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A Long March-5BY4 carrier rocket blasted off from a launchpad at the Wenchang spaceport inSouth China's Hainan province on Monday carrying a second lab module for China'sspace station. When in place, the Mengtian lab module will complete the space station's basic T-shapedstructure, which means that the space station will be able to perform all itsdesignated functions.周一,一枚长征五号B遥四运载火箭从海南文昌航天发射场点火发射,此火箭运载着中国空间站的第二个实验舱——梦天实验舱。梦天实验舱会使中国空间站形成“T”字构型,这意味着空间站将能够执行所有指定的功能。Mengtian is the second labmodule for the space station. The first is the Wentian module which is alreadydocked with the Tianhe core module.梦天实验舱是中国空间站的第二个实验舱。第一个是已经与天和核心舱完成对接的问天实验舱。While Wentian is to be usedfor biological and space life science projects, such as observing the growth ofmultiple kinds of plants, animals and microbes in space, Mengtian will be usedfor in-orbit experiments dedicated to physics and material sciences and willfocus on micro-gravity experiments.“问天”将用于生物和太空生命科学项目研究,如观察多种植物、动物和微生物在太空中的生长;“梦天”则将用于物理和材料科学的在轨实验,尤其是微重力实验。As well as being a lab module,Mengtian will also act as a backup for the core module when it is undergoing maintenance. And with Mengtian inplace, the space station will be able to host more astronauts. There are threeastronauts on board the space station at the moment. When Shenzhou XV arriveswith a change of crew, scheduled for early December, there will be six Chineseastronauts living on the space station for a time until the return of the ShenzhouXIV mission crew members.除了作为实验舱,“梦天”还将在核心舱进行维护时充当备用舱。有了“梦天”,空间站将能够容纳更多的宇航员。目前空间站中有三名宇航员。当12月初神舟十五号抵达时,宇航员将会在太空交接,届时六名中国宇航员将在空间站上共同生活一段时间,直到神舟十四号宇航员返回地球。China's space station will bethe only one in space in 2024, if an agreement can't be reached on extendingthe life of the International Space Station. The ISS was due to bedecommissioned in 2031, but that might not be feasible since it requires thecooperation of the United States and the European Union with Russia.如果各国不能就延长国际空间站寿命达成协议,中国空间站将成为2024年唯一仍在太空的空间站。国际空间站原定于2031年退役,但由于需要美国和欧盟与俄罗斯的合作,这可能无法实现。That the ISS is even stilloperational at this point is a testament to its design and engineering. Likethe ISS, China's space station will have to withstand tremendous stresses andstrain. While the power, environmental control and life support, and communicationssystems are all repairable or replaceable in orbit, the operational lifetime ofthe spacecraft is limited by the integrity of the primary structure. This hasto bear the strain of repeated vehicle dockings and undockings, and the stresseffects of daily temperature swings of about 278 degrees Celsius in eitherdirection.国际空间站目前仍在运行,这证明了它的设计和建造之精密。和国际空间站一样,中国空间站也会面临巨大的压力。虽然电力、环境控制和生命支持以及通信,在轨道上都是可修复或可更换的,但航天器的技术寿命受到主要结构的限制。它必须反复承受对接和分离的压力,以及因每天大约278摄氏度左右温度上下波动所带来的压力影响。Mengtian means "dreamingof heaven" in Chinese. And China's space station will not only carry thenation's dream of exploring space, but also that of humankind as a whole whenthe ISS meets its fiery fate.“梦天”在汉语中的意思是“梦见天空”。中国的空间站不仅承载着中国探索太空的梦想,也将在国际空间站退役后承载整个人类的梦想。China views learning moreabout the vast cosmos as a common dream of humankind, and researchers fromother countries already have access to China's orbiting laboratory. China hasselected nine initial international experiments for the space station through acollaborative project with the United Nations, and more are to follow. It isalso anticipated that the space station will host astronauts of variousnationalities during its lifetime as China is encouraging international spaceexchanges and cooperation to help protect the Earth, improve people'swell-being and serve human progress.中国将更多地了解浩瀚的宇宙视为人类的共同梦想,其他国家的研究人员也已可以进入中国的轨道实验室。中国通过与联合国的合作项目,选择在空间站初步进行九项国际实验,后续还将进行更多实验。此外,因中国鼓励国际空间交流与合作,以保护地球、改善人民福祉并为人类进步服务,预计空间站在役期间将接待各国宇航员。module英[ˈmɒdjuːl];美[ˈmɑːdʒuːl]n. (宇宙飞船上各个独立的)舱backup英[ˈbækʌp];美[ˈbækʌp]n. 备份fiery英[ˈfaɪəri];美[ˈfaɪəri]adj. 火热的,激烈的