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英语新闻|中国大陆、香港恢复正常旅行For the first time in three years, thousands of eager travelers from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Chinese mainland crossed the border without quarantine on Sunday to reunite with their loved ones or take care of business.1月8日,数千名来自香港特别行政区和中国大陆的游客,实现了三年疫情以来首次非隔离越过边境,他们不仅可以与亲人团聚还可以处理业务。Travelers said they were excited to set foot once again on the other side, and they hailed the initial-stage resumption of normal travel, which solves their pressing needs in life and work and marks a major step toward full normalization.游客们对于正常旅行的恢复感到兴奋,并且表示中国大陆正常出行的初步,不仅解决了他们迫切的生活和工作需求,更是朝着全面正常化迈出了重要一步。Starting on Sunday, 60,000 people per day will be allowed to travel to and from Hong Kong and the mainland via seven land, air and sea control points. They will not need to quarantine but will be required to provide a negative COVID-19 test result taken within 48 hours.1月8日起,每天将有6万人通过七个陆海空管制站往返香港和内地。他们不再需要隔离,但仍需提供48小时内核酸检测阴性证明。The Hong Kong SAR government also reopened four Hong Kong checkpoints — Lok Ma Chau, Man Kam To, the Hong Kong-Macao Ferry Terminal in Sheung Wan and the China Ferry Terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui — that were closed for three years.香港特区政府还重新开放了四个香港检查站,分别是落马洲、文锦渡、上环的港澳客运码头和尖沙咀的中国客运码头,这些检查站已关闭了三年之久。Early Sunday morning, many Hong Kong residents arrived at checkpoints to await the resumption of normal travel, and the flow of passengers peaked between 8 and 10 am. After crossing the border, many of them hugged and chatted with their relatives and friends.1月8日凌晨,许多香港居民抵达检查站等待正常交通的恢复。客流量在上午8点至10点达到顶峰。越过边境后,许多居民与亲戚朋友拥抱聊天。Shops at various newly reopened control points also resumed operations.目前,各个新开放管制站的店铺也已恢复营业。Mainland staff members at some ports welcomed inbound passengers with placards, gift bags with masks and cards with information on nearby transportation.一些港口的内地工作人员用标语、带口罩的礼品袋以及印有附近交通信息的卡片欢迎入境旅客。Lau Kit-chun, a PhD student from Hong Kong at Southwest University of Political Science and Law in Chongqing, had stayed in Guangdong province for three days in advance to ensure that he could return to the SAR on the first day that normal travel resumed.来自香港西南政法大学的博士生Lau Kit-chun提前在广东省待了三天,这是为了确保他能在恢复正常交通的第一天就返回香港特区。Lau, who had not seen members of his family in Hong Kong for three years due to COVID-19 restrictions, said he missed them a lot. In addition to a family reunion, he will be able to look for internships in the city, thanks to the resumption of normal travel.由于新冠肺炎的限制措施,Lau Kit-chun已经三年没有在香港见到家人了,他非常想念他们。恢复正常出行后,他不仅能与家人团聚,还可以在北京寻找实习机会。Hong Kong resident Tsang Kamfan went to the mainland to attend the funeral of her grandfather, who passed away last week. She said that she'd had little time to prepare the necessary documents to apply for entry under the quota on compassionate grounds.香港居民Tsang Kamfan前往内地,参加她上周去世的祖父的葬礼。她表示几乎没有时间准备必要的文件去以同情的理由申请入境配额。To ensure that she could enter the mainland on Sunday, Tsang used four mobile phones to register through an online booking system that was launched on Thursday.为了确保1月8日能够顺利进入中国大陆,她用四部手机通过1月5日启动的在线预订系统进行了注册。Louis Wang Tianzi, who works at a securities company in Hong Kong, went to the mainland on business. He said he has been waiting a long time for normal travel to resume, recalling that a year ago, he had to undergo nearly a month of centralized and home quarantine during trips to the mainland.在香港证券公司工作的Louis Wang Tianzi去了内地出差。他表示对于正常旅行的恢复已经等待了很长时间。回忆起一年前他在大陆旅行的经历,那时他还不得不接受近一个月的集中隔离和居家隔离。Wang plans to return to Hong Kong in a few days and then commute daily between the two places. He said he hopes that high-speed rail services and the Lo Wu checkpoint will resume operations to make it more convenient for him to commute between the SAR and the mainland.Louis Wang Tianzi计划几天后返回香港,然后每天往返两地。他希望高铁服务和罗湖口岸能够尽快恢复运营,从而更方便地往返于香港和中国大陆之间。As of 8 pm on Sunday, more than 92,000 people had traveled in and out of Hong Kong via land ports, of whom 56,800 were leaving the city, according to Hong Kong's Immigration Department.根据香港入境事务处的数据,截至1月8日晚8点,共有超过9.2万人通过陆路口岸进出香港,其中有5.68万人正在离开香港。After inspecting the Lok Ma Chau checkpoint, Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu said that most Hong Kong residents who have made reservations plan to travel to the mainland on Jan 20, followed by Jan 19 and Jan 21 — the three days preceding the Lunar New Year, which falls on Jan 22 this year.在巡查了落马洲检查站后,香港行政长官李家超表示,大多数已经预约的香港居民计划在1月20日前往内地,随后是农历新年1月22日的前三天,也就是1月19日和1月21日。Normalization英 [ˌnɔːməlaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n]  美  [ˌnɔːrmələˈzeɪʃn]n. 正常化,标准化Compassionate英 [kəmˈpæʃənət]  美  [kəmˈpæʃənət]adj. 有同情心的Immigration英 [ˌɪmɪˈɡreɪʃ(ə)n]  美  [ˌɪmɪˈɡreɪʃn]n. 移民,移民入境检查