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英语新闻|拜登被曝私藏机密文件,美众议院展开调查US President Joe Biden is drawing criticism from Republicans after 10 classified documents were found in November last year in his former office at a think tank in Washington, prompting an investigation by the United States Department of Justice.去年11月,美国总统拜登曾使用过的办公室中被发现了10份机密文件, 这引发了共和党人的批评,美国司法部对此展开调查。Biden said on Tuesday that he was "surprised" that government records were taken to one of his former private offices, at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement.1月10日,拜登回应称,他对在华盛顿智库机构“宾夕法尼亚拜登外交和全球参与中心”的办公室内发现的机密文件感到“惊讶”,并不知道文件中有什么。"I was surprised to learn there were any government records that were taken there to that office," he told reporters in Mexico City, where he was meeting the leaders of Mexico and Canada.拜登在墨西哥城对记者说:“我很惊讶地得知有任何政府文件被带到了那个办公室。”当时在墨西哥城,拜登正与墨西哥和加拿大领导人举行三方会谈。Biden said he doesn't know "what's in the documents" that were found in a locked closet when his attorneys were vacating office space at the Penn Biden Center.拜登的私人律师在腾空智库“宾夕法尼亚大学拜登外交和全球参与中心”时,发现文件锁在一个抽屉中,拜登表示,他不知道“文件里有什么”。The center is a think tank near the White House, affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania and named for Biden, a veteran Democrat who served as US vice-president from January 2009 to January 2017.“拜登外交和全球参与中心”是一家距白宫约一英里的智库,隶属于宾夕法尼亚大学,以资深民主党人拜登的名字命名,拜登曾于2009年1月至2017年1月担任美国副总统。The classified documents found inside the closet were reportedly US intelligence memos and briefing materials that covered topics including Ukraine, Iran and Britain.据报道,这些机密文件包括美国情报备忘录和简报材料,涉及的话题包括乌克兰、伊朗和英国。The Department of Justice said on Tuesday that it was reviewing the sensitive documents found by Biden's lawyers last year after the White House said it did not know what was in them. The discovery came to light only on Monday in a report by CBS News.1月10日,美国司法表示正在审查拜登的私人律师发现的机密文件,此前,白宫表示不知道文件里有什么。这些涉密文件去年11月就已被发现,但消息直到本周一(1月9日)才由美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)首先爆出。The White House Counsel's Office did not answer questions on Tuesday on why it took two months to make the disclosure.1月10日,白宫法律顾问办公室没有回应为何两个月后才披露这一消息。Biden also avoided reporters' questions while he met with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the North American Leaders' Summit.拜登在北美领导人峰会上会见加拿大总理贾斯廷·特鲁多时,也未对此予以回应。Ian Sams, a spokesman for the White House Counsel's Office, said in a statement, "This is an ongoing process under review (by the Department of Justice), so we are going to be limited in what we can say at this time."白宫法律顾问办公室发言人伊恩·萨姆斯表示,由于司法部正在对此事进行调查,他们现在能说的“有限”。Richard Sauber, special counsel to the president, said in a statement that "a small number of documents with classified markings" were found by Biden's lawyers in a "locked closet" on Nov 2, while they were clearing out his office at the Penn Biden Center.美国总统特别顾问理查德·索伯在一份声明中表示,涉密文件是拜登的私人律师11月2日在腾空智库“宾夕法尼亚大学拜登外交和全球参与中心”时发现的,相关文件此前一直被锁在一个抽屉中。Sauber said that following the discovery of the documents, Biden's attorneys immediately alerted the White House Counsel's Office, which contacted the National Archives and Records Administration. The archives administration picked up the documents the next day.理查德∙索伯在声明中表示,拜登的私人律师发现这些文件后,立即通知了白宫法律顾问办公室,后者与美国国家档案馆取得联系,国家档案馆在第二天就接管了这些材料。The Penn Biden Center, which has its headquarters at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, was founded following Biden's two terms as vice-president in the administration of then-president Barack Obama.宾夕法尼亚拜登中心总部位于费城宾夕法尼亚大学,是在拜登担任奥巴马政府的两任副总统后成立的。The center officially opened in February 2018, but had a "soft" opening in March 2017, according to The Daily Pennsylvanian, a student newspaper at the university.Biden would occasionally use an office at the center in Washington from 2017 until 2019, when he launched his 2020 presidential campaign.据该校学生报纸《宾夕法尼亚日报》报道,该中心于2018年2月正式开业,但在2017年3月开始试营业。从2017年至启动2020年美国总统竞选前,拜登定期使用这间办公室。News of the discovery of the documents prompted a response from former president Donald Trump and his Republican allies. Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida was raided by the FBI last year in a search for classified documents taken during his four years in office.拜登的机密文件被发现一事,引发了美国前总统特朗普和共和党人的回击。去年,联邦调查局人员曾突袭特朗普位于佛罗里达州的私人住所海湖庄园,搜查他在任期间的机密文件。On his social media platform Truth Social, Trump wrote, "When is the FBI going to raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the White House? These documents were definitely not declassified."特朗普在自己的社交媒体Truth Social上写道:“联邦调查局什么时候突袭拜登的多个住所,甚至可能是白宫?这些文件肯定没有被解密。”Dozens of documents marked classified were found at Trump's Florida estate in August. The FBI carried out the raid after attempts to recover them were rebuffed.去年8月,在特朗普的海湖庄园发现了许多份标记为机密的文件。特朗普在国家档案馆提出多次要求后仍没有立即归还,此后,联邦调查局突袭了特朗普的住所。In May 2021, the National Archives contacted Trump's team about the documents that were in his possession, saying they had to be returned because they are government property.2021年5月,美国国家档案馆曾联系特朗普团队,称特朗普持有的文件必须归还,因为它们是政府财产。By January 2022, Trump's team gave some of the documents to the National Archives, but the archives discovered that the returned documents included classified material. It asked the Justice Department to launch a probe into alleged mishandling of classified documents.2022年1月,特朗普的团队将部分文件交给了国家档案馆,但档案馆发现,归还的文件包括机密材料。因此,美国国家档案馆要求司法部对特朗普涉嫌不当处理机密文件展开调查。In August, the FBI retrieved dozens more documents in rooms at Mar-a-Lago. Altogether, Trump had 300 documents in 33 boxes, the FBI said.8月,联邦调查局在特朗普的海湖庄园搜出更多的文件。联邦调查局表示,特朗普在33个盒子里私藏了300份文件。In a September interview with CBS' 60 Minutes, Biden called Trump's possession of the documents "irresponsible".拜登去年9月在接受哥伦比亚广播公司新闻频道《60分钟》采访中表示,前总统特朗普处理机密文件的方式“完全不负责任”。That Biden may also have mishandled classified documents comes as the Justice Department decides whether to bring charges against Trump, who said he is running for president in 2024.如今,正值司法部决定是否对特朗普提出指控之际,拜登也陷入“涉密文件门”。特朗普表示他将于2024年竞选总统。 classified英 [ˈklæsɪfaɪd]  美 [ˈklæsɪfaɪd]adj. 机密的veteran英 [ˈvetərən]  美 [ˈvetərən]adj. 资深的declassified 英 [ˌdiːˈklæsɪfaɪd]  美 [ˌdiːˈklæsɪfaɪd]adj. 解密的