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The leader of the ruling Pheu Thai Party, Paetongtarn Shinawatra, was elected as the 31st prime minister of Thailand and is also the country's second woman in the post, the House of Representatives announced on Friday.8月16日,泰国国会议员召开会议表决新总理人选,结果以过半数票通过为泰党提名的贝东丹·西那瓦(Paetongtarn Shinawatra)出任总理,贝东丹是前总理他信的女儿,成为泰国史上最年轻的总理。As Thailand's youngest prime minister, the 37-year-old Paetongtarn gained 319 votes in the election. There are 493 elected House representatives and a total of 489 MPs were present in the chamber on Friday.泰国国会议员共有493名民选议员,此次会议共有489名议员出席会议。作为泰国最年轻的总理,37岁的贝东丹在选举中获得319票。Her success came two days after the Constitutional Court removed Srettha Thavisin from the prime minister's post, after finding him guilty of violating ethical standards due to the appointment of a former lawyer who was once jailed to his cabinet.两天前,宪法法院14日以违反宪法伦理规定为由,对过去因涉嫌不正之风而被判处有期徒刑的总理赛塔·他威信(Srettha Thavisin)做出了解职决定,此前,赛塔·他威信任命了一名曾入狱的前律师进入内阁。Both Paetongtarn and Srettha are from the Pheu Thai Party, which came in second at the 2023 election but formed a ruling coalition.贝东丹和塞塔都来自为泰党,为泰党在议会选举中获得了第二多议席,组成了执政联盟。Paetongtarn is the youngest daughter of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, whose younger sister Yingluck Shinawatra was also prime minister from 2011 to 2014.Sorawong Thienthong, Pheu Thai's secretary-general, nominated Paetongtarn as the sole prime ministerial candidate on Friday morning when Parliament President Wan Muhamad Noor Matha began the House meeting at 10 am.贝东丹是前总理他信·西那瓦的小女儿,其妹妹英拉·西那瓦也曾于2011-2014 年担任泰国总理。8月16日上午,当国会主席万·穆罕默德·诺·马塔 (Wan Muhamad Noor Matha) 于上午10时召开国会会议时,为泰党秘书长索拉翁·天通 (Sorawong Thienthong) 提名贝东丹为唯一总理候选人。Anutin Charnvirakul, leader of the Bhumjaithai Party, the coalition's second-largest group, said that to ensure continuity in governance, coalition parties are prepared to collaborate with and support Paetongtarn in her bid for the premiership.第二大党派自豪泰党党魁阿努廷·查恩维拉库尔也是可能的人选,但为确保执政连续性,党派联盟准备与贝东丹合作并支持她竞选总理。Paetongtarn said she would continue with the government's policies. "The country has to move ahead. We are determined, together and we will push the country forward," Paetongtarn told The Nation after winning Pheu Thai's nomination.贝东丹在获得为泰党提名后告诉《国家》杂志,她已经准备好推动国家前进:“这个国家必须继续前进。我对为泰党有信心,我相信联合政府有能力带领我们的国家走出经济危机。”"She will be under scrutiny. Also, she will be under a lot of pressure and have to rely on her father," Thitinan Pongsudhirak, a political scientist at Chulalongkorn University, said in an interview with The Nation.朱拉隆功大学的泰国政治学家提提南(Thitinan Pongsudhirak)在接受《国家》杂志采访时表示:“贝东丹将受到社会密切关注,她将承受巨大压力,可能不得不依靠父亲。”Paetongtarn spent her childhood steeped in the country's tumultuous politics. Educated at elite schools in Thailand and then going to university in the United Kingdom, she spent some years working at the Shinawatra family's Rende hotel group, where her husband serves as deputy chief investment officer.贝东丹的童年是在泰国动荡的政治环境中度过的。她在泰国的精英学校接受教育,后前往英国上大学,在西瓦那家族的Rende酒店集团工作了几年,其丈夫担任副首席投资官。Last October, after Pheu Thai navigated a circuitous route to form government, Paetongtarn was anointed the party's leader. She reaffirmed that Pheu Thai will continue with its important mission in improving people's livelihoods.去年10月,在为泰党经过重重困难组建政府后,贝东丹被任命为该党党魁。她表示,为泰党将继续履行改善人民生活的重要使命。Despite being relatively new to politics, a person from the young generation like Paetongtarn will be a strength instead of a hindrance, Kriengkrai Thiennukul, chairman of the Federation of Thai Industries, said.泰国工业联合会主席张学善(Kriengkrai Thiennukul)表示,尽管贝东丹的政治生涯刚刚起步,但年轻一代成为中坚力量并非难事。He believes that she will be a bridge between the new and old generations. "Most policies put forward by the government will continue as planned," he said.他相信贝东丹的执政将成为新旧两代之间的桥梁。“政府提出的大多数政策都将按计划继续实施,” 他说。China congratulates Paetongtarn on her election as Thai prime minister, and believes that the Thai people will make greater achievements on the development path in line with their own national conditions, China's Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Friday.8月16日,中国外交部表示,中方对于贝东丹女士当选泰国总理表示祝贺,相信泰国人民将在符合自身国情发展道路上取得新的更大成就。The statement added that China is willing to further work with Thailand to build a China-Thailand community with a shared future.中方愿同泰方一道,弘扬传统友好,加强战略沟通,深化务实合作,推动中泰命运共同体建设不断走深走实。Pheu Thai Party,n.为泰党