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China's top procuratorate has approved the prosecution of three students in Handan, Hebei province who are suspected of killing their classmate, the provincial prosecutors said on Monday.4月7日,河北省邯郸市检察院表示,中国最高检察院已批准对涉嫌杀害同学的三名河北省学生提起公诉。The approval means that the three minor suspects are expected to face criminal punishment in line with the Chinese Criminal Law.该批准意味着三名未成年犯罪嫌疑人将依据中国刑法受到刑事处罚。The victim surnamed Wang, a seventh-grade student in Feixiang district of Handan, was killed on March 10. The next day, local police captured the three suspects surnamed Zhang, Li and Ma, respectively, according to a statement posted by the Hebei Provincial People's Procuratorate via its official WeChat account.河北省人民检察院官方微信公众号发布的一项声明表示,受害人王某是邯郸市肥乡区七年级学生,于3月10日被杀。次日,当地警方分别抓获了张某、李某、马某三名犯罪嫌疑人。On March 21, the public security department in Feixiang transferred the case to local prosecutors to decide whether to prosecute the juveniles, the statement said.3月21日,肥乡市公安部门将此案交由当地检察机关决定是否对未成年人提起公诉。After the review, the prosecutors concluded that the three should be held criminally responsible, as they were between 12 and 14 years old at the time of the offense and the circumstance of the killing was severe, it said.检察机关审查后认为,三名罪犯犯罪时年龄均在12周岁至14周岁之间,杀人情节严重,应当追究刑事责任。Therefore, the provincial prosecutors submitted the decision of prosecution to the Supreme People's Procuratorate for approval, which is required by the Criminal Law, it added. Under the law, offenders aged 12 to 14 should face criminal punishment for intentional homicide or intentional injury that leads to death or severely disables others, but it also clarifies that the decision to prosecute must be approved by the SPP.根据《刑法》规定,12岁至14岁的犯罪人故意杀人、故意伤害致人死亡或者严重致残的,应当受到刑事处罚,但该法也明确了起诉决定必须经最高人民检察院批准。因此,省检察院按规定将起诉决定报请最高人民检察院批准。The provincial prosecutors said in the statement that they have obtained the SPP's approval, pledging to strengthen efforts to prevent juvenile crimes while dealing with cases.省检察院在声明中表示,已获得最高人民检察院批准,承诺在办案过程中加大预防未成年人犯罪力度。The Handan case has received huge attention among the public since it was reported last month, sparking heated discussions on the juvenile offenses and the plight of left-behind children.自上个月报道以来,此项邯郸未成年人犯罪案就受到了社会广泛关注,引发了关于青少年犯罪和留守儿童困境的热议。Some Chinese media outlets previously reported that the body of the 13-year-old victim was found buried in a vegetable greenhouse in Feixiang's Zhangzhuang village, about 100 meters from the house of one of the three suspects. All the students involved in the case are left-behind minors.中国媒体此前报道称,13岁受害者的尸体被发现埋在肥乡张庄村的一个蔬菜大棚里,距离三名嫌疑人之一的家约100米。涉案学生均为留守未成年人。On March 19, the Feixiang's public security department told China Central Television that the killing of the student was a premeditated crime, adding that the burial pit for the victim's body was 56 centimeters deep, and no evidence was discovered that indicated the involvement of adults in the crime. The department added that to bury the body, the suspects dug in the abandoned greenhouse twice, on March 9 and 10, respectively.3月19日,肥乡市公安部门向中央电视台表示,这是一次有预谋的犯罪行为,死者尸体的埋坑深56厘米,没有发现任何证据表明成年人参与其中。并且,为了掩埋尸体,嫌疑人分别于3月9日和10日两次在废弃温室中挖掘埋藏死者尸体的深坑。the Supreme People's Procuratorate最高人民检察院public security department公安部门