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英语新闻︱神舟十四号乘组两名航天员成功出舱Chinese astronauts on the Shenzhou XIV mission have started carrying out their first spacewalk, also known as an extravehicular activity, which is scheduled to finish early on Friday morning, according to the China Manned Space Agency.据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,9月2日,神舟十四号航天员首次出舱活动取得圆满成功。Mission commander Senior Colonel Chen Dong opened an extravehicular activity hatch on the Tiangong space station at 6:26 pm on Thursday Beijing time and then floated out of the station. He was followed by female crew member Senior Colonel Liu Yang, the agency said in a news release.北京时间29月1日18时26分,航天员陈冬成功开启问天实验舱气闸舱出舱舱门。至19时09分,航天员陈冬、航天员刘洋成功出舱。It was the first spacewalk ever conducted by Chen and Liu, both of whom are on their second space journey.这是航天员陈冬、刘洋首次执行出舱活动任务,第二次执行太空任务。The other team member-Senior Colonel Cai Xuzhe-stayed inside the station to support their operations, the release said.其间,航天员蔡旭哲在核心舱内配合支持两名出舱航天员开展舱外操作。Chen and Liu were tasked with using a robotic arm to install new instruments outside Tiangong, adjusting the panoramic camera and other operations. The two were scheduled to stay outside for around seven hours, according to the agency.据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,两名出舱航天员的任务是在小机械臂的支持下,进行问天实验舱扩展泵组安装、问天实验舱全景相机抬升等作业,计划出舱活动时长约为7个小时。It was the first time that astronauts have used the Wentian space lab's airlock cabin to make preparations for and then carry out a spacewalk.这是我国航天员首次从问天实验舱气闸舱出舱实施舱外活动。Crew members of previous flights used the airlock cabin on the Tianhe core module to support spacewalks.此前,我国航天员都是从天和核心舱的节点舱出舱。With the new cabin, the one on Tianhe has become the backup support facility for future spacewalks.问天实验舱投入使用之后,天和核心舱便成为后备保障设施。Zhang Qiao, head designer of Wentian's overall structure at the China Academy of Space Technology, said the new cabin's inner space is bigger than that of the Tianhe module, and its hatch is wider, and these make it easier for astronauts to prepare themselves and carry out spacewalks.中国空间技术研究院问天实验舱总体系统主任设计师张峤表示,问天实验舱内部空间比天和核心舱更大,出舱口更宽,便于航天员作出舱准备和出舱活动。The spacewalk also marks the first time that a new type of tether line and a new external lighting system have been used on the Chinese space station.此次出舱还标志着中国空间站首次使用了新型可伸缩安全系绳和新型舱外照明系统。Pang Zhihao, a renowned observer of China's manned spaceflights, said astronauts would verify whether the new airlock cabin works well to support spacewalks.中国空间技术研究院研究员庞之浩表示,航天员将验证问天实验舱气闸舱是否能很好地支持出舱活动。"It must be more comfortable and convenient for astronauts to use the new cabin for their spacewalk because the section was specifically designed to support extravehicular activities," he said.庞之浩说:“对于航天员来说,使用问天实验舱进行出舱活动一定会更加舒适方便,因为问天实验舱是专门为舱外活动而设计的。”"As soon as the astronauts opened the hatch, they must have seen the beautiful scenes of the mother planet, as the hatch is always directed toward the Earth," Pang said.庞之浩说:“航天员打开舱门便能看到地球的美景,因为舱门朝着地球。”Pang, who was a senior researcher at the China Academy of Space Technology, said the spacewalk was also intended to demonstrate the capabilities of the robotic arm on the Wentian lab.庞之浩指出,本次出舱还意在展示问天实验舱小机械臂的工作能力。Chen and his teammates had spent 88 days in orbit as of Thursday and have conducted a series of tasks such as arranging cargo, testing equipment and conducting scientific experiments, the space agency said.据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,截至9月1日,神舟十四号航天员乘组已在轨工作生活88天,先后完成了货运飞船物资转移、问天舱平台在轨测试、科学实验机柜解锁与测试等工作。The crew arrived at Tiangong on the evening of June 5, several hours after their spacecraft was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the northwestern Gobi Desert.6月5日,搭载神舟十四号载人飞船的长征二号F遥十四运载火箭,在酒泉卫星发射中心点火发射。当晚,航天员便抵达了天宫空间站。They are scheduled to stay at the station, orbiting 400 kilometers above Earth, for six months to monitor the planned assembly of the colossal outpost.按照计划,航天员将开展为期6个月的在轨驻留,开展空间站平台维护与照料等工作。Shenzhou XIV is the sixth spacecraft to visit Tiangong and the third crewed ship to transport astronauts to the station.神舟十四号是第六艘访问天宫站的飞船,也是第三艘运送宇航员到轨道前哨的载人飞船。Currently, Tiangong consists of the Tianhe core module, the Tianzhou 4 cargo ship, the Shenzhou XIV spacecraft and the Wentian space lab, which was launched in late July.目前,天宫空间站由天和核心舱、天舟四号货运飞船、神舟十四号载人飞船和问天实验舱组成。Mission planners said Tiangong's second lab component, Mengtian, will be lifted by a Long March 5B carrier rocket from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province in October.据悉,我国空间站第2个实验舱段梦天实验舱将于今年10月在海南文昌航天发射中心由长征五号B遥四运载火箭运载升空。After Mengtian is connected with Tiangong, the station will be a T-shaped structure. The entire station is expected to work in orbit for 15 years.梦天实验舱与天宫空间站对接后,空间站将形成“T”字构型。整个空间站预计将在轨运营15年。记者:赵磊extravehicular英[ˌekstrəvi:'hɪkjələ];美[ˌekstrəvi'hɪkjələ]adj.太空船外的cabin英[ˈkæbɪn];美[ˈkæbɪn]n.小木屋;(船上的)小舱;机舱tether英[ˈteðə(r)];美[ˈtɛðɚ]n.(拴牲畜用的)系绳;限度,极限vt.用绳拴住;拘束,束缚colossal英[kəˈlɒsl];美[kəˈlɑːsl]adj. 巨大的; <口语>异常的