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A key meeting of the CommunistParty of China on Thursday reaffirmed the need for the nation tounswervingly stick to a dynamic zero-COVID policy, calling for maximizedefforts to protect people's lives and health, and for a more scientific,targeted and efficient response to the pandemic.中共中央政治局常务委员会11月10日召开会议,重申坚定不移贯彻“动态清零”总方针,最大程度保护人民生命安全和身体健康,科学精准高效做好疫情防控各项工作。The meeting of the StandingCommittee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee reiterated the importanceof putting the people and their lives above all else and preventing bothimported cases and domestic resurgences of COVID-19. It heard a report onCOVID-19 response before discussing and rolling out 20 measures on epidemicprevention and control.中共中央政治局常务委员会会议重申,坚定不移坚持人民至上、生命至上,坚定不移落实“外防输入、内防反弹”总策略。会议听取新冠肺炎疫情防控工作汇报,研究部署进一步优化防控工作的二十条措施。Xi Jinping, general secretaryof the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting.中共中央总书记习近平主持会议。With COVID-19 continuing itsconstant mutation and the pandemic still raging, China is seeing continuous newoutbreaks, said a summary of the meeting.As a populous country, China has a large number of vulnerable people and itfaces imbalances in regional development and inadequacies in overall healthresources, the summary said.会议指出,当前,新冠病毒仍在持续变异,全球疫情仍处于流行态势,国内新发疫情不断出现。我国是人口大国,脆弱人群数量多,地区发展不平衡,医疗资源总量不足。According to the NationalHealth Commission, the Chinese mainland reported 1,133 locally transmittedconfirmed COVID-19 cases on Wednesday, with 7,691 local asymptomatic carriersbeing newly identified.据国家卫健委通报,11月9日新增本土确诊病例1133例,新增本土无症状感染者7691例。The meeting's participantssaid that the scope and scale of the transmission of COVID-19 may furtherexpand due to mutations of the virus and climate-related factors in the winterand spring.会议指出,受病毒变异和冬春季气候因素影响,疫情传播范围和规模有可能进一步扩大。Given the challengingsituation in pandemic response, it is important to maintain a firm strategicresolve and bolster control and prevention efforts on various fronts in a scientificand targeted way, the summary said.防控形势仍然严峻,必须保持战略定力,科学精准做好疫情防控各项工作。The meeting stressed the imperative needto follow the requirements of ensuring effective virus control, stable economicperformance and safe and secure development, coordinate epidemic response andsocioeconomic development efficiently and minimize the influence of COVID-19 onsocioeconomic development.It is important to adapt to the fast transmission ofthe virus, put in place measures to ensure early discovery, reporting, quarantineand treatment of cases, and roll out quick measures to prevent lingeringoutbreaks, the summary said.会议强调,按照疫情要防住、经济要稳住、发展要安全的要求,高效统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展,最大限度减少疫情对经济社会发展的影响。会议指出,要适应病毒快速传播特点,切实落实“四早”要求,以快制快,避免战线扩大、时间延长。The nation must concentrateits strength on wiping out outbreaks in key areas, and adopt more resolute anddecisive measures to curb the spread of the virus and restore the normal orderof life and work as soon as possible, it added.会议指出,要集中力量打好重点地区疫情歼灭战,采取更为坚决、果断措施攻坚,尽快遏制疫情扩散蔓延,尽快恢复正常生产生活秩序。It warned authorities againstindecisiveness, taking a wait-and-see attitude or acting in an arbitrarymanner.会议指出,决不能等待观望、各行其是。The meeting stressed the needto analyze the risks of outbreaks in an accurate manner and further optimizeand adjust response measures, including steps to adopt more targeted measuresin quarantine, nucleic acid tests, the flow of travelers, health services,vaccination and support for businesses and campuses.会议强调,要准确分析疫情风险,进一步优化调整防控措施,在隔离转运、核酸检测、人员流动、医疗服务、疫苗接种、服务保障企业和校园等疫情防控、滞留人员疏解等方面采取更为精准的举措。It called for greater effortsto boost the research and development of vaccines and pharmaceuticals and toimprove their effectiveness.要大力推进疫苗、药物研发,提高疫苗、药物有效性和针对性。The necessary measures tocontain the pandemic cannot be relaxed, the summary said.   必要的防疫举措不能放松。The participants underlinedthe necessity to oppose irresponsible attitudes, oppose and tackle formalismand bureaucracy, and correct practices that overstretch response measures oradopt "one size fits all" approaches.既要反对不负责任的态度,又要反对和克服形式主义、官僚主义,纠正“层层加码”、“一刀切”等做法。The meeting required all-outmeasures to provide services and support to the general public in their workand life and meet the basic demands of people as pandemic response measures areput in place.要全力做好人民群众生产生活服务保障,切实满足疫情处置期间群众基本生活需求。More work must be done toguarantee basic public services, such as access to healthcare and to extendsupport and care to vulnerable groups including the elderly and people withillnesses and disabilities.切实满足疫情处置期间群众基本生活需求,保障看病就医等基本民生服务,加大对老弱病残等特殊群体的关心帮助力度。It is important to come upwith solutions to the practical difficulties facing the people, and to striveto restore the normal order of production and work, the summary said, addingthat the vaccination of key groups must be stepped up to form a shield againstthe pandemic.解决好人民群众实际困难,尽力维护正常生产工作秩序。要做好重点人群疫苗接种等工作,筑牢疫情防控屏障。preside英  [prɪˈzaɪd]  美  [prɪˈzaɪd]v. 主持asymptomatic 英  [ˌeɪsɪmptəˈmætɪk]  美  [ˌeɪsɪmptəˈmætɪk]adj. 无症状的imperative 英  [ɪmˈperətɪv]  美  [ɪmˈperətɪv]adj. 极重要的