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India's deadly rail accident leaves 275 killed and over 1,170 injured印度致命的列车脱轨相撞事故造成275人死亡,1170多人受伤Mangled train carriages were on top of one another, a few coaches had plunged into a nearby water body and an engine sat atop a freight car.残缺不全的火车车厢彼此重叠,几节车厢坠入附近水域,一节火车头倒在货运车厢的顶上。Amid all this, a heap of dead bodies covered in white cloth — many were limbless — lay scattered. Cries and screams of survivors and mourners were heart-wrenching. And over everything was the sound of the sirens of many ambulances.在这一切中,白布覆盖的尸体,四处散落,许多尸首支离破碎 。幸存者和哀悼者的哭泣和尖叫声令人心痛。救护车的警笛声笼罩现场。After reviewing restoration work at the collision site, India's Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said on Sunday: "We have identified the root cause of the train accident and the people responsible for it. (The) accident happened due to a change in electronic interlocking. Right now our focus is on restoration."6月4日,印度铁道部长阿什维尼·瓦伊什瑙(Ashwini Vaishnaw)在视察事故现场后表示:“我们已经确定了列车相撞事故的根本原因和责任人,电子联锁系统的变化是本次事故的原因。现在我们的工作重点是恢复。”In what has been the third-deadliest crash in the history of India's railways and the worst this millennium, at least 275 people were killed and more than 1,170 injured.此次列车相撞事故至少造成275人死亡,超过1170人受伤,这是印度铁路史上第三大事故,也是本世纪以来最严重的事故。Friday's crash involved three trains. It was reported that about 7 pm the Coromandel Express, which runs from Kolkata to Chennai, hit the derailed bogies of a few carriages of the Yeshwantpur-Howrah Express, which crashed and fell onto the opposite track. A freight train was also said to have been involved.6月2日的事故涉及三列火车。据报道,当地时间晚上7点左右,从耶斯万普尔开往豪拉的特快列车数节车厢损毁倾倒在对向轨道上,从加尔各答开往金奈的科罗曼德尔特快列车与这几节脱轨的车厢相撞。据悉,一列货运列车也卷入事故中。In a matter of seconds on Friday evening, the Bahanaga Bazar station off the coastal town Balasore in east India's Odisha state conjured up a deathly collage. It is about 171 kilometers northeast of Bhubaneswar, the capital of Odisha.事故发生后,印度东部奥里萨邦沿海城镇巴拉索尔附近的巴哈纳加巴扎车站景象惨烈。事故发生地位于在奥里萨邦首府布巴内斯瓦尔东北方向约171公里处。One train rammed into another, lifting its carriages high into the air, then twisting and finally falling off the tracks, witnesses said.目击者表示,一列火车撞上了另一列火车,导致车厢竖立在空中,随后车厢扭曲并从轨道上掉落。"At least 10 to 15 people fell on me when the accident happened, and everything went haywire," ANI news agency quoted a survivor as saying. "I was at the bottom of the pile. When I came out I saw someone had lost their hand, someone had lost their leg."印度亚洲国际新闻通讯社援引幸存者的话说:“事故发生时,至少有10到15人摔倒在我身上,现场混乱不堪。我在堆的底部。当我出来时,我看到有人失去了手或腿。”Atul Karwal, chief of the National Disaster Response Force, was quoted by ANI as saying, "The force with which the trains collided resulted in several coaches being crushed and mangled."印度亚洲国际新闻通讯社援引印度国家灾难响应部队负责人阿图尔·卡瓦尔(Atul Karwal)的话说:“火车相撞的冲击力导致几辆客运列车被压扁和损坏。”Rescue operations救援行动By Sunday, all surviving passengers trapped inside the mangled coaches had been taken to safety. Rescue teams, health workers, police and fire service and disaster response force personnel were involved in rescue operations.截至当地时间6月4日,所有幸存者已被安全转移,印度已派出救援队、医疗工作者、警察和消防部门以及救灾人员参与救援工作。The Indian Air Force sent Mi-17 helicopters to aid the rescue effort, which continued until late on Saturday afternoon. All the injured passengers were taken to hospitals.印度空军方面派出米-17直升机协助救援,救援工作一直持续到6月3日下午晚些时候。所有伤员已被送往医院。Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a meeting in New Delhi on the train crash on Saturday morning. In the evening, he visited Balasore and visited the injured people in hospital. Vaishnaw ordered a high-level investigation.6月3日上午,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)在新德里就本次事故召开会议。当日晚间,莫迪前往巴拉索尔看望住院的伤员。瓦伊什瑙下令对本次事故展开高级别调查。Improving transport infrastructure tops Modi's priority list. Recently he inaugurated Vande Bharat, a semi-high-speed train.改善交通基础设施是莫迪的首要任务。近期,莫迪曾为“半高铁”列车运营揭幕。The accident came as a fresh reminder of India's need for a foolproof security system for trains, experts said.专家表示,本次事故警示印度需要部署可靠的火车安全系统。A mishap of this scale is a reminder that maintenance of infrastructure and assets is critical, said G.K. Mohanty, former chief operations manager of India's South Eastern Railway. Mohanty said he suspected a signal failure as being behind Friday's accident.印度东南铁路前首席运营经理莫汉蒂(G.K. Mohanty)表示,大规模事故表示维护基础设施和资产至关重要。莫汉蒂猜测信号故障是本次事故的原因。D.C. Mitra, former managing director of Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd, said, "We aren't perhaps paying enough attention to the needs for maintenance."印度维卡斯尼加姆铁路有限公司前董事总经理米特拉(D.C. Mitra)说:“我们可能没有对维护给予足够的重视。”Every signal is operated through a system of relays, Mitra said, and a signal may have 30 relays attached to it. Relay rooms are supposed to be air-conditioned, and relays work properly only at temperatures below 25 C, he said.米特拉表示,每个信号都是通过继电器系统操作的,一个信号可能连接了30个继电器。他说,继电器只能在低于25摄氏度的温度下才能正常工作,所以继电器室应该配备空调。"I suspect that the relays at Bahanaga Bazaar were exposed to high temperatures."“我怀疑巴哈纳贾火车站的继电器暴露在高温下。”The state of Odisha observed a day's mourning on Saturday. About 160 unidentified dead bodies were shifted to mortuaries in Bhubaneswar, Xinhua News Agency reported. Restoration work is expected to be over in three days, ANI said.6月3日奥里萨邦举行了一天的哀悼活动。据新华社报道,大约160具身份不明的尸体被转移至布巴内斯瓦尔的太平间。印度亚洲国际新闻通讯社称,本次事故的修复工作预计在三天内完成。Electronic英 /ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪk/美 /ɪˌlekˈtrɑːnɪk/adj. 电子的;电子器件的Signal英 /ˈsɪɡnəl/美 /ˈsɪɡnəl/n.信号Crash英 /kræʃ/美 /kræʃ/n.碰撞Relay英 /ˈriːleɪ/美 /ˈriːleɪ/n. [电工]继电器;