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Even as many businesses reel from scorching heat waves that have gripped the northern hemisphere, Chinese manufacturers of air-cooling products and providers of cold chain services have emerged as improbable winners this summer.尽管许多企业因受到北半球酷暑的影响而陷入困境,中国的制冷产品制造商和冷链服务提供商却意外地成为了今年夏天的赢家。Data from Shenzhen Customs in Guangdong province indicated that the city's total exports of electric fans soared 27 percent year-on-year in the first five months, amounting to a staggering 13.55 billion yuan ($1.89 billion). Exports to the European Union alone grew by 64 percent year-on-year, reaching 2.14 billion yuan.广东省深圳海关数据显示,今年前5个月,从深圳口岸出口的电风扇飙升,出口总额高达135.5亿元人民币(18.9亿美元),同比增长27%,其中仅对欧盟市场的出口额就达到了21.4亿元,同比增长64%。Manufacturers in Zhejiang province are also busy dealing with a massive influx of orders for cooling products like fans and air conditioners. For instance, at the factory of Ningbo Dechang Electric Machinery Co Ltd, six production lines have been running at full capacity.浙江省的制造商也忙于处理大量的风扇和空调等制冷产品订单。在宁波德昌电机股份有限公司的工厂内,六条生产线开足马力。"Some of the lines are producing electric fans. We started mass-producing the fans at the beginning of this year. Our product has sold over 1 million units overseas," said Fang Suping, the company's deputy manager of sales who had just received another urgent order for more than 100,000 fans to be delivered to the United States. “部分产线上赶制的是一款电风扇。从今年年初起,我们开始批量生产风扇,目前已经在海外售出了100多万台电风扇。前不久,我们又接到了一笔发往美国的加急订单,总量超过10万台。”德昌电机销售副总经理方素萍说。According to Fang, in the past, the fans were produced and delivered before June. But due to rising temperatures, orders from Europe, North America and the Middle East have increased sharply this year. The production of fans has been mapped out until the end of August, while many customers are rushing to place urgent orders.方素萍表示,往年,风扇订单会在6月前生产完毕并交付,但是由于气温上升,今年来自欧洲、北美和中东的订单大幅增加,目前,电风扇的生产已经排到了8月底,加急订单纷至沓来。Zhejiang Sharbo Electric Appliance Co Ltd, an air conditioner manufacturer in Ningbo, is also ramping up production to meet surging overseas orders.与此同时,一家位于宁波的空调制造商浙江夏宝电器有限公司也在提高产量,以满足激增的海外订单。"Increasing demand for air conditioners has boosted exports. In the first half of this year, our exports were valued at $75 million, increasing 15 percent year-on-year," said Lu Wuxing, the company's vice-general manager. “空调需求的增加促进了出口。今年上半年,公司的出口额已达7500万美元,同比增长15%。”浙江夏宝电器有限公司副经理卢武兴透露。It is not just appliances that are selling like hot cakes this summer, which also brings a windfall of fruits such as lychees and peaches. Freshly picked fruits have become popular on the back of effective cold chain logistics.今年夏天热销的不仅有家电,还有荔枝和桃子等水果。在有效的冷链物流支持下,新鲜采摘的水果下变得流行。Juicy peaches from Ningbo's Fenghua district are known for their sweet taste and were named one of China's geographical indications, a legal label for products that come from a particular region. The popular peaches are a major source of income for farmers.宁波奉化水蜜桃因其香甜的口感而闻名,是中国地理标志农产品,也是当地农民的主要收入来源。With the arrival of summer, Jiang Mi is currently hard at work in the Jiang's Peach Garden in Zhuangyuan'ao village. The peach garden, which was established by her grandfather Jiang Yongren in 1984, has been run for three generations. The young successor has given a new life to the orchard business.夏季来临,蒋蜜(音译)正在状元岙村的蒋桃园辛勤劳作。1984年,蒋米的祖父蒋永仁(音译)创办了桃园,至今已经经营了三代。这位年轻的继承人为果园的生意注入了新生机。"Before we started the e-commerce business, our main customers were the nearby fruit wholesalers. Over the past seven years, our sales through the e-commerce platforms have grown rapidly, which have made up over 80 percent of the total sales. And our main clients are distributed in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces," Jiang said.“在开启电商业务之前,水蜜桃的主要客户是附近的水果批发商。过去七年来,通过电商平台,水蜜桃的销售额迅速增长,其中电商渠道销售额占总销售额的80%以上。我们的主要客户分布在北京、上海、广州、深圳以及江苏和浙江的城市。”For peach farmers, rising temperatures are a curate's egg. Jiang explained: "High temperatures often come with plenty of sunlight, which brings sweeter peaches. But they also make the fruits smaller. Perfect fruits could only be planted when there is a balance between sunlight and rainfall. Heat waves can also speed up the maturing and spoilage of the fruits after they are picked.对于种植桃树的农民来说,高温是一个隐患。蒋蜜解释说:“高温通常伴随着充足的阳光,这会使桃子更甜,但也会使果子变小,而且热浪还会加速水蜜桃的成熟和变质。只有在阳光和降水平衡的情况下,才能种植出完美的水果。”"We are racing against time to keep the fruits fresh. Farmers usually pick fruits in the wee hours of the morning. And we package and send them through cold chain logistics before noon.“我们正在争分夺秒地工作,以保持水果处于新鲜状态。农民通常在凌晨采摘水果,中午之前把桃子包装起来,再通过冷链物流送出去。”"Thanks to the development of cold chain logistics, the efficiency of the peach shipments has been greatly improved."“得益于冷链物流的发展,桃子的运输效率显著提升。”Jiang said that it took farmers no more than 24 hours to deliver the peaches to customers in Shanghai and Hangzhou after picking them.蒋蜜表示,在24小时内就能将采摘后的桃子送到上海和杭州顾客的手中。The effective logistic services have also boosted peach sales while her sales territory has expanded.有效的物流服务在扩大桃子销售范围的同时也带动了销量。"Now we sell peaches to clients across the country, including the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, Tibet autonomous region, and Heilongjiang and Hainan provinces," Jiang said. "They can receive peaches within three days after placing an order."蒋蜜说:“现在我们向包括新疆维吾尔自治区、西藏自治区、黑龙江和海南在内的全国各地的客户销售桃子,这些客户可以在下单后三天内收到桃子。”According to the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, the total cold chain logistics amounted to 2.65 trillion yuan in the first five months of 2023, up 4.1 percent year-on-year. During the period, the total investment and construction of China's cold chain logistics infrastructure surpassed 14 billion yuan, increasing 6.6 percent from a year earlier.根据中国物流与采购联合会的数据,2023年前5个月,冷链物流总量达到2.65万亿元,同比增长4.1%。与此同时,中国冷链物流基础设施投建总额超过140亿元,同比增长6.6%。As peach farmers in Fenghua have ushered in the peak sales period, delivery companies are accelerating their shipment services.随着奉化水蜜桃迎来销售旺季,快递公司也在加快送货服务。Wu Haojie, an official of the Ningbo division of SF Express, a leading Chinese courier firm, said that 53 pickup points have been set up in Fenghua district and the daily shipment of each point is about 200 parcels.中国领先的快递公司顺丰速运宁波分公司负责人吴浩杰(音译)表示,奉化区有53个取件点,每个点每天大约有200个包裹。"We are delivering fresh commodities from Ningbo to 236 cities around the country. For shipments to 83 cities, we can complete them in one day while others are completed in two days," said Wu.“我们从宁波向全国236个城市运送生鲜商品。其中83个城市的货物可以在一天内送达,其余则能在两天内送达。”吴浩杰说。"Take Urumchi, a city more than 3,300 kilometers away from Ningbo, as an example. If we send a fruit parcel to the city today, the receiver will get it tomorrow."“以距离宁波3300多公里的乌鲁木齐为例,如果今天把水果包裹送到乌鲁木齐,那么收件人明天就会收到。”SF Express has also helped locals send Fenghua peaches to the Hong Kong market for eight years.8年来,顺丰速运还帮助当地人将奉化水蜜桃运往香港。"Over the past eight years, our clients have expanded from companies to individuals," Wu said.吴浩杰说: “在过去的八年里,我们的客户已经从公司扩展到个人。”Ningbo Dabu Food Co Ltd, a produce processor in Fenghua district, recently tapped markets in Europe.近期,位于奉化区的负责农产品加工业务的宁波大埠食品有限公司开拓了欧洲市场。"The first shipment of peaches has been sent to the Netherlands in mid-July," said Fu Zhenghua, the company's general manager.该公司总经理傅正华(音译)表示:“第一批桃子已于7月中旬运往荷兰。”To ensure the quality and freshness of the exported fruits, Fenghua Customs formed a team offering one-stop guidance to local farmers and companies.为了确保出口水果的质量和新鲜度,奉化海关组建团队为当地农民和公司提供一站式指导。"A green channel and a reservation hotline were also launched for fresh foods. The whole Customs clearance process has been shortened by 20 percent," said Lin Yongmao, director of the local Customs inspection department.奉化海关查检科科长林永茂表示:“此外,海关还开通了生鲜食品绿色通道和预订热线,整个通关过程缩短了20%,”Thanks to the smooth export operation, the company plans to export 100 boxes of peaches to Singapore.由于出口顺利,该公司还计划向新加坡出口100箱桃子。While Fenghua peaches are reaching overseas customers, a cold freight train carrying some 500 metric tons of durians and other fruits from Thailand arrived in Chongqing in Southwest China in June. It took 88 hours for the fruits to reach Chongqing after they left plantations in Thailand.在奉化水蜜桃销往海外的同时,一列载有约500吨榴莲和其他水果的冷链班列于6月于泰国运往中国西南部的重庆,共花费88个小时。Compared with the traditional cold chain transportation, the fruits' temperature and humidity condition can be monitored in real time during the whole process to ensure their freshness.与传统的冷链运输相比,冷链班列可以全程实时监控水果的温度和湿度状况,保证水果的新鲜度。The successful transportation of the fruits will also inject impetus into fresh food imports via the cold chain logistic link, market watchers said.市场观察人士表示,水果的成功运输也将为通过冷链物流运输的生鲜产品的进口注入动力。Fan英 /fæn/美 /fæn/n. 风扇Chain英 /tʃeɪn/美 /tʃeɪn/n. 链,Export英 /ɪkˈspɔːt/美 /ɪkˈspɔːrt/n.出口