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A Chinese tea chain has stopped the sale of its recently released range of merchandise that features depictions of Buddhist artwork due to it potentially violating Chinese law concerning the commercial promotion of religion.由于涉嫌违反宗教事务条例,一家中国奶茶连锁店已经下架其最近推出的一系列以佛教艺术为特色的商品。On Nov 28, Hey Tea released co-branded tea and merchandise with the Jingdezhen China Ceramics Museum in Jiangxi province featuring images of ceramic Luohan sculptures. The collaboration, named Hey Buddha, featured three of the ceramic sculptures exhibited at the museum depicting the 18 Arhats, or Luohan in Chinese, from Buddhism.11月28日,喜茶与江西景德镇中国陶瓷博物馆联名发布了以陶瓷罗汉雕塑为主题的联名茶拿铁及周边产品。此次合作名为“佛喜杯”,以博物馆展出的三件陶瓷雕塑为特色,描绘了佛经中的十八罗汉。Among them, the Thinking Luohan gained internet notoriety earlier this year after memes of a photo of it with the added text "speechless" went viral. Taming Tiger Luohan and Happy Luohan from the series also went viral, becoming the other two designs from the collaboration.今年早些时候,一张配有“无语”的“沉思罗汉”照片在网络上疯传,引发了网友的谴责。在该系列中,此次合作的另外两款设计“伏虎罗汉”和“欢喜罗汉”也在网络上走红。Hey Tea printed the images of the three Luohan ceramic sculptures on special paper cups designed for its tea latte beverages in the series. Other merchandise included fridge magnets and stickers. With the younger generation increasingly interested in Buddhist culture, the collaboration quickly became a hit on social media.喜茶为此系列的奶茶拿铁设计了专门的纸杯包装,并将三罗汉陶瓷雕塑的图像印在这些包装上。参与联名的商品还有冰箱贴和贴纸。随着年轻人对佛教文化越来越感兴趣,此次联名很快在社交媒体上引起热议。On Friday, the Shenzhen Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau informed the tea chain, which is headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, that the collaboration could be seen as an act of commercial promotion in the name of religion, which is in breach of China's Regulation on Religious Affairs, media outlet ThePaper.cn reported on Sunday.据澎湃新闻周日报道,上周五,深圳市民族宗教事务局通知总部位于广东省深圳市的喜茶公司,此次联名涉嫌以宗教名义进行商业宣传,违反了中国《宗教事务条例》。A directive introduced in 2017 to specifically tackle the issue of the commercialization of Buddhism and Taoism also prohibited commercial promotion in the name of Buddhism and Taoism.2017年,一项专门针对佛教和道教商业化问题的规定出台,明令禁止以佛教和道教的名义进行商业推广。A bureau staff member said Hey Tea had been very cooperative. By Sunday, it had removed all paper cups and merchandise from the collaboration from its outlets across the nation.民族与宗教事务局一名工作人员表示,喜茶积极配合整改。截至周日,喜茶已经下架了全国各地门店的所有纸杯包装和联名商品。Hey Tea's alleged violation of regulations on religious affairs became one of the most discussed topics on social media on Monday.喜茶涉嫌违反宗教事务规定的话题成为周一社交媒体上热议话题之一。Li Yanqin, who bought a tea latte from the collaboration, said she thought the paper cup with a Thinking Luohan was just for a laugh at first, but then she found herself in an awkward situation when she finished the drink.购买了联名款拿铁的李艳琴(音译)表示,起初,她以为带有“沉思罗汉”的纸杯只是为了搞笑,喝完拿铁才意识到事情没那么简单。"I don't know if I should throw away the cup or not," she said. "I am not a follower of Buddhism, but I don't think it's a respectable thing to just toss the cup in the bin because there is an image of Luohan on it. Now, I still have it on my desk." She said companies should be respectful of all religions and their followers.“我不知道我该不该扔掉纸杯,”她说。“我不是佛教徒,但我觉得把印有罗汉像的纸杯扔进垃圾桶会亵渎神明。直到现在,我还把这个纸杯放在桌上。”她认为,商业公司应该尊重所有宗教及其信仰者。Some people said Hey Tea only used the images of ceramic Luohan sculptures, which are just works of art from the perspective of many people, meaning the allegation of a breach of regulations could be flawed.也有人认为,喜茶只是使用了陶瓷罗汉雕塑的图案。对很多人来说,这些罗汉雕塑只是艺术品,不赞同指控喜茶违反宗教事务条例。Jingdezhen China Ceramics Museumn. 景德镇中国陶瓷博物馆