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Li Tianyi, who had artificial lenses implanted in her eyes to treat myopia in the winter of 2022, said she is satisfied with the outcome of the surgery so far.2022年冬天,李女士在眼球中植入了人工晶状体来治疗近视,据悉,她对手术迄今为止的结果感到满意。  "In the past, my glasses kept getting in the way when I worked out," the 22-year-old said."They would also fog up with a mask and smudge my makeup. The procedure has erased these hassles in my life, and I do not have dry eyes or other complications."李女士表示:“以前戴眼镜的时候,每次锻炼时眼镜都会影响我,而且戴口罩时眼镜会起雾。近视眼手术解决了这些麻烦,术后我也没有得干眼症或者其它并发症。”  But Li is also keenly aware of the risk of a relapse.但李女士仍对近视复发表示担忧。  "I notice my eyesight getting a bit blurry if I work in front of a computer for long hours," she said.她说:“我发现如果长时间在电脑前工作,我的视力会变得有点模糊。”  A growing number of young Chinese adults like Li have opted to undergo surgical procedures to correct their vision. This summer, hospitals are registering a spike in the number of such operations.我国越来越多的像李女士这样的年轻人选择通过手术来治疗或矫正近视。今年夏天,不少医院的近视手术预约大幅增长。  Zhang Qingsong, director of the refractive surgery center at the Wuhan Aier Eye Hospital in Wuhan, Hubei province, said it carried out around 2,000 refractive operations a month in June and July, double the monthly number earlier in the year.湖北武汉爱尔眼科医院屈光专科主任张青松表示,每年6至7月,医院都要实施近2000台近视手术,是今年其他月份每月手术量的两倍。  "People age 18 to 30 account for 90 percent of operation recipients, including college students, white-collar workers and job applicants looking to apply for specific positions requiring clear vision," he said.  "Some have decided to undergo the surgery simply because they want to make their lives easier or improve their appearances."“18至30岁人群占手术人群的90%,大学生、白领和有特殊视力需求的群体居多,”他说,“有些人做手术只是因为他们想让生活更轻松或者改善外表。”  Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a prevalent condition in China. Data released by the National Administration of Disease Control and Prevention shows that the overall myopia rate among Chinese children and adolescents was 51.9 percent in 2022.近视在中国是一种普遍的眼部疾病。国家疾控局监测数据显示,2022年我国儿童青少年总体近视率为51.9%。  Surgical treatments for myopia are generally divided into those performed inside the eye and those targeting the cornea.近视手术通常分为角膜激光手术和ICL晶体植入手术。  The most popular laser eye surgery uses lasers to cut in and reshape a patient's eye, while the specific type of operation that Li underwent due to her high myopia involves implanting an artificial lens inside the eye.较为广泛使用的角膜激光手术是使用激光切削角膜组织。李女士因高度近视而接受的特定手术类型则是ICL晶体植入手术。  Zhang said myopia operations were first introduced in China in the 1990s, and acceptance of the technology has been growing.张青松表示,近视手术最早于20世纪90年代引入中国,人们对该技术的接受度正在不断提高。  "The number of patients seeking the surgery so they can look better and for other personal preferences rather than practical demands — such as to fulfill a job requirement — has been rising," he said.他说:“现在越来越多的患者想做近视手术,主要是为了改善外表,或者是出于个人喜好,并不是为了满足工作需要或硬性要求。”Wei Wenbin, a senior ophthalmologist at Beijing Tongren Hospital, told a recent news conference that laser eye surgeries are recommended for people age 18 and above to ensure stable refraction, but rigorous pre-operation evaluations should be carried out.北京同仁医院资深眼科专家魏文斌在最近的新闻发布会上表示,建议18岁及以上的人接受近视激光手术,确保稳定的屈光度,但应进行严格的术前评估。  "A common misunderstanding is that a surgery can cure myopia, but in fact, the procedure can only remove the need for glasses, or apply the refractive function of glasses to the eyeball," he said.  "The surgery cannot resolve the structural changes in the eyeball caused by myopia."魏文斌表示:“目前最常见的误区是很多人都认为手术可以治愈近视,实际上严格来讲,手术仅仅是‘摘镜’,也就是说,通过手术的手段,把眼镜的屈光度施加到眼球上,让我们的眼球能够匹配过度生长的度数。手术并不能解决近视本身带来的眼球结构的变化”  Wei added that it is necessary to undergo annual examinations to prevent myopia-related complications in the retina after an operation.魏医生补充说,对于近视手术以后仍然需要每年进行散瞳检查眼底,以防止出现近视相关的眼底并发症。  Zhang, the specialist in Wuhan, said that different types of surgical technologies are suited for patients with different eye conditions, and there is no need to seek more expensive approaches, regardless of their personal situations.武汉爱尔眼科的的张青松医生表示,不同类型的近视手术适合不同眼部状况的患者,无论个人情况如何,都无需寻求更昂贵的方法。  "Myopia surgeries have also become more convenient as patients are usually recommended to book an appointment and make preparations such as receiving eye drops three days before the operation," he said, adding that most patients can resume work and normal lives the day after the surgery.大多数患者可以在术后第二天恢复正常工作和生活。张青松补充道:“近视手术的准备工作也更加方便了,我们建议患者在术前三天预约并做好滴眼药水等准备。”Implanting an artificial lensn.ICL(Implantable Contact Lens)晶体植入手术myopian.近视