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Multiple ministries in China are ramping up efforts to ensure the safety and fairness of the national college entrance examinations, or gaokao, which will kick off on Friday.中国多部门全力确保将于周五开始的全国高考的安全和公平。Data from the Ministry of Education shows that 13.42 million students have registered for this year's gaokao, an increase of 510,000 compared with last year. Local education authorities have been urged to strictly regulate management to ensure that the exams are conducted safely.教育部的数据显示,今年共有1342万学生报名参加高考,比去年增加51万人。地方教育部门已被敦促严格规范考试管理,全力确保安全平稳。The gaokao is one of the most important exams for Chinese students and is widely viewed as a key factor in determining a student's future prospects.高考是中国学生最重要的考试之一,被普遍视为决定学生发展前景的关键因素。Supervision should be strengthened over the entire exam process including question setting, printing and transportation of the exam papers and grading, the ministry said, adding that higher education institutions should ensure fairness and transparency during admission as well.教育部表示,应加强对考试全流程监管,包括命题、试卷印刷、运送、评卷,并补充,各高校也应确保考试招生过程的公正性和透明度。Meteorological, earthquake and other relevant departments have been asked to release timely information about any natural disasters before and after the exams, guiding local authorities to enhance their response in the event of exam-related emergencies.气象、地震和其他相关部门被要求在考试前后及时发布有关自然灾害的信息,指导各地提升涉考突发事件应急处置能力。The Education Ministry emphasized the importance of combating exam fraud to ensure justice. Special measures will be launched, in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Security, to crack down on the sale of cheating devices and to eliminate proxy test-takers, it said.教育部强调了打击考试舞弊以确保公正的重要性。教育部表示,将会同公安部合作开展专项行动,打击销售作弊器材、打击替考作弊等行为。Security check protocols for candidates entering exam venues should be strictly enforced, while testing centers should be fully equipped with intelligent security gates, and wireless signals should be effectively blocked in exam halls, the Education Ministry said.教育部表示,应严格执行考生进入考点(考场)安全检查工作规范,同时考点应实现智能安检门全配备,并应有效屏蔽考点考场无线电信号。Smart monitoring and inspection of exam venues will be tightened to prevent high-tech cheating, it added.它补充到,将加推进考场智能巡查,以防止高科技作弊。Many higher education institutions also issued notices recently to strengthen student management and prevent proxies or other forms of exam assistance.多所高校最近也发文要求加强学生管理,严防替考、助考等。Yantai University in Shandong province said in a circular late last month that it will resolutely prevent its students from acting as proxies in gaokao.山东省烟台大学上月底在一份通知中表示,将坚决杜绝高校学生在高考中替考。It is essential for students to understand the severe consequences of getting involved in cheating, and they should be educated to refuse any form of fraud, whether online or offline, the university said.该大学表示,学生了解参与作弊的严重后果至关重要,他们应该接受教育,拒绝任何形式的作弊,无论是线上还是线下。As this year's gaokao overlaps with the three-day Dragon Boat Festival holiday, which starts on Saturday, some university students will not be present on campus, posing threats to student management and increasing the possibilities of cheating.由于今年的高考与周六开始的为期三天的端午节假期重叠,部分学生不在学校,这对学生管理构成威胁,并增加了作弊的可能性。Local authorities have been urged to regulate exam-related training institutions and strictly combat illegal activities such as false advertising and charging expensive consultation fees.各地被敦促监管与考试相关的培训机构,并严格打击虚假广告和收取高额咨询费等非法活动。Meanwhile, candidates will be provided with personalized services in terms of transportation, accommodations and medical care, the Education Ministry said.教育部表示,与此同时,考生将在交通、住宿和医疗方面获得个性化服务。Customized Braille exam papers will be prepared for 15 visually challenged candidates nationwide, and over 11,000 candidates with disabilities will be provided with convenient accommodations, it added.它补充说,将为全国15名视力障碍考生准备定制的盲文试卷,并将为超过11000名残疾考生提供便利。Ren Yanhong, a mental health teacher at Beijing Academy, said that gaokao takers should turn their anxiety into motivation to do well on the exams. "When anxiety occurs, students should be aware of what happened instead of being trapped in the feelings. The biggest enemy of anxiety is action," Ren said.北京中学心理健康教师任艳红表示,高考考生应该将焦虑转化为取得好成绩的动力。任艳红表示说:“当焦虑发生时,学生应该意识到发生了什么,而不是被困在这种感觉中。焦虑最大的敌人是行动。”national college entrance examinations全国高考exam fraud考试作弊proxy test-takers替考者