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Renmin University of China has fired a professor who allegedly sexually harassed a doctoral student, the university announced on Monday night after concluding an investigation into allegations made public over the weekend.7月22日晚,中国人民大学通报教授被曝性骚扰,将解除聘用关系。On Sunday, a video surfaced online showing a doctoral candidate in literature publicly accusing her mentor of sexual harassment and coercive molestation.7月21日,一则视频在网上流传,中国人民大学文学院一名博士生实名举报其导师胁迫性骚扰。The student, who identified herself as Wang Di, alleged that her mentor, a professor at the university's School of Liberal Arts, and the former Party chief and vice-dean of the school, demanded a sexual relationship.这名叫王迪的博士在中国人民大学在读期间,被文学院原党委书记兼副院长、博导王某某性骚扰并强制猥亵。When she refused, he allegedly harassed her for the next two years and threatened to prevent her from graduating.她进一步透露,在她拒绝了导师的不正当要求后,其导师不依不饶,在过去两年多的时间里利用自己手中权力多次对她进行打压报复,并警告她可能无法顺利毕业。Wang said she had audio recordings and chat logs to substantiate her allegations and was seeking legal punishment for the professor.王迪表示她有录音和聊天记录来支持她的指控,并寻求对王贵元的法律惩罚。In a 59-minute video posted on the Sina Weibo micro blog platform, Wang wore a mask as she detailed the allegations of abuse and shared screenshots of messages and original audio clips as evidence.在新浪微博上发布的59分钟视频中,王迪戴着口罩详细描述了虐待的指控,并分享了消息截图和原始音频片段作为证据。The post has garnered more than 2 million likes, with many netizens calling for rectification of the academic environment.该帖子获得了超过200万的点赞,许多网友呼吁整治学术环境。The Beijing-based university said on Monday morning it established a working group on Sunday evening and conducted an overnight investigation, emphasizing its zero-tolerance policy toward any teacher's unethical misconduct.7月22日上午,中国人民大学表示,已于21日晚成立了工作组,并进行通宵调查,强调其对任何教师的不道德行为持零容忍政策。On Monday night, the university said the investigation had confirmed the allegations were true.7月22日,中国人民大学表示调查已证实举报属实。The professor was found to have severely betrayed the fundamental mission of teaching and nurturing students, and gravely violated university regulations and professional ethics, the university said in a post on Weibo.中国人民大学在微博发布的帖子中表示高度重视师德师风建设,严格坚持师德师风第一标准。该导师严重背弃教书育人的初心使命,严重违反党纪校规和教师职业道德。The university decided to revoke his professorship, cancel his qualification as a doctoral supervisor and terminate his teaching position.学校决定撤销其中国人民大学教师岗位任职资格,解除聘用关系。The professor has also been expelled from the Communist Party of China. The university said it will ask the higher education administrative department to revoke his teaching credentials and will report the case to relevant authorities, according to the law.经研究决定,给予王某某开除党籍处分,撤销教授职称。同时,报请上级教育行政部门撤销其教师资格,并将问题线索依法反映给有关机关。On Monday, the Haidian District Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Beijing also announced it had initiated an investigation of the case.7月22日,北京市公安局海淀区分局宣布已依法介入调查。Renmin University of Chinan.中国人民大学