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英语新闻|跨国公司关注中国机遇,扩大中国业务Despite rising external uncertainties, multinational companies remain committed to China as they plan to expand their local footprint and investment, and are impressed by the nation's latest commitment to high-standard opening-up and high-quality economic development, global business leaders said.国际商界领袖表示,尽管外部不确定性上升,但跨国公司仍致力于在中国扩大业务和投资,并对中国致力于高水平开放和高质量经济发展的最新承诺印象深刻。In a report that Xi Jinping delivered at the opening session of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on Sunday, he stressed the need to promote high-standard opening-up and accelerate efforts to foster a new pattern of development.10月16日,习近平在中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会开幕会上的报告强调,要坚持高水平对外开放,加快构建新发展格局。Seeing big opportunities in areas such as carbon neutrality, advanced manufacturing and innovation-driven development, foreign companies increasingly value China's multiple roles as a vast market, a crucial part of global supply chains and a pioneering research and development hub, senior executives said in a series of interviews with China Daily.在接受《中国日报》一系列采访时,高管们表示,外国公司看到了中国碳中和、先进制造和创新驱动发展等领域的巨大机遇,因此越来越重视中国的多重角色,中国不仅是广阔的市场,是全球供应链的重要组成部分,也是一个开创性的研发中心。Tao Lin, vice-president of US electric carmaker Tesla, said the report highlighted that further advancing opening-up is a key feature of the new era, and as a beneficiary of such efforts, the company is convinced that "it will create more value in this vigorous and dynamic land".美国电动汽车制造商特斯拉的副总裁陶琳表示,二十大报告强调,进一步扩大开放是新时代的重要特征。作为中国开放的受益者,特斯拉相信“它将在这片充满生机活力的土地上创造更多价值”。"Thanks to the Chinese government's decision to scrap limits on foreign ownership of electric vehicle companies, Tesla became the first wholly foreign-owned vehicle manufacturer in the country," Tao said.陶琳说:“由于中国政府决定取消电动汽车公司外资股比限制,特斯拉成为了中国首家外资独资车企。”"Now, Tesla is even more deeply engaged in China's promising domestic market."“如今,特斯拉更深入地参与到中国蓬勃发展的国内市场中。”In addition, over 95 percent of Tesla China's industrial chain is now localized, which serves as a bond for Tesla to forge a better future together with local new energy vehicle brands and demonstrates the great strength of "Made in China" to the rest of the world, Tao added.此外,陶琳补充道,超过95%的产业链本土化率成为特斯拉与中国新能源汽车共同进步的纽带,向世界其他国家展示了“中国制造”的强大实力。Hou Yang, chairman and CEO of Microsoft Greater China, said that due to China's increased opening-up and its economic vitality, foreign companies have more opportunities to invest in the nation, and the Chinese market has become increasingly appealing.微软大中华区董事长兼首席执行官侯阳表示,由于中国对外开放程度和经济活力不断提升,外国公司有更多机会在中国投资,中国市场也越来越有吸引力。"China's ever-improving economic foundations and technological innovation capabilities have enabled it to demonstrate its strong resilience and flexibility in the face of risks," Hou said, adding that the company will increase its local workforce to over 10,000 next year by adding about 1,000 new jobs.“中国不断做强的经济基础和科技创新能力,使其在风险面前表现出强大的韧性和灵活性,”侯阳补充说,公司明年将增加约1000个新岗位,本地员工数量将增至1万多人。Such sentiment is in line with recent figures pointing to the strong momentum of foreign direct investment in China. FDI in the Chinese mainland, in terms of actual use, grew 16.4 percent year-on-year to 892.7 billion yuan ($123.5 billion) in the first eight months of this year, according to the Ministry of Commerce.这种观点与近期的数据一致,中国吸引外国直接投资的势头强劲。商务部9月19日发布的数据显示,今年1至8月,全国实际使用外资金额8927.4亿元人民币,同比增长16.4%。Wu Dongming, CEO of DHL Express China, said that amid challenges and pressures, China's economic stability is the biggest contribution to the world economy and global supply chains.DHL快递中国区(即中外运-敦豪国际航空快件有限公司)首席执行官吴东明表示表示,在挑战和压力之下,中国经济的稳定是对世界经济和全球供应链的最大贡献。"Looking forward, China's focus on sustainable development will greatly benefit international trade," Wu said, adding that the company tested its first pilot hydrogen fuel cell truck in Shanghai last month, as part of the German logistics firm's broader push to experiment with the latest green technology and boost investment in the country.“展望未来,中国为可持续发展所做的努力将大大有利于国际贸易,”吴东明补充说,DHL快递上个月在上海测试了其首辆氢燃料电池货运卡车,这是这家德国物流公司为试验最新的绿色技术,并增加在中国的投资所做的努力之一。China's high-quality development agenda and its growing innovation prowess are also boosting business leaders' confidence, as these promise big potential for future growth.中国的高质量发展征程及其不断增强的创新能力也提升了商界领袖的信心,因为这些都预示着巨大的增长潜力。China has moved up to 11th place in the 2022 Global Innovation Index from 34th a decade ago, and remains the only middle-income economy in the top 30, according to the latest ranking published by the World Intellectual Property Organization in late September.世界知识产权组织9月下旬发布的最新排名显示,中国在全球创新指数中的排名由2012年的第34位上升到2022年的第11位,仍然是前30名中唯一一个中等收入经济体。Wang Lei, global executive vice-president of British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, said he was encouraged by the report's emphasis that innovation will remain at the heart of China's modernization drive.英国制药公司阿斯利康全球执行副总裁王磊表示,二十大报告强调,创新仍将是中国现代化建设的核心,这令人感到鼓舞。"China's innovation-driven development strategy will create more opportunities for us, as the country has become a very important part of our global innovation as well as our R&D network," Wang said.“中国的创新驱动发展战略将为我们创造更多机会,中国已经成为我们全球创新和研发网络的重要组成部分,”王磊说。Looking ahead, experts forecast that China's growth engines could be revving up as it heads into 2023, which will motivate more foreign businesses to increase their investment in the nation.展望未来,专家预测,在迈入2023年的过程中,中国的增长引擎可能正快速运转,这将促使更多的外国企业增加对华投资。Christine Lam, CEO of Citi China, said as the nation's economy charts its own path despite global economic uncertainties, China "will provide global investors with a hedge in an increasingly uncertain world and, given its sheer scale, a cushion for global growth".花旗中国首席执行官林钰华表示,尽管全球经济存在不确定性,但中国经济仍走在自己的道路上,中国“在日益不确定的世界中将为全球投资者提供一个对冲。考虑其经济规模,中国将为全球增长提供缓冲”。Lam said the company's multinational clients invested $100 billion "in China, for China" to innovate and manufacture locally in the 24 months ending last December.林钰华说,截至去年年底的24个月内,花旗的跨国客户在中国投资了1000亿美元,用于中国本土的创新和制造。"This expansion will likely continue as China opens up further and provides a level playing field for those committed to serving this market," she added.“随着中国进一步开放,并为那些致力于服务中国市场的企业提供一个公平的竞争环境,花旗可能会继续壮大中国业务。”林钰华补充道。scrap英[skræp]美[skræp]v.放弃,抛弃prowess英[ˈpraʊəs] 美[ˈpraʊəs]n.英勇,超凡技术rev英[rev]美[rev]v.使加速,增加