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China plans to ban kindergartens from teaching primary school knowledge, and the top priority of kindergartens is to ensure students' safety, a draft law said on Monday.8月28日,一份法律草案表示,中国计划禁止教授小学阶段的课程内容,幼儿园应当把保护学前儿童安全放在首位。The draft law on preschool education is being deliberated for the first time at a session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress held from Monday to Friday. It is the first national law on preschool education, and a draft usually becomes a law after being reviewed by the NPC Standing Committee three times.8月28日至9月1日,学前教育法草案提请十四届全国人大常委会第五次会议初次审议。这是中国首部关于学前教育的国家法,一项草案通常要经过全国人大常委会三次审议才能成为法律。There should be no enrollment test to get into kindergarten, and other than physical checks, kindergartens are not allowed to organize any tests or checks for students, the draft said.草案明确,除了身体检查外,学前儿童入园,不得组织任何形式的考试或者测试。The main activities for preschool pupils are playing games, and kindergartens should help students form good morality, behavioral habits, safety awareness and a healthy body, the draft said.草案称,学龄前儿童以游戏为基本活动,幼儿园应当帮助学生形成良好的道德、行为习惯、安全意识和健康身体。Kindergarten pupils should not participate in any competitions not in line with their mental and physical development stage, according to the draft.草案规定,学前儿童不得参加竞赛类活动或者违背身心发展规律的活动。Families and kindergartens should properly supervise pupils when they use the internet and control the time they spend on the internet and on electronic devices, it said.草案表示,家长和幼儿园应该适当监管儿童的互联网使用情况,控制互联网和电子设备使用时间。The draft also stipulated that kindergarten teachers must have obtained teaching credentials before they assume their positions, and background and health checks must be conducted before hiring.该草案还规定,幼儿园教职工应当具备规定的条件,取得相应职业资格或者受过相关专业培训,在录用前必须进行背景查询和健康检查。Those who have criminal records, or have been dealt with for abuse, sexual assault, violence, a history of drug use, alcoholism, gambling and mental illness cannot work as kindergarten teachers, the draft added.该草案还补充说,有犯罪记录,或因虐待、性侵犯、暴力、吸毒史、酗酒、赌博和精神疾病而被处理的人,不能担任幼儿园教师。The draft also asked local governments to open public kindergartens and support private kindergartens to offer affordable preschool education.该草案还要求地方政府开设公立幼儿园,并支持私立幼儿园提供人们可负担的学前教育。Newly established residential communities must be equipped with affiliated public kindergartens, it said.草案称,新建的居民区必须配备附属的公立幼儿园。Social capital is banned from taking a controlling stake in public kindergartens and nonprofit private kindergartens. Kindergartens are not allowed to be listed on the domestic or foreign stock market. Listed companies cannot invest in for-profit private kindergartens or buy assets from them through issuing equity or paying cash, the draft added.草案提出禁止社会资本持有公立幼儿园和非营利性私立幼儿园的控股权。幼儿园不得在国内外股票市场上市。草案还说,上市公司不能投资营利性私立幼儿园,也不能通过发行股权或支付现金购买资产。Huai Jinpeng, minister of education, said that although preschool education has developed rapidly in recent years, it is still the weak link in the country's education system.教育部长怀进鹏说,虽然学前教育近年来发展迅速,但仍是我国教育体系中的薄弱环节。It is difficult for some people to get their children enrolled in preschool, and some kindergartens are very expensive, he said, adding that there is still a lack of affordable kindergartens.他说,有些人很难让他们的孩子进行学前教育,部分幼儿园非常昂贵;他补充说,现今仍缺乏费用较合适的幼儿园。According to the Ministry of Education, the gross enrollment rate of kindergartens last year reached 89.7 percent, up by 1.6 percentage points from a year earlier.教育部的数据显示,去年中国各所幼儿园的总入学率达到了89.7%,较上年同期增长了1.6个百分点。The country has 289,200 kindergartens and around 85 percent of them are affordable kindergartens. There were more than 46.2 million kindergarten pupils and 3.24 million kindergarten teachers last year.全国有28.92万所幼儿园,其中约85%是费用较合适的幼儿园。去年,幼儿园学生有4620多万,幼儿园教师有324万。Reporter: Zou ShuoIntern:Zang TianyiKindergarten英/'kɪndə,gɑːt(ə)n/美/'kɪndɚɡɑrtn/n.幼儿园Preschool英/'priːskuːl/美/'pri'skʊl/adj.未满学龄的,就学前的