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Whether you've just fallen in love or have been in a relationship for years, buying gifts for your someone special on the occasion ofQixi Festival, or Chinese Valentine's Day, is the norm. Little wonder then that luxury gift items are flying off the shelves of online retailers as China gets ready to celebrate its most romantic traditional festival on Tuesday.无论是刚刚坠入爱河还是已经恋爱多年,在七夕节或中国情人节为另一半买礼物是一种常态。8月22日是中国最浪漫的传统节日,难怪网上零售商的货架上到处都是奢侈品。Data from online retailer Vipshop shows that sales of luxury watches grew 23 percent between Aug 14 and 20, compared with the same period in July. Purchases of jewelry, sunglasses and high-end sports goods jumped 48 percent, 78 percent and 231 percent, respectively, during the same period.在线零售商唯品会的数据显示,与7月份同期相比,8月14日至20日豪华手表销售额环比增长23%。同时,珠宝首饰、太阳镜和高端运动品牌销售额分别环比增长48%、78%和231%。Cosmetics and gift boxes are gaining in popularity among Chinese consumers, with luxury bags, necklaces, gold earrings and bracelets, and wallets witnessing booming sales ahead of Qixi  Festival, revealed Chinese e-commerce giant JD. Searches for flowers and chocolates on JD's online platform jumped thirtyfold in August.中国电商巨头京东透露,化妆品套装/礼盒越来越受到中国消费者的喜爱,奢侈品包、项链、黄金耳饰和手镯以及钱包的销量也在迅速增长。8月份,京东在线平台上鲜花和巧克力的搜索量增长了30倍。JD has recently inked a strategic partnership with Italian luxury brand Gucci to launch an official Gucci flagship store on its online platform, and offer immersive and digital shopping experiences for consumers. So far, a number of international luxury brands, including Louis Vuitton, Tiffany and Bottega Veneta, have launched online stores on JD.近期,京东与意大利奢侈品牌古驰达成战略合作,正式上线古驰京东官方旗舰店,为消费者提供身临其境的线上购物体验。截至目前,包括路易威登、蒂芙尼和葆蝶家在内的许多全球奢侈品牌已入驻京东。Industry experts said that China's luxury goods consumption saw a strong recovery in the first half of the year despite lingering downward pressures on the global economy, and e-commerce platforms have served as one of the most important channels for Chinese consumers to buy luxury products from overseas.行业专家表示,尽管全球经济下行压力挥之不去,但中国的奢侈品消费在今年上半年强劲复苏,电子商务平台已成为中国消费者从购买海外奢侈品的最重要渠道之一。Jason Yu, general manager of market research company Kantar Worldpanel China, said: "Qixi, a festival that is unique to China, has created new consumption scenarios. It has provided opportunities for global luxury brands to attach great importance to traditional Chinese festivals in a bid to cater to local consumers' demands and bolster their sales."市场研究公司凯度消费者指数大中华区董事总经理虞坚表示:“ 七夕这个中国特有的节日创造了新的消费场景,为全球奢侈品牌提供了重视中国传统节日的机会,以满足当地消费者的需求,促进销售。”E-commerce platforms are playing an increasingly significant role in unleashing people's purchasing appetite for luxury goods, especially in lower-tier cities and townships where the penetration rate of offline luxury brand stores is relatively low, Yu said.虞坚表示,电商平台在释放人们对奢侈品的购买欲望方面发挥着越来越重要的作用,特别是在线下奢侈品牌商店渗透率相对较低的二三线城市和乡镇。Mo Daiqing, a senior analyst at domestic consultancy Internet Economy Institute, said that Chinese online retailers have stepped up efforts to cooperate with luxury brands, and are offering an array of coupons and discounts during the traditional festival to spur consumers' willingness to spend, which will further help promote the recovery of consumption in the country.中国电子商务研究中心高级分析师莫岱青表示,中国在线零售商已经加大了与奢侈品牌的合作力度,并在传统节日期间提供一系列优惠券和折扣,以刺激消费者的消费意愿,这将有助于进一步促进国内消费的复苏。China has become the world's largest luxury goods market, with revenue expected to touch 750 billion yuan ($102.8 billion) in 2023, up over 20 percent year-on-year, according to the Ministry of Commerce.商务部数据显示,中国已成为世界上最大的奢侈品市场,预计2023年,收入将达到7500亿元人民币(1028亿美元),同比增长20%以上。The country's luxury goods market is expected to grow to 816 billion yuan by 2025, or around 25 percent of the global total, said a report from consultancy company PwC.普华永道咨询公司的一份报告显示,到2025年,中国奢侈品市场规模将达8160亿元人民币,约占全球总量的25%。Global market consultancy Bain & Company said that compared with other emerging markets, China has a larger number of middle- and high-income consumers, and these populations are projected to double by 2030.全球市场咨询公司贝恩公司表示,相比其他新兴市场,中国拥有更多的中高收入消费者,并且到2030年数量预计会翻番。Romance英/rəʊˈmæns/ 美/ˈroʊmæns/n.浪漫Luxury英 /ˈlʌkʃəri/美 /ˈlʌkʃəri/n. 奢侈,豪华;奢侈品Sale英 /seɪl/美 /seɪl/n. 销售额,销售量