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Greek philosopher Heraclitus said one cannot twice step into the same river, but facts show that a company can twice commit the same wrong. On Tuesday, Dior did it again, triggering fierce debates through an advertisement for its makeup product where a model was shown pulling the corners of her eyes upward in a manner like she was squinting her eyes. The brand recalled the image after a storm erupted over discrimination against Asians.希腊哲学家赫拉克利特曾说过:一个人不可能两次踏进同一条河流。但事实证明,一家公司可能会两次犯同样的错误。周二,迪奥公司再次犯错,因其化妆品广告中出现一位模特拉起眼角的动作,看起来像是在眯眼。该品牌因此受到了针对亚洲人歧视的严厉批评,后来召回了这张广告图片。This comes not very long after November 2021, when Dior had faced a global backlash for a poster showing a Chinese model with freckled dark skin, gloomy squinted eyes, heavy dark makeup, long artificial nails, Qing armor and other distorted elements.Dior seems to have a short memory. In less than a year and a half the brand has once again come up with a similar poster and similar model, displaying the same discrimination against Asians.The only plausible explanation for this could be that Dior cares little about the feelings of Asians. Despite all the anger its earlier poster triggered, they have learned nothing.2021年11月,迪奥发布的一张海报更是在中国社交媒体上引起了巨大的争议,并遭到了全球的大规模反对。海报上的中国模特皮肤黝黑,有雀斑、沉郁的斜眼、浓黑的妆容、长长的人造指甲、清朝盔甲和其他一些很扭曲的元素。在不到一年半的时间里,该品牌再次发布了一张类似的广告海报,使用了类似的模特,展现了同样的对亚洲人的歧视。唯一合理的解释可能是迪奥并不关心亚洲人的感受。尽管早先的那张海报引起了如此多的愤怒,但他们什么也没学到。Possibly because of the way Asians are portrayed in Western societies, and for far too long, too many brands care about the feelings of every race except this most populous one. Even those who otherwise come across as politically correct, avoiding any racial slur in their content, seem to openly discriminate against Asians, as if their feelings don’t matter.What is needed is for Asians to stand united against any form of discrimination. Dior’s second case of being insensitive should serve as a reminder to all brands who have shown Asians in a discriminatory way before to never do it again. Unless they want a taste of Asian anger, like Dior twice did.可能是因为亚洲人在西方社会的形象被歪曲了很长时间,因此有太多品牌只关心除了亚洲人以外的其他种族的感受。即使那些在内容中避免任何种族歧视的政治正确者,似乎也公然歧视亚洲人,好像他们的感受并不重要。需要的是亚洲人团结起来,反对任何形式的歧视。中国日报评论称,希望迪奥的这两次事件能提醒其他品牌:展示产品时别再反复挑战亚裔底线了,除非你想尝一尝被抵制的滋味。Insensitive:指的是对他人的感受或需要缺乏关心或体谅的。通常用来形容某人或某事不够敏感或不够周到。例如:His insensitive comments hurt her feelings.(他不够体贴周到的评论伤害了她的感情。)The company's insensitive response to the customer's complaint only made things worse.(公司对客户投诉的不够关心体贴的回应只会让情况变得更糟。)