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A 59-year-old woman who abducted and trafficked 11 children in the 1990s for financial gain was pronounced guilty and sentenced to death on Monday by a court in Guizhou province.一名59岁的妇女在上世纪90年代为谋利拐卖11名儿童,周一(9月18日)在贵州省一家法院被定罪并被判处死刑。The Guiyang Intermediate People's Court announced the death penalty for Yu Huaying, a native of Yunnan province, after determining that her conduct — seeking illicit benefits by abducting and trafficking children from Chongqing and Guizhou to Hebei province between 1993 and 1996 — constituted the crime of child abduction.贵阳市中级人民法院宣布对云南人余华英处以死刑,认定她的行为——1993年至1996年间从重庆、贵州拐卖儿童至河北省谋取非法利益——构成拐卖儿童罪。The court said in a statement that Yu carried out the abductions with the help of a man surnamed Gong, who died before the case was heard in July. Two other people who participated in the abductions have been dealt with in separate cases, it added.法院在一份声明中说,余华英在一名龚性人员帮助下进行绑架,此人在7月份得知此案之前就去世了。法院补充说,另外两个参与绑架的人另行处理。"Considering the large number of children Yu abducted and the fact that her offenses were extremely serious and had a great negative effect on society, we decided to harshly punish her and arrived at the judgment," the court said.法院表示:“考虑到余某被绑架的儿童人数众多,而且她的罪行极其严重,对社会产生了很大的负面影响,我们决定对她进行严厉惩罚,并到了判决结果。”The court also stripped Yu of her political rights for life and ordered all her personal assets to be confiscated.法院还剥夺其政治权利终身,并处没收个人全部财产。Yu said she will appeal in a higher court.余华英说她将上诉至高级法院。The case attracted wide public attention in June 2022 when the police in Guiyang, the capital of Guizhou, received a report from a woman who said she had been abducted more than two decades ago. The victim, identified as 33-year-old Yang Niuhua, was abducted by Yu from Guizhou and taken to Hebei in 1995 where she was sold for 3,500 yuan ($480), according to her report.这起案件在2022年6月引起了公众的广泛关注,当时贵州首都贵阳的警方收到了一名女子的报案,称她在二十多年前被绑架。根据她的陈述,受害者名叫杨妞花,33岁,1995年被余某从贵州绑架到河北,在那里她得到了3500元人民币(合480美元)的报酬。Yu targeted children who were about five or six years old, luring them with candies from crowded places like railway stations.余华英的目标是五六岁左右的儿童,在火车站等拥挤的地方用糖果引诱他们。Over the years, Yang, a native of Guizhou, never stopped searching for her family. In April 2021, she posted a short video on Douyin, a popular Chinese video-sharing and livestreaming platform, in which she spoke about her abduction and how she had made every effort to find her family.多年来,贵州的杨妞花从未停止过寻找家人。2021年4月,她在中国流行的视频分享和直播平台抖音上发布了一条短视频,讲述了她被拐卖的事,以及她是如何千方百计寻找家人的。Within a month of the video being shared, Yang connected with her family following a successful DNA match.在视频发出的一个月内,杨妞花与家人成功进行DNA匹配。In June 2022, she returned to her hometown and went to the Guiyang police to provide clues about her abduction. Soon after that, Yu was captured in Chongqing.2022年6月,她回到家乡,到贵阳警方提供她被拐的线索。不久后,余华英在重庆被抓获。She was charged in February, and the intermediate court heard the case in July.她于2月被起诉,中级法院于7月开庭审理此案。On Monday, Yang and her lawyer Wang Wenguang were also present in the court to hear the judgment being announced.周一,杨妞花和她的律师王文广也在法庭上听取宣判。"My client and I are both happy with the ruling, as Yu's crime deserves the capital punishment," Wang told China Daily.王文广对《中国日报》说:“我和我的客户都对裁决感到高兴,余华英的罪行应该受到法院的惩罚。”Wang welcomed the efforts that have been made in recent years to combat child abductions, including increasing punishment for those who buy abducted children and using latest technology to search for missing children.王文广很高兴看到近年来为打击绑架儿童行为所作的努力,包括加大对收买被绑架儿童者的惩罚力度,以及使用最新技术寻找失踪儿童。"People from all walks of life should attach greater importance to the issue, with more aid and care provided for the victims," the lawyer added.王律师补充说:“各行各业的人都应该更加重视这个问题,为受害者提供更多的援助和关怀。”Before being handed the death penalty, Yu had been punished twice before for indulging in similar activities. In 2000, she was arrested in Handan, Hebei, and served a two-month detention in relation to child abduction offenses, according to a report in The Paper, a Shanghai-based news outlet. The reason for her release then was not mentioned.在被处以死刑之前,余华英曾因从事类似活动而受到两次处罚。据上海新闻网澎湃新闻报道,2000年,她在河北邯郸被捕,因拐卖儿童罪被拘留两个月。当时没有提到她被释放的原因。In 2004, she was caught by authorities again for abducting children in Yunan province. At that time, she was operating under a fake identity and was sentenced in that name to eight years in prison for child abduction.2004年,她因在云南省绑架儿童再次被当局逮捕。当时她以假身份经营,并因绑架儿童罪被判处八年监禁。Subsequently, her sentence was reduced by three years, though the reason was once again not reported. After her release, she had been unemployed, the report said.随后,她的判决减少了三年,尽管仍然没有公开原因。报道称,她获释后就失业了。Abduction英/əb'dʌkʃn/美/æb'dʌkʃən/n.拐骗,绑架Traffic英/'træfɪk/美/'træfɪk/n.非法买卖