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The 19th Asian Games Village officially opened on Saturday morning, welcoming the first batch of Chinese delegates to Hangzhou, the capital of East China’s Zhejiang province.9月16日上午,第19届亚运村正式对外开放,首批中国代表团来到中国东部浙江省省会杭州市。Speaking before the opening ceremony, Ng Ser Miang, vice-president of the International Olympic Committee, said the slogan of the Hangzhou Games, “Heart to Heart, @Future”, is a very appropriate one. He added that this is the place where at least 12,000 athletes from all over Asia will compete very seriously and keenly.国际奥委会副主席Ng Ser Miang在亚运村对外开放仪式举行前说道,杭州亚运会口号,“心心相融,@未来”,取的非常恰当。他还说,全亚洲超过12000名运动员将齐聚这里,严肃而热情地进行比赛。According to him, the upcoming Hangzhou Asian Games will further enhance global collaboration and cooperation. “This Games will provide a great opportunity, in this beautiful city of Hangzhou, for these athletes to share experiences, their culture and diversity, heart to heart and under the same roof,” he added.他认为,即将到来的杭州亚运会将进一步促进全球合作。他说,“杭州是一个美丽的地方。这次盛会将为运动员提供绝佳的机会,在同一片天空下坦诚相待,互相分享经验、文化与多样性。”“We are standing here together in a truly magnificent Asian Games Village,” said Vinod Kumar Tiwari, acting director general of the Olympic Council of Asia, at the opening ceremony. “I regard this Asian Games Village as Olympic-standard and even more so,” he said.亚奥理事会代理总干事Vinod Kumar Tiwari说道,“我们目前所在的杭州亚运村棒极了,我认为它至少达到了奥运会的水准。”Tiwari said he has been visiting Hangzhou for the past eight years, and has been impressed by the plans and preparations made for the 19th Asian Games, especially the Games Village.Tiwari表示,自己在过去的八年里多次到访杭州,杭州为此次亚运会所做的筹划和准备让他印象深刻,尤其是亚运村的建设。Made up of the Athletes’ Village, the Technical Officials’ Village and the Media Village, the Asian Games Village will welcome and play host to more than 20,000 people, providing accommodation, catering, transportation, cultural, technological, medical and commercial services, among others, for them.杭州亚运村由运动员村、技术官员村、媒体村组成。本届亚运会举办期间,亚运村将迎接并为20000余人提供住宿、餐饮、交通、文化、科技、医疗、商业等全方位服务。Such innovative concepts and arrangements have never before been seen in the history of the Asian Games or even the Olympic Games, Tiwari said.Tiwari认为,此次杭州亚运会的创新性理念和安排在亚运会甚至奥运会的历史上都是前所未有的。“It highlights the unity and solidarity of the Olympic movement in Asia,” he added.“这彰显了亚洲奥林匹克运动的统一和团结。”China is sending 886 athletes to the Asian Games, which opens on Saturday. During the Games, the Chinese athletes, 437 women and 449 men, will compete in 407 events in 38 sports.中国将派出886名运动员参加本周六开幕的亚运会。亚运会期间,中国运动员将参加38个项目的407场比赛,其中女子437人,男子449人。Chen Yufei, Olympic badminton champion, said she is looking forward to her stay in the Asian Games Village.羽毛球奥运冠军陈雨菲表示,她非常期待住进奥运村。“Competing on home turf will be very exciting for me,” said Chen, who is a Hangzhou native. “It will mean pressure, but it will also serve as motivation.”陈雨菲是杭州本地人。她说,“我很兴奋能在家乡参加。这意味着压力,但也将成为我的动力。”“My goal is to see the national flag raised and the national anthem played on the athletics field,” said Zhu Yaming, men’s Olympic triple jump medalist, who is aiming for a gold in the upcoming competition.男子三级跳奥运奖牌获得者朱亚明的目标是在即将到来的比赛中获得金牌。他说,“我的目标是看到运动场上升起中国国旗,奏响中国国歌。”Apart from the Asian Games Village in Hangzhou, five sub-villages in the cities of Ningbo, Wenzhou, Jinhua, Tonglu county and Chun’an county also opened on the same day.除了杭州亚运村,位于浙江省宁波市、温州市、金华市、桐庐县、淳安县的5个分村也在同一天正式开放。Over 12,000 athletes from 45 Asian countries and regions will participate in the 19th Asian Games, the largest ever in the event’s history, in terms of the number of participants.本届杭州亚运会将是亚运会历史上参赛人数最多的一届,将有来自亚洲45个国家和地区的12000多名运动员参加比赛。Asian Games Villagen.亚运村Athletes’ Villagen.运动员村Technical Officials’ Villagen.技术官员村Media Villagen.媒体村