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英语新闻∣习近平会见哈萨克斯坦总统托卡耶夫President Xi Jinping spoke highly on Wednesday of China-Kazakhstanfriendship and cooperation as he met with Kazakh President Kassym-JomartTokayev in the neighboring country's ca pital, Nur-Sultan, saying China iswilling to work with Kazakhstan to ensure that they are strong supporters ofeach other's development and rejuvenation.9月14日,国家主席习近平在哈萨克斯坦首都努尔苏丹会见了哈萨克斯坦总统托卡耶夫,他高度评价中哈友谊与合作,表示中国愿与哈萨克斯坦共同努力,使两国成为彼此发展和复兴的坚定支持者。As this year marks the 30th anniversary of establishing diplomaticrelations between China and Kazakhstan, Xi, who was making a state visit to theCentral Asian nation, said the two countries have witnessed fruitful results inbilateral ties over the past years and taken the lead on a series of issues,from solving border issues to conducting international production capacitycooperation.今年是中哈建交30年,国家主席习近平开始对哈萨克斯坦共和国进行国事访问。习近平表示,过去一年,中哈两国在双边关系上取得了丰硕的成果,并进行国际生产能力合作。China highly values developing its relations with Kazakhstan and firmlysupports the reform measures it has taken to safeguard national stability anddevelopment, Xi said, adding that China will always be a friend and partnerthat Kazakhstan can trust and rely on. 中方高度重视发展中哈关系,坚定支持哈方为维护国家稳定和发展所采取的改革举措。中国永远是塔吉克斯坦可以信赖和倚重的邻居、朋友和伙伴。Noting that China-Kazakhstan cooperation enjoys a solid foundation, hugepotential and broad prospects, the Chinese president urged that both sides makegood use of existing mechanisms to deepen strategic alignment and leverage theircomplementary advantages to take bilateral cooperation to a higher level and alarger scale. 中哈合作基础牢固、潜力巨大、前景广阔。双方要用好现有机制,深化战略对接,发挥互补优势,推动两国合作向更高水平、更大规模迈进。He also called on the two countries to promote high-quality Belt and Roaddevelopment, expand cooperation in such areas as trade, the economy andinterconnectivity, and explore cooperation in new fields including big data,digital finance and green energy. 习近平指出,双方要推动“一带一路”高质量建设,拓展经贸、互联互通等领域合作,探索大数据、数字金融、绿色能源等新领域合作。China stands ready to maintain close communication with Kazakhstan to appropriatelydeal with various kinds of new problems and challenges and oppose externalinterference in Central Asian countries' affairs, and jointly maintain regionalpeace and stability, Xi said. 中方愿同哈方保持密切沟通,妥善应对各种新问题新挑战,反对外部势力干涉中亚国家事务,共同维护地区和平稳定。Tokayev said that Xi's visit, the Chinese president's first foreign tripsince the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, fully demonstrated the twocountries' high-level mutual trust and will surely become a new milestone inthe history of Kazakhstan-China relations. 托卡耶夫表示,此次访问是新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来中国国家主席首次出访,充分体现了中哈两国的高水平互信,此处出访必将成为中哈关系史上的里程碑。As next year marks the 10th anniversary of Xi's proposing the Belt and RoadInitiative in Kazakhstan, Tokayev said his country will continue to support andparticipate in the joint building of the Belt and Road. 2023年是习近平在哈萨克斯坦提出“一带一路”倡议10周年。托卡耶夫表示,哈萨克斯坦将继续支持和参与共建“一带一路”。"China has always been one of the most important strategic partners ofKazakhstan in every field of bilateral cooperation," he said.中国一直是哈萨克斯坦在各领域合作中最重要的战略伙伴之一。China is Kazakhstan's fifth-largest source of foreign investment, and amidthe ravaging COVID-19 pandemic,bilateral trade continues to grow at a rapid rate, he added.中国是哈萨克斯坦第五大外资来源国,在新冠肺炎疫情肆虐的背景下,两国贸易继续保持快速增长。Bulat Sultanov, director of the Research Institute of International andRegional Cooperation at Kazakh-German University, said China-Kazakhstanstrategic cooperation is "of particular importance in the currentsituation".哈萨克斯坦-德国大学国际与区域合作研究所所长表示,中哈战略合作“在当前形势下特别重要”。Amid the current geopolitical changes in the world, China-Kazakhstanteamwork could focus on attracting more Chinese investment to Kazakhstan andboosting the synergy of the development visions pursued by the two countries,he added.在当前世界地缘政治风云变幻的背景下,中哈合作的重点是吸引更多中国企业到哈投资,推动两国发展愿景对接。The scholar highlighted promising areas for the two nations to work on,such as establishing a "digital Silk Road" based on digitaltechnologies and boosting exports of Kazakhstan's agricultural products toChina.这位学者强调了两国有前景的合作领域,比如建立基于数字技术的“数字丝绸之路”,以及促进哈萨克斯坦对中国的农产品出口。After concluding his whirlwind trip to Nur-Sultan, Xi arrived in Samarkand,Uzbekistan, on Wednesday evening, the second stop of his three-day visit toCentral Asia.9月14日晚,离开哈萨克斯坦首都努尔苏丹后,习近平到达乌兹别克斯坦共和国撒马尔罕,开启为期三天的中亚之行的第二站。When Xi arrived in Nur-Sultan on Wednesday afternoon, he was warmlywelcomed by Tokayev and a group of senior officials. Tokayev also later saw Xioff at the airport.9月14日下午,国家主席习近平乘专机抵达撒马尔罕后,乌兹别克斯坦总统米尔济约耶夫、政府总理阿里波夫、外长诺罗夫、撒马尔罕州州长图尔济莫夫等高级官员在机场热情迎接。Officials and experts said Xi's visit will further deepen the two nations'political mutual trust, broaden the scope of their all-around collaboration andusher in another "golden 30 years" for bilateral ties.专家表示,习近平主席的访问必将进一步深化双方政治互信,拓展两国全方位合作,开启中哈关系发展又一个黄金三十年。       In February, Tokayev traveled toBeijing to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Winter Games andmet with Xi.今年2月,托卡耶夫前往北京出席北京冬奥会开幕式,并与习近平主席会面。       "The strategic navigationoffered by the two heads of states maps out blueprints and charts a course for thetwo sides in rolling out cooperation in various fields," ChineseAmbassador to Kazakhstan Zhang Xiao said in an article published in People'sDaily on Wednesday.9月14日,中国驻哈萨克斯坦大使张霄在《人民日报》的一篇文章中表示:“两国元首的战略引领,为双方深入开展各领域合作擘画蓝图、指明方向。”       The booming pragmatic cooperation between the twocountries could be illustrated by their bilateral trade in the first sevenmonths of the year, which reached $17.7 billion, up 18.9 percent year-on-year.       中哈务实合作持续健康发展,今年1—7月,中哈贸易额达176.7亿美元,同比增长18.9%。With regard to production capacity, the two countries have identified 52cooperative projects totaling $21.2 billion, covering sectors including mining,energy, industry, commerce, transportation and shipping.两国深入开展产能合作,已确定52个项目,总金额逾212亿美元,涉及矿产、能源、工业、商贸、交通运输等领域。"China's branded electronic devices, cellphones and automobiles arewidely acclaimed in Kazakhstan, and Kazakhstan's high-quality, greenagricultural products have won recognition from Chinese consumers. Economic complementarityand interdependence between the two countries are constantly rising," saidZhang, the ambassador.“中国品牌电器、手机、汽车等在哈萨克斯坦广受欢迎,哈萨克斯坦优质绿色农产品得到中国消费者认可,两国经济互补性和相互依存度进一步提升。”张霄大使表示。Yerlan Madiyev, a China expert at the World Economy and Politics Institute,a Kazakh think tank, said that China has long supported the construction andsocioeconomic development of Central Asian countries, and has gained trust fromcountries in the region.哈首任总统基金会世界经济和政治研究所的国际问题专家叶尔兰·马季耶夫表示,中国长期以来一直支持中亚国家的建设和社会经济发展,赢得了中亚国家的信任。alignment英[əˈlaɪnmənt] 美[əˈlaɪnmənt]n.调准,校正; 结盟,联合Ravage英[ˈrævɪdʒ] 美[ˈrævɪdʒ]vt.&vi. 毁坏; 劫掠blueprint英[ˈbluːprɪnt] 美[ˈbluːprɪnt]n.蓝图,设想pragmatic英[præɡˈmætɪk] 美[præɡˈmætɪk]adj. 实际的; 实用主义的recognition英[ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn] 美[ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn]n.认识,识别