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Google workers, already rattled by the largest layoff in the search giant's history, now face another indignity as the company ends some of its leases on unused office space: desk-sharing.谷歌的员工已经被这家搜索巨头历史上最大规模裁员搞得焦头烂额,现在又面临着另一种屈辱,因为该公司终止了一些闲置办公空间的租约:办公桌共享。The move affects employees who work for Google Cloud, the Alphabet-owned unit's data storage product, at the company's five largest offices.此举将影响谷歌云(字母表公司旗下的数据存储产品)的员工,他们在该司位于华盛顿州柯克兰、纽约市、西雅图、旧金山和加州太阳谷的五个最大办公室工作。Workers will share their desks with their colleagues, the company confirmed on Thursday.该公司23日证实,员工将与同事共用办公桌。Googlers are permitted to work from home a few days each week, so many desks sit empty when only a fraction of staffers are doing their jobs from the company's offices.谷歌允许员工每周有几天在家工作,所以很多办公桌空着,只有一小部分员工在公司办公室工作。Google spokesperson Ryan Lamont said the move is meant to improve "real estate efficiency".谷歌发言人瑞安•拉蒙特表示,此举旨在提高“房地产效率”。Google is working to ensure its real estate investments are aligned with its needs in the era of hybrid work.谷歌正在努力确保其房地产投资符合其在混合工作时代的需求。Savings in real estate will allow Google to invest in the Cloud division’s growth, the company claims.节省的房地产成本也将允许谷歌投资于云部门的增长。Workers will be matched with a partner with whom they will share a workspace.员工将会找到一个可以共享工作空间的伙伴。Pairs of workers are expected to report to the office on alternate days to ensure a desk is free, with employees asked to work from their shared spaces at least two days a week.成对的员工需要隔天到办公室报到,以确保办公桌是空闲的,员工每周至少有两天要在共享的空间里工作。Google said it is implementing the change based on feedback from employees.谷歌表示,他们是根据员工的反馈实施这一改变的。In January, Google said it would slash 12,000 jobs, or roughly 6 percent of Alphabet's workforce, amid widespread tech industry layoffs.今年1月,谷歌表示,在科技行业大规模裁员的情况下,将裁员1.2万人,约占谷歌母公司Alphabet员工总数的6%。Company executives also said Google expects to incur costs of roughly $500 million related to shrinking its real estate footprint.该公司高管还表示,谷歌预计将因缩减其房地产业务而产生约5亿美元的成本。She was in good health and relaxed during her departure at the airport, where she ate her favorite snacks of bamboo shoots and apples, the Ueno Zoo tweeted.上野动物园在推特上写道,她身体健康,在机场办理离境手续时很放松,在那里她吃了她最喜欢的竹笋和苹果零食。Rattled英 [ˈrætl]       美 [ˈrætl]adj. 恼火的Indignity英 [ɪnˈdɪɡnəti]   美 [ɪnˈdɪɡnəti]n.侮辱Fraction英[ˈfrækʃn]     美[ˈfrækʃn]n.分数