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The 31st FISU World University Games c oncluded on Tuesday night in Chengdu, Sichuan province, winning wide praise from officials and athletes alike.第31届国际大学生体育联合会世界大学生运动会8月8日晚在四川成都闭幕,赢得了官方和运动员的广泛赞誉。Declaring the games closed, Leonz Eder, acting president of the International University Sports Federation, said the event has made the dreams of student-athletes come true whether they have won medals or not, because their experience in the city has been gold medal standard.国际大学生体育联合会代理主席雷诺·艾德在宣布运动会闭幕时说,本届运动会实现了大学生运动员的梦想,无论他们是否获得奖牌,因为他们在这座城市的经历都是金牌级别的。The closing ceremony was held at the Chengdu Open Air Music Park. It was the first time in the world that the closing ceremony of a large international sporting event has been held in a park, according to the organizers of the games.闭幕式在成都露天音乐公园举行。据运动会主办方介绍,这是世界上首次在公园举行大型国际体育赛事的闭幕式。State Councilor Shen Yiqin attended the ceremony.国务委员谌贻琴出席了闭幕式。The ceremony aimed to leave the audience worldwide with fond memories of a unique Chengdu, from which they got to know China and fell in love with its people, the organizers said.主办方表示,闭幕式旨在为全球观众留下美好的回忆,让他们从独特的成都了解中国,爱上中国人民。Huang Qiang, executive president of the organizing committee of the Chengdu games and governor of Sichuan, said Chengdu has become more vibrant, beautiful and comfortable because of the athletes.四川省省长、成都大运会组委会执行主席黄强发表致辞,因为有你,这座古老而现代的大都市,更青春、更美丽,更巴适安逸!"Student-athletes have put on passionate performances, cheered for each other, enjoyed strolling in the city and created great memories of the Chengdu games. Sichuan forever welcomes you back," Huang said.他说:“大学生运动员,挥洒激情、彼此喝彩、相互成就,在成都的街头尽情享受快乐,留下了美好永久的大运记忆。四川永远欢迎大家!”'Dreams come true'梦想成真"It is difficult to say it in one sentence, but Chengdu really made all dreams come true," Eder said during a news conference earlier on Tuesday.代理主席雷诺·艾德在8日早举行的新闻发布会上说:“很难用一句话说清楚,但成都真的让所有梦想成真。”"Some athletes dreamed of winning medals in the Chengdu games, and they did. Meanwhile, some people dreamed of competing at their best level. Maybe they failed but nevertheless they had a unique experience of competing with top athletes from around the world," Eder said.“一些运动员梦想着在成都奥运会上获得奖牌,他们做到了。与此同时,有些人梦想着在比赛中发挥出自己的最佳水平。”艾德说:“也许他们失败了,但他们与来自世界各地的顶尖运动员同场竞技的经历是独一无二的。”"Also, the dream of those who wanted to see China and meet the citizens of Chengdu has become reality," he added.他补充道:“此外,那些想看看中国、见见成都市民的人的梦想也变成了现实。”The organization of the event has been fantastic for everyone, including the athletes and spectators, he added.他补充说,赛事的组织工作对包括运动员和观众在内的所有人来说都非常出色。"We can only congratulate the authorities who have prepared fantastic venues and great facilities as well as the hospitable people and the best volunteers we could have. All the services were just great and perfect. Nothing to add, just big, big thanks," Eder said.“我们只能向准备了一流场馆和设施的政府部门以及热情好客的人们和最好的志愿者表示祝贺。所有的服务都非常好,非常完美。没有什么需要补充的,只有非常非常感谢。”During the closing ceremony, he said he appreciated the efforts made by all parties in hosting the Chengdu games.在闭幕式上,他对各方为举办成都运动会所做的努力表示感谢。Eric Saintrond, secretary-general and CEO of the International University Sports Federation, said the Chengdu games have offered young people from all over the world the opportunity to see and explore China themselves, which is particularly important given that people sometimes may have seen the wrong picture of the country in Western media.国际大学生体育联合会秘书长兼首席执行官艾瑞克·森超说,成都运动会为来自世界各地的年轻人提供了亲自了解和探索中国的机会,这一点尤为重要,因为人们有时可能会从西方媒体上看到错误的中国印象。David Schmude, president of the Continental University Sport Association of Oceania, said the Chengdu games have met the high standards set by the Olympic Games.大洋洲大体联主席戴维·施穆德表示,成都奥运会达到了奥运会设定的高标准。"The facilities are world-class. And I would think that the Chengdu games is of Olympic quality," Schmude said.“这里的设施是世界一流的。”施穆德说:“我认为成都运动会具有奥林匹克水平。”A total of 6,500 student-athletes from 113 countries and regions competed in 269 events of 18 sports at the Chengdu games, which opened on July 28.在7月28日开幕的成都运动会上,共有来自113个国家和地区的6500名学生运动员参加了18个项目的269场比赛。China led the medal tally with 103 gold, 40 silver and 35 bronze. Japan was in second place with 21 gold. South Korea and Italy both won 17 gold and 17 silver and ended up in third and fourth places, respectively, as South Korea won two more bronze medals.中国以103枚金牌、40枚银牌和35枚铜牌领跑奖牌榜。日本以21金排名第二。韩国和意大利均获得17金和17银,分别位列第三和第四,韩国还获得了两枚铜牌。"Amazing" was the word that student-athletes used the most to describe their experiences at the Chengdu games.“令人惊叹”是学生运动员在描述成都运动会经历时用得最多的一个词。Aman Saini, an archer from India, said he was impressed with the services and facilities at the event. "The service of the volunteers, transport facilities, the facilities in the athletes' village and the food are all top level," Saini said.来自印度的射箭运动员阿曼·塞尼说,赛事的服务和设施给他留下了深刻印象。赛尼说:“志愿者的服务、交通设施、运动员村的设施和食物都是一流的。”During the closing ceremony, the FISU flag was handed to a representative of Rhine-Ruhr, Germany, which will host the 32nd FISU World University Games in 2025.在闭幕式上,国际大体联会旗交到了德国莱茵-鲁尔代表手中,莱茵-鲁尔将于2025年主办第32届世界大学生运动会。Athlete英/ˈæθliːt/ 美/ˈæθliːt/n.运动员,体育健将Ceremony英/ˈserəməni/ 美/ˈserəmoʊni/n.仪式,典礼