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The Department of Consular Affairs at the Foreign Ministry issued a safety alert on Sunday to Chinese nationals in France, urging them to raise security awareness and take precautions as violent clashes persist in the country.7月2日,中国外交部领事司发出安全警告,提醒在法国的中国公民在法国持续发生暴力冲突的情况下提高安全意识并采取预防措施。A bus carrying 41 Chinese tourists was attacked by a group of black-clad rioters in Marseille on Thursday as violent and fiery protests gripped many cities across France in the wake of the shooting of a 17-year-old by police.在一名17岁少年被警察开枪射杀后,法国多个城市爆发了激烈的冲突和抗议活动。6月29日,一辆载有41名中国游客的巴士在马赛遭到一群黑衣暴徒的袭击。The Chinese Consulate-General in Marseille coordinated with the tourist group to call police and treat the injured, and lodged representations with the French side, demanding Paris to ensure the safety of Chinese citizens and their properties, according to the statement of the Foreign Ministry.根据外交部的声明,中国驻马赛总领馆协助旅行团报警并紧急处置,对受伤人员进行治疗安抚,并立即向法方提出交涉,要求确保确保中国公民人身和财产安全。All tourists have left France to return home, the statement said.声明称,所有游客已经离开法国启程回国。The Foreign Ministry and the Chinese embassy in France again reminded Chinese citizens in France to pay close attention to the security situation, avoid areas where demonstrations and violence were taking place, the statement said.外交部领事保护中心和中国驻法国使领馆再次提醒在法中国公民,密切关注当地社会安全形势,远离游行示威及暴力冲突区域。The ministry and the embassy called on Chinese nationals in France to take practical measures to strengthen safety and take security precautions, while urging those on temporary visits to France to stay vigilant and cautious when going out.外交部和使馆呼吁在法中国公民采取切实措施加强安全,做好安全防范工作,同时提醒临时赴法人员尤其应提高警惕,谨慎外出。