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英语新闻|不再公布无症状感染者数据China will stop publishing daily asymptomatic COVID-19 case counts starting from Wednesday in order to adjust to recent shifts in testing and quarantine rules, the National Health Commission said.国家卫健委表示,我国将从周三(12月14日)开始停止发布每日无症状感染者病例数,以适应最近检测和隔离规则的变化。The commission said in a statement on Wednesday morning that authorities are no longer able to grasp an accurate tally of asymptomatic infections because many people have stopped undergoing regular nucleic acid tests and mass screening has been called off in most regions.卫健委在周三上午的一份声明中表示,由于许多人已经停止接受定期核酸检测,并且大多数地区的大规模筛查已被取消,当局无法再准确掌握无症状感染者的统计数据。Currently, only workers in key sectors and people willing to take the tests are being tested for the virus as an adjusted measure to cope with the highly transmissible but less virulent Omicron strain, said officials.工作人员说,目前,作为应对高传播性但毒性较低的Omicron毒株的调整措施,只有关键部门的工作人员和愿意接受检测的人才会接受病毒检测,。Li Qun, head of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention's emergency operations center, said during a news briefing that grassroots health institutions are still required to provide guidance and services for asymptomatic cases recuperating at home.中国疾病预防控制中心应急行动中心主任李群在新闻发布会上表示,基层卫生机构仍需为无症状感染者居家休养提供指导和服务。The commission began publishing daily caseloads of asymptomatic cases on April 1, 2020.该委员会于2020年4月1日开始公布无症状病例的每日病例数。On Tuesday, the mainland reported 2,249 confirmed local infections and currently has a total of 35,274 confirmed local infections, including 150 severe cases, said the commission.该委员会称,12月13日,大陆报告确诊本地感染病例2249例,目前累计确诊本地感染病例35274例,其中重症病例150例。In response to public doubts over a drop in reported infections as many have noticed surging infections around them following the policy adjustment, Li said that the discrepancy is partly a result of fewer tests being conducted nationwide.许多人注意到政策调整后他们周围的感染激增,但报告的感染人数却下降,李群说,这种差异产生的部分原因是全国范围内进行的检测较少。"In addition, asymptomatic and mild patients, people exhibiting suspicious symptoms and those testing positive after taking antigen self-tests are resting or being treated at home, so their information cannot be logged by medical institutions," he said.“此外,无症状和轻症患者、出现疑似症状的人和自我抗原检测呈阳性的人正在休息或在家接受治疗,因此医疗机构无法记录他们的信息。”他说。Li said the China CDC will continue to deploy multiple surveillance tools and strengthen monitoring of infection clusters at elderly care centers, mental health clinics, social welfare centers, schools and hospitals, so as to understand the latest epidemic situation and viral mutations.李群表示,中国疾病预防控制中心将继续部署多种监测工具,加强对养老院、精神卫生诊所、社会福利中心、学校和医院的感染群监测,以了解最新的疫情和病毒变异情况。To guarantee that asymptomatic and mild cases resting at home can access prompt assistance when in need, Gao Guangming, deputy director of the commission's health emergency response department, said that grassroots health clinics are required to arrange staff on call around the clock to answer the needs and inquiries of local residents.为保障在家休养的无症状轻症患者在需要时能够得到及时救助,卫生应急司副司长高光明表示,要求基层卫生室安排工作人员24小时值班,及时对接回应当地居民的需求。"Meanwhile, communities and village authorities should arrange nucleic acid testing and disinfection work properly," he said.他说:“与此同时,社区和村有关部门应做好核酸检测和消毒工作。”Tally 英[ˈtæli];美[ˈtæli]n. 记录Asymptomatic 英[ˌeɪsɪmptəˈmætɪk];美[ˌeɪsɪmptəˈmætɪk]Adj. 无症状的Antigen 英[ˈæntɪdʒən];美[ˈæntɪdʒən]n. 抗原(能激发人体产生抗体)