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While US sanctions have choked the supply of US chips to Huawei, they have made it almost impossible for Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp to obtain US technology. So when Huawei launched its flagship device, Mate 60 Pro, which reportedly includes a new 5G Kirin 9000s processor, the domestic market and consumers seemed to hail it as a major breakthrough.美国制裁遏制了美国对华为的芯片供应,同时也使中芯国际集成电路制造有限公司几乎无法获得美国技术。因此,当华为推出旗舰设备Mate 60 Pro,并据称该产品包括一个新的5G麒麟9000s处理器时,国内市场和消费者将其视为一个重大突破。US Congressman Michael McCaul's demand at a briefing at the US embassy in The Hague on Wednesday that the SMIC "warrants investigation" explains why both Huawei and the SMIC have kept a low profile on the issue. While US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said he needed "more information" on the precise "character and composition" of the Kirin chip, McCaul asserted, without having any evidence, that "it sure looks like it did" violate US sanctions — a premise that is based on presumption of guilt.9月6日,美国国会议员迈克尔·麦考尔在美国驻海牙大使馆的一次简报会上要求对中芯国际“进行调查”,这解释了为什么华为和中芯国际在这个问题上都保持低调。美国国家安全顾问杰克·沙利文说他需要“更多信息”来了解麒麟芯片的确切“特性和组成”,麦考尔则在没有任何证据的情况下断言“它看起来确实”违反了美国制裁——这是一个基于有罪推定的前提。True to its colors, and based again on presumption of guilt, the US administration is seeking more information on Mate 60 Pro, according to CNN, possibly to take legal action against Huawei or the SMIC or both.据美国有线电视新闻网报道,美国政府正在寻求有关Mate 60 Pro的更多信息,可能是为了对华为或中芯国际或两者采取法律行动。Both Sullivan and McCaul should know that the SMIC was put on the US Entity List in December 2020 during the last days of the Donald Trump administration, limiting the supply or transfer of US technology to it. That means it is almost impossible that the SMIC's 7 nm foundry was made using US technologies. Or are the US political leaders suggesting the United States will use long-arm jurisdiction to target the legal business of the two Chinese companies?沙利文和麦考尔应该知道,在唐纳德·特朗普政府执政的最后几天,中芯国际于2020年12月被列入美国商务部出口管制实体清单,限制向其供应或转让美国技术。这意味着中芯国际的7纳米晶圆代工厂几乎不可能使用美国技术。或者说,美国政治领导人是在暗示美国将使用长臂管辖来针对这两家中国公司的合法业务?The US used long-arm jurisdiction to cripple Japan's Toshiba in the 1980s, enfeeble France's Alston in 2013 and deal a big blow to Germany's Siemens in 2018, all on flimsy grounds and to protect American enterprises.美国在20世纪80年代利用长臂管辖权削弱了日本东芝公司,在2013年削弱了法国阿尔斯通公司,在2018年重创了德国西门子公司,所有这些都是以站不住脚的理由和为了保护美国企业。In 2019, the Trump administration targeted Huawei with even harsher measures, banning all US enterprises from supplying advanced chips to the Chinese company. Against this background, Chinese researchers' breakthrough, as demonstrated by Huawei's Mate 60 Pro, is a fitting reply to the US' beggar-thy-neighbor policies.2019年,特朗普政府针对华为采取了更加严厉的措施,禁止所有美国企业向这家中国公司供应先进芯片。在此背景下,中国科研人员以华为Mate 60 Pro为代表的突破,恰恰是对美国以邻为壑政策的回应。The most effective resistance against the US' long-arm jurisdiction is to invest in research and development and produce one's own high-tech products.对美国长臂管辖最有效的抵抗就是投资研发,生产自己的高科技产品。For too long the world has been suffering from the US' vicious long-arm jurisdiction. It's time now for Chinese companies to make more technological breakthroughs and break the US' monopoly in different fields and end its global hegemony.长期以来,世界一直深受美国恶性长臂管辖之害。现在是中国企业取得更多技术突破,打破美国在不同领域的垄断,结束其全球霸权的时候了。Chip英/tʃɪp/美/tʃɪp/n.芯片Semiconductor英/ˌsemikənˈdʌktə(r)/ 美/ˈsemikəndʌktər/n.半导体