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A citizen of the United States has been given a life sentence by a Chinese court for espionage, China's national security agency released on Monday.中华人民共和国国家安全部9月11日发布消息称,一名美国公民因间谍罪被中国法院判处无期徒刑。The Suzhou Intermediate People's Court announced the sentence for Liang Chengyun, also known as John Shing-Wan Leung, on May 15, and also stripped Liang of his political rights for life and confiscated his personal assets worth 500,000 yuan ($71,800), the Ministry of State Security said in the release.国家安全部在新闻稿中说,江苏省苏州市中级人民法院于2023年5月15日宣布了对梁成运的判决,同时剥夺梁成云的政治权利终身,并没收其价值50万元人民币(合71800美元)的个人财产。According to the release, Liang, born in 1945 in Hong Kong, ran a restaurant after moving to a city in the central US in 1983. Three years later, an unnamed US spy agency visited him multiple times, showing identity documents to him and asking him to cooperate with them.根据这份新闻稿,梁成运1945年出生于香港,1983年赴美国某中部城市经营餐厅。1986年,美国间谍情报机关人员多次约谈梁成运,向其出示证件,表明身份,要求梁成运与其合作。In 1989, Liang reached a formal agreement with the US agency, and they agreed to pay him $1,000 per month as well as bonuses in line with his performance. In the same year, Liang became a US citizen, the release said.1989年,美间谍情报机关与梁成运正式签订“合作协议”,将他招募为线人,约定秘密联络方式,承诺每月支付1000美元,并根据业绩发放奖金。同年,梁成运加入美国国籍。To build Liang's social image in the US, the US agency made every effort to help him falsify his resume of studying in the United Kingdom, serving as an official in the United Nations, and going to war in Vietnam. It also asked him to take the initiative to donate to US state lawmakers to raise his status, it said.为了包装梁成运在美国的社会形象,美方挖空心思为其打造“人设”,虚构了其在英国就读大学、在联合国担任官员、去越南参战等履历,还要求他主动向美国州议员捐款以抬高身价。To enhance Liang's influence among overseas Chinese, the US agency provided funds and directed him to serve as president, honorary president and chairman of a number of overseas Chinese associations through donations, it said.为了提升梁成运在华人华侨中的影响力,美方提供资金,指挥他通过捐款等方式担任了多个华侨社团的会长、荣誉会长、理事长。The US agency also guided him to carry out charitable donations in China to expand his popularity in China, trying to create a mask of being a "patriotic philanthropist", it added.为了扩大梁成运在中国的知名度,美方指挥其赴中国开展慈善捐款,设法打造“爱国慈善家”的“假面具”。Under the disguise of these identities, Liang began intelligence activities against China. For example, he took advantage of festivals, dinners and events of the associations to contact, spy and monitor staff members of Chinese departments in the US, and then reported the situations to the agency through email and a special mobile phone, according to the release.在这些伪装的加持下,梁成运受美间谍情报机关指使,对我大肆开展间谍情报活动:梁成运通过餐叙、拜节、组织侨团活动等方式,贴靠我驻美机构和人员,刺探情报,监视在美华人华侨,并通过专用手机和电子邮件,随时向美间谍情报机关报告。Once Liang learned Chinese personnel went to the US for official business, he would first report to the US agency, and then he took the Chinese to restaurants or hotels where the US had installed surveillance equipment to extract information and even set up pornographic traps in an attempt to blackmail the Chinese officials, it said.梁成运一旦获悉中国人员赴美开展公务情况,就会向美间谍情报机关报告,并按照美方设计,将赴美人员带到美间谍情报机关提前安装有监控设备的餐厅或酒店,套取情报,甚至设置色情圈套,企图胁迫策反我方人员。The agency also asked Liang to go to designated places to meet with targeted personnel and induce them to be involved in transactions of sensitive items, so as to fabricate so-called Chinese spy cases, it said.梁成运还充当美间谍情报机关诱饵,协助开展钓鱼执法。美方要求梁成运到指定地点与目标人员见面,诱使对方从事敏感物项交易,拼凑“证据”,炮制所谓“中国间谍案”。Under the direction of several US spies, Liang collected large amounts of information related to China, and was awarded a medal of merit by the US agency headquarters, it added.在数名美国间谍的指挥下,梁成运为美间谍情报机关搜集大量涉华情报。美间谍情报机关总部负责人授予他“功勋奖牌”。In 2020, the coronavirus outbreak hit the world and halted international flights. The US agency asked Liang, then 75, to go back to China and made a detailed entry plan for him. At the end of that year, Liang used several identity documents to go to the mainland through Hong Kong, and he collected intelligence in accordance with the requirements of the US party by frequently participating in various social activities and extensively contacting people from all walks of life, it said.2020年,全球新冠疫情暴发,国际航班停运。美间谍情报机关急于获取中国情报,指挥75岁的梁成运潜入中国,并为他制定了周详的入境行动方案。2020年年底,梁成运使用多本身份证件经香港中转来到内地,按照美间谍情报机关授意,频繁参加各种社会活动,广泛接触我国各界人士,刺探搜集情报。After investigation and to seek evidence of Liang's espionage activities, China's national security agency took criminal measures against him and then transferred him to judicial organs, it added.国家安全机关经缜密侦查,掌握了梁成运进行间谍活动的系列证据,依法对其采取刑事强制措施并移送司法机关。In the release on Monday, the State security agency clarified that espionage is a serious crime that endangers national security. Under Chinese Criminal Law, anyone who joins an espionage organization or accepts jobs of the organization or its agents, thereby harming State security, should be sentenced from 10 years to life in prison.在11日的新闻稿中,国家安全机关提示,间谍罪是危害国家安全的严重犯罪。我国《中华人民共和国刑法》第110条规定,参加间谍组织或者接受间谍组织及其代理人的任务,危害国家安全的,处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑。It explained that Liang deserved a severe penalty, as he accepted tasks from the US spy and intelligence agency for a long time, which seriously endangered China's security.本案梁成运履行参谍手续,长期接受美间谍情报机关任务,严重危害我国家安全,我国司法机关依法予以严惩。Espionage英/ˈespiənɑːʒ/ 美/ˈespiənɑːʒ/n.间谍行为,谍报活动Spy英/spaɪ/ 美/spaɪ/n.间谍,密探