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China has made serious demarches to the United States over the interrogation and harassment of the crew members of a Chinese vessel, and urged the US to stop disrupting people-to-people exchanges and trade between the two countries.中方就中国香港“振华28”轮在美遭无理盘查滋扰一事向美方提出严正交涉,敦促美方停止阻挠破坏中美正常人文交流和经贸合作。The crew of Zhenhua 28, a Hong Kong-registered vessel that belongs to a Shanghai-based company, was interrogated by US law enforcers in Jacksonville, Florida, in July.“振华28”是一艘在香港注册、隶属于一家上海公司的船只,其船员于7月在佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔港遭遇美海关与边境保护局人员强行登船盘查。US Customs and Border Protection officials reportedly boarded the vessel for an inspection and collected biometric information, including fingerprints, of the crew members, who were asked if they are members of the Communist Party of China, or if they are from the army or the government.据报道,美国海关和边境保护局官员登船检查,并采集了船员的生物识别信息,包括指纹,询问他们是否是中国共产党党员,是否来自军队或政府部门。The US officials confiscated electronic devices belonging to some of the crew members.美国官员没收了部分船员的电子设备。As a result of this, the vessel's departure from the US had to be postponed, which in turn disrupted the ship's operations and the work and life of its crew members, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Tuesday.8月29日,外交部发言人汪文斌表示,“离美航行计划被迫推迟,船方后续运营及船员工作生活受到影响。”"It must be pointed out that in recent years, the US has placed barriers to the entry of Chinese citizens under various pretexts, including unreasonable interference in the entry of Chinese students holding valid visas. In particular, it has often interrogated and harassed Chinese nationals on the grounds of their political beliefs or CPC membership," Wang said.汪文斌说:“必须指出近年来美国以各种借口对中国公民入境设置障碍,无理干涉持有正常签证的中国留学生入境,特别是屡屡以中方人员政治信仰和共产党员身份等为借口,无端盘查滋扰。”He added that this is a stark manifestation of ideological bias and Cold War mentality. "We deplore and reject it," he said.“这是赤裸裸的意识形态偏见和冷战思维的体现。”“中方对此强烈不满,坚决反对。”The spokesman urged the US to stop its unjustified interrogation and harassment of Chinese nationals traveling to the US and stop infringing on their lawful rights.发言人强调,中方敦促美方停止对中方赴美人员无理盘查滋扰,停止侵犯中方人员合法权益。The US should also stop undermining bilateral people-to-people exchanges and trade cooperation under the pretext of national security, and prevent similar incidents from happening again, Wang said.停止打着国家安全旗号阻挠破坏中美间正常人文交流和经贸合作,避免此类事件再次发生。China will take all necessary measures to safeguard Chinese citizens' lawful rights, he said.中方将采取一切必要措施,坚决维护中国公民的合法权益。Interrogation英/ɪnˌterəˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n/美/ɪnˌterəˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n/n.审问,盘问Harassment英/ˈhærəsmənt/ 美/həˈræsmənt/n.骚扰