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China is set to enhance its ability to monitor new types of money laundering risks as emerging technologies have made detecting these activities more difficult, a senior legislator said on Monday.9月9日,资深立法者表示,由于各种新技术、新业态发展迅速,准确辨别洗钱活动难度加大。Wang Xiang, an official with the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the country's top legislature, said at a news conference that a draft amendment to the Anti-Money Laundering Law aims to address the growing challenges posed by new technologies and sectors.全国人大常委会法工委发言人王翔9日在记者会上表示:“魔高一尺,道高一丈。” 反洗钱法修订草案二次审议稿将加强反洗钱监测分析水平,提高对新型洗钱风险的监测分析能力。"The revision seeks to tackle the difficulties in detecting and addressing money laundering activities in an era where new technologies and emerging businesses are booming," Wang said.王翔表示:“修订旨在解决在新技术、新业态蓬勃发展的时代发现和处理洗钱活动的困难。”The draft amendment requires government agencies to issue timely guidelines to monitor money laundering risks in emerging industries. It also mandates that anti-money laundering departments enhance monitoring and analysis systems, with suspicious transactions flagged for authorities.为此,修订草案二次审议稿作了以下修改:一是增加规定反洗钱工作应当依法进行,确保反洗钱措施与洗钱风险相适应,保障资金流转和金融服务正常进行,维护单位和个人的合法权益。Financial institutions will be required to assess money laundering crimes associated with new sectors and take proportionate measures to mitigate them, Wang added. He stressed, however, that actions should be "proportionate to the risks to ensure normal financial flows and services."王翔表示,金融机构开展客户尽职调查、采取洗钱风险管理措施等涉及单位和个人的权益,需要处理好管理洗钱风险与优化金融服务的关系。他强调,行动应“与风险相称,以确保正常的资金流动和服务。”The amendment will also tighten regulations on the use of anti-money laundering information, with a focus on data security and privacy protection.该修正案还明确要求反洗钱服务机构及其工作人员对提供服务获得的数据、信息,应当依法妥善处理,确保数据、信息安全。The NPC Standing Committee is set to review the draft during its session in Beijing this week.十四届全国人大常委会第十一次会议将于9月10日至13日在北京举行,届时,反洗钱法修订草案将提请本次会议二审。China has increasingly prioritized efforts to combat money laundering, especially crimes facilitated through digital platforms. Data from the Supreme People's Court shows that 861 money laundering cases were concluded last year, up from 499 cases in 2021. In the first half of the year, 573 people were penalized for the crime.我国越发重视打击洗钱等相关行为,特别是通过数字平台进行的犯罪。最高人民法院的数据显示,去年结案洗钱案件861起,高于2021年的499起。今年上半年,有573人因洗钱罪被处罚。Virtual currencies, livestreaming platforms and online game currencies have become new channels for money laundering, complicating efforts to detect and combat the crime, according to the court.据最高人民法院称,虚拟货币、直播平台和网络游戏货币已成为洗钱的新渠道,使侦查和打击犯罪的变得更加复杂。Separately, Wang addressed public concerns about the falsification of statistics, which he said has "seriously undermined the authenticity and accuracy of statistical data". He noted that a draft amendment to the Statistics Law will impose harsher penalties for fabricating or manipulating data.另外,王翔还谈到了公众对统计数据造假的担忧,他说这“严重损害了统计数据的真实性和准确性”。他指出,修正案草案将对伪造或操纵数据的行为施加更严厉的惩罚。In addition to these revisions, lawmakers will also review proposed changes to the National Defense Education Law, the Supervision Law and the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases.除这些修订之外,立法者还将审议对《国防教育法》、《监察法》和《传染病防治法》的拟议修改。Other items on the legislative agenda include a draft energy law, a draft public health emergency response law and a draft national park law. Lawmakers are also expected to consider a draft decision on conferring national medals and honorary titles to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.立法议程上还包括审议能源法草案、公共卫生应急法草案和国家公园法草案。预计立法者还将审议关于授予中华人民共和国成立75周年国家勋章和荣誉称号的决定草案。anti-money launderingn.反洗钱