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After more than three years, a number of top universities in China, such as Peking University and Tsinghua University, will allow the public to enter the campus starting on Saturday.经过三年多的时间,包括北京大学和清华大学在内的一些中国顶级大学将从7月8日起允许公众进入校园。Tsinghua will allow ordinary visitors from July 8 to Aug 6, between the hours of 9 to 11 am and 2 to 4 pm. The university is closed to visitors on Mondays.清华大学对外开放参观从7月8日开始,8月6日结束,开放日入校时间为上午9:00至11:00,下午14:00至16:00,每周一为校园休整日,不对外开放。Each visitor is only allowed to visit the university once, and can book three slots for companions.每人在暑期校园参观开放期内仅能成功预约1次,每人最多可为同行的另外3人预约。Group travel is open only to primary and secondary school students.团队参观仅面向中小学生群体开放。In a similar notice, Peking University said that starting from Saturday it will open for ordinary visitors during summer and winter vacations, public holidays and weekends.北京大学也发布了一则类似通知,从7月8日起,北京大学将在寒暑假、法定节假日及双休日期间开放校园参观。Group visits are also only open to primary and secondary school students.团队参观也仅面向中小学生群体开放。Some other famous universities, including Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Wuhan University have also announced recently that they will allow visitors.其他一些顶级大学,包括复旦大学、上海交通大学和武汉大学最近也宣布,将允许游客参观。For most of the last two or three years, Chinese universities have adopted rigorous closed management policies to contain the COVID-19 epidemic.在过去两三年的大部分时间里,中国的大学采取严格的封闭式管理政策,以遏制新冠疫情。In a poll by Southern Metropolis Daily in late May, while more than 96 percent of college students said they support the idea of opening their universities, they also expressed concerns that it may exert more pressure on maintaining order on campus.《南方都市报》5月底发布的一项民意调查显示,虽然有超过96%的大学生支持开放其大学校园的想法,但他们也担心,这可能会给维持校园秩序带来更大的压力。Top universities have always been popular sites for travelers, especially for Chinese parents and students eager to embrace the academic atmosphere.顶级大学一直是热门旅游景点,特别是对于渴望沉浸在学术氛围中的中国家长和学生来说。In fact, during the past few months, some visitors have gone through "underground" channels to enter the campus.事实上,在过去几个月里,一些游客通过“地下”渠道进入校园。According to a report by the news website ThePaper.cn, some people have been offering paid services to enter the premises of Wuhan University by changing the profile pictures in the university's mini-app to let them enter the gates. The university responded that such actions are not allowed and they would also check the profile photo when they exit the campus.根据澎湃新闻的报道,有些人提供付费服务,通过改变武汉大学小程序中的个人资料照片让他们进入学校大门。校方回应道,不允许这样的行为,他们会在离开校园时检查个人资料照片。On social media platforms, people have complained about the great difficulty in obtaining a booking. Some have claimed they can get tickets for others at a price, yet all universities said that they do not charge for tickets.在社交媒体平台上,人们纷纷抱怨预约订票太困难。有些人声称他们可以为他人有偿提供门票,但所有大学都表示他们并未收取门票费用。Yi Yi, who graduated from a Beijing university last year, was thrilled that she successfully booked tickets for her and her friend to visit Peking University on Sunday.去年刚从北京一所大学毕业的依依表示,她成功地为自己和朋友预约到了周日参观北京大学的门票,对此感到非常兴奋。Although she has long wanted to visit the university, she has never found a good opportunity to do so.尽管她一直都想参观这所大学,但从未找到合适的机会实现。"The top universities are the academic sanctuary for most Chinese students, and they have rich history and great cultural atmosphere," she said. "I want to visit Peking University to feel the atmosphere of one of the best universities in China, which will motivate me to continue learning."“一流的大学是大多数中国学生心目中的学术圣地,它们历史悠久,文化氛围浓厚,”她说。“我想参观北京大学,感受中国最好的大学之一的氛围,这将激励我继续学习。”Wang Qing, a researcher at the Beijing Institute of Technology's School of Humanities and Social Sciences, suggested that universities' opening-up needs to go beyond allowing the public to enter the brick-and-mortar buildings.北京理工大学人文与社会科学学院特别副研究员王青指出,物理空间的开放只是大学开放的表象或结果,而非最核心内容。"Universities should not monopolize the rights to produce and evaluate knowledge. They should create knowledge together with the outside world," he told China Science Daily.他在接受《中国科技报》采访时说道:“大学不再垄断知识的生产权、评估权,而是与外界共同创造知识。”Campus英/ˈkæmpəs/ 美/ˈkæmpəs/n.(大学或学院的)校园Travel英/ˈtræv(ə)l/ 美/ˈtræv(ə)l/v.(尤指长途)旅行