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Stable China-United States business ties would contribute to the security and stability of global industrial supply chains, fostering a favorable policy environment for collaboration between companies from both sides, said market watchers and business executives on Wednesday.10月9日,市场观察人士和企业高管们表示,稳定的中美经贸关系将有助于全球产业链供应链的安全和稳定,为双方企业的合作创造有利的政策环境。China's Ministry of Commerce said on Tuesday that China has called on the US to promptly lift sanctions on Chinese companies and enhance the business environment for its firms operating in the US.10月8日,根据中国商务部消息,中方敦促美方及早取消对中国企业的制裁,并改善中国企业在美营商环境。During a phone call with US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo on the same day, China's Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao expressed serious concerns over US policies on semiconductors, targeting China, and restrictions on Chinese intelligent connected vehicles.中国商务部部长王文涛当天同美国商务部长雷蒙多举行通话,重点就美对华半导体政策、限制中国网联车等表达严正关切。It is necessary to clarify national security boundaries in the economic and trade fields, as it is conducive to maintaining the security and stability of global industrial supply chains and creating a favorable policy environment for cooperation between the business communities from the two countries, Wang stressed.王文涛强调,厘清经贸领域国家安全边界尤为必要,有利于维护全球产业链供应链安全稳定,为两国业界合作创造良好政策环境。This conversation was part of the institutional communication arrangement between the commerce authorities of both countries, said the Ministry of Commerce.商务部表示,本次通话是两国商务部门机制性沟通安排。As many global industries, such as electronics, automotive and pharmaceuticals, rely on components and materials sourced from both China and the US, a stable relationship can minimize disruptions and prevent production delays and supply shortages in many business areas, said Wang Zhongmei, a researcher at the Institute of World Economy of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.上海国际问题研究院世界经济研究所研究员王中美表示,由于电子、汽车和制药等许多全球产业都依赖来自中国和美国的零部件和材料,稳定的关系可以最大限度地减少干扰,防止许多业务领域出现生产延误和供应短缺。Zhang Yongjun, a researcher at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges in Beijing, warned that given various factors such as the upcoming US election in early November, it is critical to view Sino-US economic and trade relations with caution.中国国际经济交流中心研究员张永军表示,考虑到即将到来的11月初美国大选等各种因素,谨慎看待中美经贸关系至关重要。In the short term, there will be challenges, but in the long run, the trend of mutually beneficial cooperation between China and the US remains unchangeable, said Zhang.张永军认为,短期内会有挑战,但从长远来看,中美互利合作的趋势不会改变。"For US companies, China is an indispensable market," he added. "If trade tensions escalate, these companies may once again urge the US government to adopt a more proactive and balanced economic and trade policy. Business needs can, to a certain extent, influence government actions."“对于美国公司来说,中国是不可或缺的市场。”张永军补充,“如果贸易紧张局势升级,这些公司可能会再次敦促美国政府采取更积极、更平衡的经贸政策。商业需求可在一定程度上影响政府的行动。”According to the 2024 Kearney FDI (foreign direct investment) Confidence Index, reflecting investors' expectations for FDI over the next three years, China's global ranking has risen from seventh to third place.根据科尔尼发布的2024年外商直接投资信心指数(反映投资者对未来三年外商直接投资的预期),中国的全球排名从第七位上升到第三位。"Multinational companies initially looked at China as a supplier and then as a huge market. But now, increasingly, we are looking at China as an innovation center," said Andrew Wu, general manager of the China branch of US-based commercial data and analytics firm Dun & Bradstreet.“跨国公司最初将中国视为供应商,后来又将其视为一个巨大的市场。但现在,我们越来越多地将中国视为创新中心。”美国商业数据和分析公司邓白氏中国区总裁吴广宇说。Also viewing China as crucial to its global business strategy, Willie Tan, CEO of Skechers China, South Korea and Southeast Asia, said that despite external challenges, China remains a crucial market for global brands. Its vast consumer base, strategic importance in global supply chains and ongoing commitment to reform and innovation create significant opportunities.斯凯奇中国、韩国及东南亚首席执行官陈伟利也认为中国对其全球业务战略至关重要。他表示,尽管面临外部挑战,但中国仍然是全球品牌的重要市场。其庞大的消费群体、在全球供应链中的战略重要性以及对改革和创新的持续投入创造了重大机遇。With over 3,500 stores in China, the US footwear brand plans to continue market expansion in the coming years.该美国鞋类品牌在中国拥有3500多家专卖店,计划在未来几年继续扩大市场。Mark Jaffe, CEO of the Greater New York Chamber of Commerce, said that no one wants to halt cooperation and exchange between the two countries. China and the US have already established long-term partnerships in fields such as artificial intelligence and pharmaceuticals.美国大纽约商会会长马克·加菲认为,没有人愿意停止两国之间的合作与交流,中美两国已在人工智能和制药等领域建立了长期合作伙伴关系。In the face of increasingly intense global competition, Jaffe said it will be necessary for the two sides to further expand and deepen trade relations in the future.加菲表示,面对日益激烈的全球竞争,双方未来有必要进一步扩大和深化贸易关系。In the first eight months of 2024, the US remained China's third-largest trading partner, with the total trade value between the two countries reaching 3.15 trillion yuan ($446.21 billion), up 4.4 percent year-on-year and accounting for 11 percent of China's total foreign trade value, statistics from the General Administration of Customs showed.海关总署数据显示,2024年前8个月,美国仍是中国第三大贸易伙伴,两国贸易总值达3.15万亿元人民币(约4462.1亿美元),同比增长4.4%,占中国外贸总值的11%。promptlyadv. 迅速地;立即地sanctionn. 制裁indispensableadj. 不可或缺的semiconductorn. 半导体pharmaceuticaladj. 制药的