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An academic society has urged the producers of a popular movie to apologize for factual errors in the film to avoid misleading viewers and hurting the feelings of people from where the historical events took place.洛阳市隋唐史学会称因“与史实不符”,要求《长安三万里》制片方道歉,以避免误导观众,伤害历史事件发生地百姓的感情。The Luoyang Society of Sui and Tang Studies, based in Luoyang, Henan province, said in a statement via social media that the animated movie Chang An, which depicts historical and political events and famous poets during the Tang Dynasty, has several key areas that "severely vary from historical events".动画电影《长安三万里》以盛唐为背景,讲述唐代的历史和政治事件以及著名诗人之间的友谊和往事。河南省洛阳市隋唐史学会在社交媒体上发表声明称,该电影几个关键情节与真实历史不符。According to the society, the first meeting of Li Bai and Du Fu, two renowned poets in China's history, took place in the year 744 in Luoyang, not in Chang'an, or present-day Xi'an, Shaanxi province, which the movie says. Du also grew up in Luoyang, not in Chang'an as the movie claims.根据该学会的说法,著名诗人李白和杜甫的第一次相逢是在公元744年的洛阳,并非影片中描写的长安或今天的陕西省西安市。杜甫早年生活在洛阳,并非影片中描写的长安The movie has a scene called "Three Greats within a Day", which depicts the meeting of a painter, a swordsman and a calligrapher who each give their own exceptional performance. However, the society said that the incident actually took place at a temple in Luoyang, not in Chang'an.电影中“一日三绝”场景,描绘了画家、剑客和书法家的风云际会。然而,该学会表示,这起事件实际上发生在洛阳的一座寺庙中,而非影片中描写的扬州,The movie, which premiered on July 8, had earned 1.7 billion yuan ($235 million) at the box office as of Thursday, according to movie statistics website Maoyan. The film has been especially popular with teenagers, and many of them like to recite verses from the poetry-filled movie.根据电影统计网站猫眼的数据,《长安三万里》于7月8日首映,截至8月17日,票房收入已达17亿元(2.35亿美元)。该电影深受青少年的喜爱,引发了“背诗热”。Although it's unreasonable to change the movie, the producers can still acknowledge their mistakes publicly and apologize to viewers to ease online vitriol, the society said.隋唐史学会表示,虽不能苛求制片方修改影片,但制片方至少应发表声明,承认影片错误或失误,向观众致歉,以平息各地网友骂战。According to the society, due to these "factual errors", netizens from Luoyang and Xi'an have engaged in an online war of words, which the producers have turned a blind eye to. The society said it has hired a legal firm to send a lawyer's letter to the director and the production company, urging them to correct the mistakes and apologize.根据该学会的说法,近期因该影片情节与历史不符,网络上掀起了骂战,特别是洛阳与西安网友之间的骂战愈演愈烈,但该片制片方却对此不予置评,不予回应,放任不管。洛阳市隋唐史学会已委托律师事务所,向制片方、导演等发出律师函,要求其发表纠错、致歉声明。The society studies the history of the Sui and Tang dynasties . At that time, Chang'an was the capital of the Tang Dynasty, while Luoyang was the "eastern capital". Both metropolises were highly prosperous and believed to be among the largest cities in the world at the time.洛阳市隋唐史学会是一家研究隋唐历史的学会。在当时,长安是唐朝的都城,洛阳是“陪都”,两个大都市都非常繁华,均为当时世界最大的城市。Xie Junwei, director of the movie, acknowledged that Li Bai and Du Fu's first meeting did take place in Luoyang, according to a report by media outlet Shanghai Observer. But he added that the movie only described a part of their lives, and they were not presented in full.据上观新闻报道,电影导演谢君伟承认,李白和杜甫的第一次见面确实是在洛阳。但他补充说,这部电影只描述了他们生活的一部分,并不是全貌。Hu Zhongxing, a retired professor from Fudan University's Department of Chinese Language and Literature, told Shanghai Observer that Li and Du's meeting was a major historical and cultural event, and changing the location of the event is "not proper". He suggested using one or two lines to maintain the overall plot while telling the audience where the meeting actually took place.复旦大学中文系退休教授胡中行在接受上观新闻采访时表示,李杜首次见面在历史和文化层面是一次重大事件,对地点进行改动的确欠妥。他建议,可以借助一两句台词,既不改变剧中设计,又能向观众传递二人首次相会是在洛阳的史实。A screenwriter surnamed Zhang told Shanghai Observer that the Chang'an depicted in the movie should be viewed as a more abstract reference instead of an accurate historical citation.一位张姓编剧对上观新闻表示,这部电影中“长安”更像是一个抽象化的指代,而不是一个准确的历史引用。"For historical scholars, such a detail should not be changed, but for movie creators, they think that it can be moderately altered," she said.她说:“影视作品应有其独立性,对于文史学者来说这个细节不能改变,但在电影创作来看可以适当改变。”Reporter: Liang ShuangIntern:Zang TianyiHistorical英 /hɪˈstɒrɪkl/美 /hɪˈstɔːrɪkl/adj. 历史的Producer英 /prəˈdjuːsə(r)/美 /prəˈduːsər/n.制片人Apologize英 /əˈpɒlədʒaɪz/美 /əˈpɑːlədʒaɪz/vt. & vi. 道歉