住了国际风云变幻的考验,不断发展壮大。"China always sees Thailand as a priority in its diplomacy with neighboring countries, and supports Thailand in following a development path that suits its national conditions," Wang stressed.王毅强调,中方始终将泰国视为周边外交优先方向,支持泰国走适合本国国情的发展道路。He also noted that China appreciates Thailand's firm commitment to the one-China principle and its active support for the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative. "China is ready to work with Thailand to jointly deepen the building of a more stable, prosperous and sustainable China-Thailand community with a shared future, and provide more stability and certainty to a changing and turbulent world," Wang said.他还表示,中方赞赏泰方坚定奉行一个中国原则,积极支持全球发展倡议、全球安全倡议、全球文明倡议。中方愿同泰方一道,共同深化构建更加稳定、繁荣、可持续的中泰命运共同体,为变化动荡的世界提供更多稳定性和确定性。To strengthen the cooperation with China, Parnpree said Thailand is committed to promoting trade, investment, security and cooperation on culture and tourism, to facilitating connectivity, people-to-people relations, and to advancing cooperation at various multilateral and regional forums.帕恩普里表示,泰国将致力于促进与中国的贸易、投资、安全、文化和旅游合作,促进互联互通和人文交流,推进在各多边和地区论坛上的合作。During the meeting on Sunday, both sides also agreed to speed up development of the China-Thailand Railway, fully implement the China-Laos-Thailand Connectivity Development Corridor Outlook, and open the central line of the Trans-Asian Railway as soon as possible.在1月28的会晤中,双方还同意加快中泰铁路建设,全面落实中老泰互联互通发展走廊展望,尽快开通泛亚铁路中线。The two countries signed agreements on the export of poultry meat and podocarpus plants to China. Podocarpus is a versatile, low-maintenance plant for landscaping.两国签署了向中国出口禽肉和罗汉松植物的协议。罗汉松是一种多功能、低维护的园林绿化植物。China will import more specialty agricultural products from Thailand, support more Chinese companies in investing and growing in Thailand, and foster new drivers of cooperation in new energy vehicles, digital economy and green development. During the meeting, the two ministers also exchanged views on current key regional and international situations, including the situation in Myanmar, the Korean Peninsula and the Middle East.中方将进口更多泰国特色农产品,支持更多中国企业赴泰投资兴业,培育新能源汽车、数字经济、绿色发展合作新动能。会见期间,两国外长还就当前国际和地区重要形势,包括缅甸、朝鲜半岛、中东局势等交换了意见。People-to-people exchanges人文交流Deputy Prime Minister副总理