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Reports that a college student pursuing a master's degree in physics enrolled to work as a janitor at a secondary school in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, have ignited heated debate online about whether he has made the best career choice.有报道称,一名物理学硕士研究生选择应聘江苏省苏州市一所中学的勤杂工,网民就他是否做出最佳职业选择开展了激烈讨论。According to a notice issued by the Suzhou High School Affiliated to Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the 24-year-old is expected to work as a janitor at the school.根据南京航空航天大学苏州附属中学发布的公告,这名24岁的学生将在学校担任勤杂工。A previous notice issued by the school did not list any requirements for a candidate's academic background, and only said it was looking for a male under age 50.学校之前发布的招聘启事没有列出对候选人学术背景的任何要求,只说需要一名50岁以下的男性。The master's student, Li Yongkang, told the Gusu Evening News that he had previously obtained a job offer from the school to work as a teacher.当事人李永康告诉《姑苏晚报》,他之前已经获得了学校的教师岗位录用通知。However, he was unable to get his master's degree as he had not published enough academic papers during postgraduate study, so he could not work at the school as a teacher.然而,由于在研究生学习期间没有发表足够的学术论文,他未能获得硕士学位,因此无法在学校担任教师。Meanwhile, he was satisfied with the school's work environment while doing an internship there, so he applied to become a janitor at the school and got the job.同时,他在学校实习时对学校的工作环境很满意,于是他申请应聘学校的勤杂工,并被成功录用。"Becoming a teacher is my dream, and I will start my new job while also waiting for the next opportunity to realize my teaching dream," he said.李永康表示:“能走上讲台是我的人生理想,我将一边开始新工作一边等待下一次实现教师梦想的机会。”Wang Jian, Party secretary of the school, said it had consulted with Li and will arrange for him to become a teaching assistant on the school's physics teaching team.学校党委书记王剑表示,已与李永康协商,将安排其担任学校物理教研组的助教。The news sparked heated discussions online and became a trending topic on social media platforms, with many saying that his choice was a waste of education resources. Others said Li's choice should be respected and some said that given the current tough job market, he was lucky to find a job.这一消息在网上引发热议,成为社交媒体平台上的热门话题。许多人认为他的选择是浪费教育资源,另一些人则认为,李永康的选择应该得到尊重。还有人说,考虑到当前严峻的就业环境,他能找到工作已经很幸运了。Due to the long-held belief among Chinese people favoring white-collar work over labor-intensive work and the apparent salary gap between the two, most people in the country still prefer office work to blue-collar work.由于中国人长期以来认为白领工作优于体力劳动工作,以及两者之间明显的工资差距,大多数人仍然青睐办公室工作而非蓝领工作。According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the unemployment rate of young people age 16 to 24 excluding students stood at 18.8 percent in August, up 1.7 percentage points from a month earlier.国家统计局数据显示,8月,16至24岁青年(不包括学生)的失业率为18.8%,比7月上升了1.7个百分点。The country is expected to have 11.79 million new college graduates this year, 210,000 more than a year earlier, according to the Ministry of Education.根据教育部的数据,今年全国预计将有1179万名应届大学生毕业,比去年同期增加21万人。Hu Xunhan, a senior undergraduate student in journalism at Changsha University of Science &Technology, said she has chosen to pursue a master's degree because she wants to study at a better university and defer entering the job market for a few years because it is too competitive.长沙理工大学新闻学专业大四本科生胡荀涵说,她之所以选择攻读硕士学位,是因为她想在更好的大学学习,并推迟几年进入就业市场,因为就业市场竞争太激烈了。Tao Yongfeng, director of the student enrollment and employment guidance office at Xiangtan University, said it is normal for college graduates to choose jobs that are "not-so-decent" from a traditional viewpoint nowadays and, in fact, it has become a new trend.湘潭大学招生与就业指导处处长陶永锋表示,现在的大学毕业生选择从传统观念来看“不那么体面”的工作很正常,事实上,这已经成为一种新趋势。"It has become more evident that 'looking fancy' is not the top concern for college graduates looking for jobs," he said. "They are more focused on finding something they are interested in and suitable for, which I believe is the best choice for them."“越来越明显的是,‘看上去很光鲜’并不是大学毕业生找工作时最关心的问题。”陶永锋说,“他们更注重找到自己感兴趣和适合的工作,我相信这对他们来说是最好的选择。”As college graduates born after 2000 are less concerned with financial burdens, salary also becomes less important, and they place more value on interest, room for growth, the work environment and workplace culture, Tao said.陶永锋认为,由于2000年以后出生的大学毕业生不太关心经济负担,工资也变得不那么重要,他们更看重兴趣、发展空间、工作环境和职场文化。They are taking more time to carefully make the best choice for themselves. While many students have chosen stable jobs in government institutions, an increasing number of students are also starting their own businesses or working in new industries, he said.他们正在花更多的时间来认真做出最适合自己的选择。陶永锋表示,虽然许多学生选择了政府机构的稳定工作,但也有越来越多的学生开始自己创业或在新兴行业工作。Janitorialadj. 看门的;清洁部门的labor-intensive work劳动密集型工作,体力劳动工作