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The National Health Commission announced the latest fine-tuning of the country's pandemic control measureson Friday. While there is no change to the "dynamic clearing" policy,the most recent adjustments are clearly meant to apply that policy in a mannerthat maintains its effectiveness while allowing economic and social activitiesto proceed as smoothly as possible.11月11日,国家卫健委发布了对疫情防控措施的最新优化调整。虽然"动态清零"政策没有改变,但最近的调整显然意在坚持"动态清零"的同时保证经济和社会活动顺利进行。Among the 20 measures the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of theState Council announced on Friday, are adjusting risk areas into high and lowcategories, shorter quarantines for inbound travelers and the "closecontacts" of those infected, lifting restrictions on "secondarycontacts", and removal of the "circuit breaker" mechanism for incominginternational flights. There are also clear requirements for the guarantee ofservices to people in home-isolation and quarantine. The measures represent awell-balanced move to ease the disruptions to people's lives and further openup the country to inbound travel.国务院联防联控机制11月11日宣布的20项措施包括:将风险区调整为高、低两类,对入境旅客和感染者的“密切接触者”实行短期隔离,取消对“次密接”的限制,取消对入境国际航班的“熔断”机制。此外,对居家隔离人员的服务保障也提出明确要求。这些措施是一种平衡的举措,旨在缓解疫情对人民生活的干扰,进一步开放中国入境旅游。As long as the discourse about pandemic containment protocol proceeds onthe track of reason and science, updating the policy in accordance with thechanging pandemic situation is the correct approach. At a news conference onSaturday, National Health Commission officials promised to continue fine-tuningthe pandemic response going forward.只要对疫情防控条例的论述是理性和科学的,根据疫情形势变化对政策进行更新就是正确的选择。在11月12日的新闻发布会上,卫健委官员承诺,将继续对疫情防控措施进行优化调整。The Chinese model of pandemic containment, featuring early detection andearly intervention, has proven efficient and contributed greatly to thecountry's achievements in the initial stage. But as the virus has mutated andmore variants have emerged that are able to spread at a faster pace, findingways to make quicker targeted interventions to shorten and break transmissionchains has become the focus so as to keep the disruptions to people's lives andeconomic operations to a minimum.中国的疫情防控模式具有早期发现和早期干预的特点,并被证明有效,为国家在疫情防控初期取得的成绩做出了巨大贡献。但随着病毒的变异和更多传播速度更快的新冠变体的出现,应该寻找更快更精准的干预措施以缩短和打破传播链,以将疫情对人民生活和经济运行的干扰降至最低。The latest measures show that with the benefit of experience, localgovernments are expected to be on the alert for any emergence of the virus andto respond in a timely manner so that they do not need to adopt a belated and widespread one-size-fits-all approach to try and contain theoutbreak.最新措施表明,地方政府将根据防疫经验,对病毒的出现保持高度警惕,并及时作出反应,不再需要在事后采取普遍"一刀切"的管控办法。By making early, rapid responses to any outbreaks, local governments canminimize the impact of the prevention and control measures on economicoperations and the disruptions to people's lives. The latest adjustments makethe prevention and control work more standardized and agile, and mean that if everyone fulfills their duties and responsibilitiesall will be able to reap the benefits.通过对疫情及时、快速的响应,地方政府能减少防控措施对经济运行和人民生活造成的影响。最新的政策调整,能使防控工作更加规范、灵活。这意味着如果人人都尽到疫情防控责任,所有人都会受益。fine-tuning英 [ˌfaɪn ˈtjuːnɪŋ]  美 [ˌfaɪn ˈtuːnɪŋ]n.微调belated英 [bɪˈleɪtɪd]  美  [bɪˈleɪtɪd]adj.迟来的agile英 [ˈædʒaɪl]  美  [ˈædʒ(ə)l]adj.灵活的