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中国制造的“光腿神器”也在欧洲火了,这几个国家的订单最多...Chinese electric blankets and turtle-neck sweaters have become popular in Europe as the energy crisis worsens and winter approaches. According to Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao, China-made "bare leg artifacts" are also going viral in Europe.The "bare-leg artifact" is similar to the color of the skin, so your legs look naked from a distance. For girls who love beauty, "bare leg artifacts" take into account both warmth and beauty in winter.According to data provided by cross-border platform, AliExpress, sales of "bare leg artifacts" have seen a monthly increase of 131% in sales since October, and women in the Netherlands, Germany and France are especially fond of these “magic stockings” made in China."Eight Piece Winter Sets" from China are also being exported to Europe. Chinese-made winter products such as long underwear, flannel pajamas, hot water bags, hand warmers, heaters, electric blankets and turtleneck sweaters are keeping European consumers cozy and warm, with the sale of pajamas in particular increasing by 95% from October to the present, according to data from AliExpress.Beforethe"Eight Piece Winter Set" from China became a craze in Europe, French President Macron's appearance in a turtlenecksweater made turtlenecksweaters popular.欧洲能源危机加剧叠加寒冬将至,中国电热毯和高领毛衣在欧洲火了一把。但据新加坡《联合早报》消息,中国制造的“光腿神器”(bare leg artifact)在欧洲也走红了。“光腿神器”因与皮肤颜色相近,穿上后从远处看如同裸露着双腿。对于爱美的女孩子来说,“光腿神器”是秋冬季节兼顾保暖与美丽的“神器”。据跨境平台速卖通提供的数据显示,10月至今,类似打底裤的“光腿神器”销售额取得了131%的环比增长,其中最多的订单是来自荷兰、德国和法国的女性。同时,与其并称中国过冬八件套(Eight Piece Winter Set)的秋衣秋裤(long underwear)、法兰绒睡衣(flannel pajamas)、热水袋、暖手宝、取暖器、电热毯和高领毛衣(turtleneck sweaters)也在欧洲被“买爆”。10月以来,中国制造的法兰绒睡衣在欧洲的销量增加了95%。在这次中国过冬八件套成为欧洲的热潮之前,法国总统马克龙穿着高领毛衣亮相就曾让“高领毛衣”成为仅次于电热毯的过冬神器。