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China is working on serving a more diverse range of food options for future deep-space exploration missions, according to the Second Frontier Forum of Space Medicine held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province in East China.中国东部浙江省杭州市举行的“第二届航天医学前沿论坛”透露,中国正在努力为未来深空探测任务提供更多样化的食物选择。During the recently concluded Mid-Autumn Festival, a cherished tradition symbolizing family reunion, the Shenzhou XVIII crew aboard China's orbiting space station enjoyed "space mooncakes" stuffed with lotus paste as well as their personal favourites such as spicy lamb and braised pork chops, which had been prepared in advance by the ground support team.中秋节刚刚过去,在这个象征家庭团圆的传统节日里,神舟十八号飞行乘组在中国空间站内品尝了莲蓉馅的“太空月饼”,和地面支持团队提前准备好的香辣羊肉、红烩猪排等个性化大餐。"We have developed technologies to bring Chinese cuisine to the 'space dining table', allowing astronauts to enjoy 'home-cooked flavors'," said Li Yinghui, a researcher at the China Astronaut Research and Training Center.“我们已经研发出能将中国菜搬上‘太空餐桌’的技术,让航天员远在太空也能享受到‘家的味道’。”中国航天员科研训练中心研究员李莹辉说。Li added that China has advanced precision nutrition control technology and built accurate standards for space flight nutritional supplies that can help astronauts address physiological issues caused by weightlessness and radiation and stay healthy during missions lasting over 180 days.李莹辉介绍,中国还提升了精准营养调控技术,研制出精准的飞行营养供给量标准,以应对太空失重和辐射等引起的人体生理问题,全力保障航天员开展180天以上的健康飞行。"Various functional space foods featuring antioxidant effects, immune support, fatigue relief and gut microbiome regulation have been developed to enhance astronauts'in-orbit adaptability," said Li.“我们还研制了抗氧化、增强免疫力、缓解体力疲劳、调节肠道菌群等多种功能性航天食品,助力提升航天员在轨适应能力。”李莹辉补充道。With an eye on future deep space missions, China is also working on technologies such as in-orbit cooking that can sustain long-term living beyond Earth, said Zang Peng, another researcher at the China Astronaut Research and Training Center.中国航天员科研训练中心的另一位研究员臧鹏表示,着眼未来深空探测任务,中国也在研究在轨烹饪等技术,为未来长期地外生存提供保障。deep-space exploration深空探测lotus paste莲蓉馅in-orbitadj.在轨的,在轨道上运行的antioxidant effect抗氧化作用