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The Ministry of Public Security has debunked a video that sparked a nationwide search after it was widely circulated on social media.一段视频在社交媒体上引发了全国范围内的传播和关注,公安部对此视频进行了辟谣。The video, depicting homework booklets supposedly lost by a Chinese first grader in Paris, was revealed to be a meticulously crafted ploy for online attention.这个描述中国一年级小孩秦朗在巴黎丢作业的视频,是为了吸引网络关注而精心制作的。The ministry's expose was part of a broader effort to combat online rumors. On Friday, it presented details of 10 prominent cases, highlighting the Paris homework incident as a prime example.公安部的曝光是打击网络谣言的一部分。4月12日,公安部介绍了10个突出案例的细节,其中以“秦朗丢作业”为主要例子。The video was uploaded in February by a blogger surnamed Xu, from Zhejiang province. It showed a Parisian restaurant worker supposedly returning homework found in a restroom. The video said the homework belonged to Qin Lang from Class Eight, without specifying the school. That sparked a social media frenzy, with many netizens attempting to locate the child.这段视频是2024年2月由一位来自浙江的徐姓博主上传的。视频显示,一名巴黎餐厅工作人员正在归还在洗手间发现的作业。视频称,该作业属于八班的秦朗,但没有指明是哪所学校。这在社交媒体上引起了轩然大波,许多网友都试图找到这个孩子。However, the narrative quickly unraveled. A user claiming to be Qin Lang's uncle appeared in the comments section, providing an unverified school name. Subsequent investigations revealed the person making the comment, a person surnamed Yang from Jiangsu province, was another participant in the scheme to gain online attention and was not related to Xu.然而,故事很快就被揭穿了。一位自称是秦朗舅舅的用户出现在评论区,提供了一个未经证实的学校名称。随后的调查显示,发表这番言论的人是来自江苏省的杨某,他是该骗局的另一参与者,目的是吸引网上的关注,与徐某没有关系。Further investigation by authorities exposed the entire charade. Police discovered that Xu, along with her company director, surnamed Xue, scripted the video, purchased generic homework booklets online and staged the entire scene.公安的进一步调查揭露了整个骗局。警方发现,徐某和她的公司经理薛某一起编写了视频,在网上购买了通用的作业手册,并上演了整个场景。Facing administrative penalties and demands for public apologies, Xu admitted her initial lack of "legal awareness" but expressed remorse for the widespread attention and disruption caused by the video. Her social media accounts, boasting millions of followers across many platforms, have been suspended.徐某遭到行政处罚并被要求公开道歉。她承认她最初缺乏“法律意识”,并对该视频引起的广泛关注和混乱表示歉意。她在多个平台上拥有数百万粉丝的社交媒体账户已被封号。The incident underscores China's intensifying efforts to combat online misinformation.这一事件凸显了中国正在加大打击网络虚假信息的力度。In December, the ministry launched a nationwide campaign against online rumors. Over 80,000 leads and 10,000 cases have been investigated, with over 1,500 suspects apprehended and 10,700 individuals facing administrative penalties.2023年12月,公安部在全国范围内发起了一场打击网络谣言的运动。调查了8万多条线索和1万多起案件,逮捕了1500多名犯罪嫌疑人,对10700人进行了行政处罚。The ministry has vowed to continue its crackdown, targeting individuals who spread rumors, fabricate news or exploit trending topics for personal gain. Law enforcement authorities will increase inspections of major social media, livestreaming and short video platforms to identify and address malicious online activity.公安部表示将继续打击那些散布谣言、编造新闻或利用热门话题谋取私利的个人。执法部门将加强对主要社交媒体、直播和短视频平台的检查,以识别和解决恶意网络活动。Meticulously细致地;一丝不苟地Rumor谣传,流言