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Chinese experts will head to Memphis Zoo in the United States next week to assist in the care of giant panda Ya Yato ensure her health and well-being. The move comes after the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens received reports of Ya Ya's poor health condition and was instructed by the country's regulatory authorities to take action.中国专家将于下周前往美国孟菲斯动物园协助照料大熊猫"丫丫",以确保其健康。此前,中国动物园协会收到了有关丫丫健康状况不佳的报告,并收到国家监管部门的指示采取行动。A team of veterinarians and keepers from Beijing Zoo will travel to the US next week to familiarize themselves with Ya Ya's care and work with Memphis Zoo to ensure that she is properly fed, cared for and then escorted back to China. According to technical experts from both sides, Ya Ya's health condition is stable and her care management is normal.北京动物园将派出兽医和饲养员于下周抵美,熟悉大熊猫“丫丫”的饲养情况,实地与孟菲斯动物园共同做好大熊猫“丫丫”的饲养、护理并护送“丫丫”回国。经合作双方技术专家持续密切监测,目前大熊猫“丫丫”健康状况稳定,饲养管理情况正常。Both China and the US have been actively negotiating ways to expedite the procedures necessary for Ya Ya's return to her home country.中美双方一直在积极商洽加快办理大熊猫“丫丫”回国相关手续的方式和途径。In 2003, Ya Ya, who was born at Beijing Zoo, traveled to Memphis Zoo in the US state of Tennessee as part of a Sino-US giant panda protection and research program.“丫丫”于2000年出生于北京动物园,2003年同“乐乐”一起被送往美国田纳西州孟菲斯动物园,开始10年的旅居生活。In 2006, Ya Ya began to lightly shed fur, with the situation worsening in 2014, the association said.据中国动物园协会称,“丫丫”从2006年起出现轻微掉毛现象,并在2014年往后越发严重。The Chinese side has completed all approvals, while Beijing Zoo has made preparations to welcome Ya Ya back, including ensuring appropriate facilities, care plans, medical support and food supply.目前,中方已经完成了所有审批事项,北京动物园已从饲养场地、饲养方案、医疗保障、饲料供应等方面做好了迎接“丫丫”回家的各项准备工作。Escort英 [ˈeskɔːt , ɪˈskɔːt] 美 [ˈeskɔːrt , ɪˈskɔːrt]v. 护送Expedite英 [ˈekspədaɪt]       美 [ˈekspədaɪt]v.加快进展Shed英[ʃed]            美[ʃed]v.掉落