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Huang Yongyu, one of the most productive and best-known artists in the second half of the 20th century in China, died on Tuesday, according to a statement from his family. He was 99.据黄永玉亲属声明,20世纪下半叶中国最多产和最著名的艺术家之一黄永玉于6月13日离世,享年99岁。Huang was recognized as a legendary figure in Chinese art and design. He basically taught himself to paint and write. His versatility has been acknowledged in woodcuts, ink painting, composing poems and essays and novels, and designing postage stamps.黄永玉被公认为中国艺术和设计界的传奇人物。他几乎是自学了绘画和写作。他在木刻、中国画、诗文和小说创作以及邮票设计方面极具才华,得到广泛认可。The comprehensiveness of Huang's artistic ability arose from his perseverance, self-learning and long-term accumulation of experiences by taking on different jobs in his early years and extensive traveling at home and around the world.黄永玉全面的艺术造诣源于他早年从事不同工作和海内外游历时的坚持不懈、自学自习和长期积累经验。Hailing from Fenghuang, Hunan province, and a member of the Tujia ethnic group, Huang was forced to drop out of school because of financial burdens. At age 14, he left his hometown and traveled across the country to earn a living.黄永玉是湖南凤凰县城人,土家族人,他因经济困难被迫辍学。14岁时,他背井离乡,游历全国谋生。He once worked at ceramic workshops, taught at primary schools, designed props for theater troupes and made illustrations for magazines. Not only did he land these jobs to support himself, but he was also able to hone his art skills to later establish a career as an artist.黄永玉曾在陶瓷作坊工作,在小学任教,为剧团设计道具,为杂志制作插图。他不仅找到这些工作来养活自己,而且还能够磨炼自己的艺术技能,以便以后发展自己的艺术家职业生涯。His gift and hard work won him recognition from leading figures like Xu Beihong, former dean of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, who invited Huang to be a professor at the school in the early 1950s.黄永玉的天赋和努力为他赢得了领军人物的认可,如中央美术学院前院长徐悲鸿,徐悲鸿曾在1950年代初邀请黄永玉担任中央美术学院的教授。What made Huang a household name was his designing of several sought-after stamps, including the "Golden Monkey Stamp", which was issued in 1980 to celebrate the Year of the Monkey, and the Year of Rabbit stamp set of two — among his last works — one of which shows a blue rabbit that drew divided opinions.黄永玉之所以家喻户晓,是因为他设计了多款广受欢迎的邮票,包括1980年为庆祝猴年而发行的“金猴邮票”和一套内含两枚的兔年邮票,兔年邮票是他最后作品之一,其中一枚画的是一只蓝色的兔子,引起了不同的意见。Huang once said: "I have achieved little in my lifetime. I didn't receive much formal education. But I dared not live a life without an aim or in laziness."黄永玉曾说:“我一辈子本事不大,受正式教育的机会不多,过日子倒是从来不敢苟且,不敢懒惰。”Artist英/ˈɑːtɪst/ 美/ˈɑːrtɪst/n.艺术家Stamp英/stæmp/ 美/stæmp/n.邮票