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英语新闻|神舟十四号乘组首次太空授课Chinese astronauts conducted an open science lectureon Wednesday afternoon from the orbiting Tiangong space station for studentsaround the globe.10月12日下午,中国航天员在中国空间站为全球学生带来了一场科普公开课。At the beginning of the educational activity, livestreamed worldwide byChina Media Group, the astronauts of the Shenzhou XIV mission — Senior ColonelChen Dong, Senior Colonel Liu Yang and Senior Colonel Cai Xuzhe — showed theaudience the sleeping and living quarters and scientific apparatus inside theWentian lab module, which became part of the Tiangong station in July.中央广播电视总台面向全球对“天宫课堂”进行现场直播。课堂开始时,神舟十四号飞行乘组航天员陈冬、刘洋、蔡旭哲向观众们展示了问天实验舱内的睡眠区、生活区和科学仪器。问天实验舱于今年七月对接成为中国站“天宫”的组成部分。The astronauts then carried out some experiments to show unique physicalphenomena in microgravity inside the space station and explained thesephenomena. They also demonstrated sampling procedures on stalks of rice andthale cress, a small flowering plant of the mustard family, that grow inside ascientific cabinet.航天员们随后进行了一些实验,展示并解释了空间站内部微重力下独特的物理现象。航天员还介绍了在中国空间站开展的水稻和拟南芥种植研究情况,展示了手套箱剪株操作。During the 50-minute lecture, the crew members also answered questionsfrom students that ranged from how to become an astronaut to what kinds ofplants will be brought to space in future spaceflights.在约50分钟的授课中,宇航员们还回答了学生们提出的问题。例如,如何成为一名宇航员?未来哪种植物将被带上航天之旅?As many as dozens of millions of primary and middle school students acrossChina watched the televised event hosted by the China Manned Space Agency, theMinistry of Education and other government departments.全国各地数以千万计的中小学生观看了由中国载人航天局、教育部和其他政府部门主办的电视直播授课活动。Nearly 400 invited students in Beijing, Heze, Shandong province,Zhengzhou, Henan province, and Dali, Yunnan province, were present at"ground class venues", according to the space agency.据国家航天局介绍,来自北京、山东菏泽、河南郑州和云南大理的近400名受邀学生参加了“地面分课堂”。The activity marked the third lecture of the Tiangong Class series,China's first extraterrestrial lecture series that aims to popularize spacescience. It was also the first time that the Shenzhou XIV mission crew gave alecture.“天宫课堂”是中国的首个太空讲座系列,旨在普及空间科学。本次授课是“天宫课堂”的第三课,也是神舟十四号乘组首次太空授课。Chen Zheng, an associate professor at Beijing Jiaotong University's Schoolof Science who helped plan the Tiangong Class lectures, said physical experimentsare most suitable for space-based science lectures because they are safer andeasier to be done inside the spacecraft and the differences between thoseconducted in space and on Earth can be clearly and conveniently observed bystudents.北京交通大学物理科学与工程学院副教授陈征帮助策划了“天宫课堂”,他表示,物理实验最适合在太空科普课堂中进行,因为物理实验更安全,更容易在宇宙飞船内进行,而且学生可以清楚、方便地观察到在太空和地球上进行实验的区别。"By contrast, chemical or biological experiments are more prone tosafety concerns and usually need more time. Besides, they are usually more sophisticated,"he said.“相比之下,化学或生物实验更容易有安全隐患,通常需要更多时间也更为复杂。”他说。Gou Lijun, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences' NationalAstronomical Observatories and one of the Tiangong Class planners, explainedthat the major objective of the lectures was to show the audience the physicallaws in space and their differences from those on Earth.中国科学院国家天文台研究员、“天宫课堂”的策划者之一苟利军解释道,授课的主要目的是向观众展示太空中的物理定律,及其与地球物理定律的区别。