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President Xi Jinping's call to further open up the services sector and enhance global cooperation to propel global economic recovery, as well as to develop new technologies and business forms and models, has boosted the confidence of foreign businesses, said executives and experts.中国国家主席习近平主席表示,中国将进一步开放服务业,加强全球合作,推动全球经济复苏,开发新技术、新业态和模式。高管和专家表示,上述言论增强了外国企业的信心。It also has given these enterprises more opportunities to expand their presence in the Chinese market, they said.他们说,这也为这些企业提供了更多扩大在中国市场业务的机会。They made the remarks during the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services, which runs through Wednesday in Beijing, after Xi addressed the Global Trade in Services Summit via video link on Saturday, when the fair opened.2023年中国国际服务贸易交易会9月2日至6日在北京举行,国家主席习近平向2023年中国国际服务贸易交易会全球服务贸易峰会发表视频致辞,他们在博览会期间发表了上述言论。In developing the services sector and trade in services, China will work with all countries and parties to advance inclusive development through openness, Xi said. It will also promote connectivity and integration through cooperation, foster drivers for development through innovation, and create a better future through shared services, in a bid to jointly get the world economy on the track of sustained recovery, he added.习近平强调,在发展服务业和服务贸易方面,中国愿同各国各方一道,以服务开放推动包容发展,以服务合作促进联动融通,以服务创新培育发展动能,以服务共享创造美好未来,携手推动世界经济走上持续复苏轨道。As the world's second-largest economy heads toward a development path driven by greater openness, cooperation and innovation in its services sector, executives of foreign companies are optimistic about the massive opportunities provided by China's huge market and its enabling business climate.作为世界第二大经济体,中国服务业正朝着更加开放、合作、创新的发展道路迈进。外资企业高管对中国巨大的市场和有利的营商环境提供的机遇持乐观态度。"China has emerged as a catalyst for the upgrading of global consumer demand, showcasing the robust resilience of its economy and injecting vitality into worldwide economic growth," said Jack Chan, chairman of EY China.安永中国董事长陈凯表示:“中国已成为世界消费需求升级的助推剂,向世界展示了中国经济的强劲韧性,为促进全球经济健康发展注入强心剂。”In the first half of 2023, the country's trade in services garnered remarkable achievements, ranking at the forefront globally. This accomplishment is attributed to the profound adjustments in economic structure and the optimization and upgrading of industrial composition, Chan said.陈凯表示,2023年上半年,得益于经济结构深化调整以及产业结构优化升级,中国服务贸易成绩亮眼,在世界范围内名列前茅。In the first seven months of the year, China's trade in services maintained stable growth, with its total value reaching 3.67 trillion yuan($505.4 billion), up 8.1 percent year-on-year, according to the Ministry of Commerce.根据商务部的数据,今年前7个月,今年1-7月,我国服务进出口总额3.67万亿元(5054亿美元),同比增长8.1%。我国服务贸易继续保持增长态势。"The ongoing deepening of China's openness in the services sector represents a pivotal element in securing its domestic economic development. The country's vibrant growth of trade in services, driven by the forces of decarbonization and digitalization, presented a reference for the rest of the world," Chan said.“持续深化中国服务业开放是确保国内经济发展的关键因素。在低碳化和数字化力量的推动下,中国服务贸易蓬勃发展,并为世界其他地区提供了参考。”China will roll out plans to accelerate the cultivation of new drivers for the digitalization of trade in services, implement pilot reforms on basic data systems and promote the development of digital trade through reform and innovation. The country will also establish a national voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading market and boost the services sector's role in green development.中国将加快培育服务贸易数字化新动能,推动数据基础制度先行先试改革,促进数字贸易改革创新发展。建设全国温室气体自愿减排交易市场,支持服务业在绿色发展中发挥更大作用。Jiang Xiaojuan, president of the China Society of Industrial Economics, said on Saturday that digital globalization has given rise to a new type of services trade, with the potential to slash cross-border transaction costs and increase the efficiency of international trade.中国工业经济学会会长江小涓周2日表示,数字全球化催生了一种新型的服务贸易,可降低跨国交易成本,提升国际贸易效益。China's digital services providers have strong competitiveness in riding the wave of digital globalization, Jiang said. The nation should fully harness the opportunities presented by global industrial upgrading and build an international cooperation and exchange platform that will drive the growth of global digital trade, Jiangsaid.她表示,中国的数字服务提供商在数字全球化浪潮中具有强大的竞争力,我们要充分利用全球产业升级带来的机遇,搭建国际合作交流平台,推动全球数字贸易发展。Norman Sze, vice-chair of Deloitte China, said at the trade in services fair that President Xi's remarks demonstrated China's unwavering confidence and determination in promoting profound reforms through high-level openness and in further expediting a new development pattern.德勤中国副主席施能自表示,习主席的讲话展示了中国坚持以高水平开放、促进深层次改革的信心和决心。Under that pattern, the domestic market is the mainstay and the domestic and international markets reinforce each other.在这种格局下,国内市场为主体,国内市场与国际市场相辅相成。China will vigorously boost domestic demand, accelerate the building of a robust domestic market, take the initiative to increase imports of quality services and encourage more exports of knowledge-intensive services, Xi said.习近平强调,中国将着力扩大国内需求,加快建设强大国内市场,主动扩大优质服务进口,鼓励扩大知识密集型服务出口。According to Sze, "This approach is conducive to collaborative efforts with other countries to stimulate global economic recovery and growth, and it plays a crucial role in aggregating 'China's voice' and 'China's solutions' in advancing higher-level openness to the world."施能自表示:“有利于携手各国共促世界经济复苏和增长,为推进更高水平对外开放汇集‘中国声音’和‘中国方案’。”Mohammed Al Ajlan, deputy chairman of Ajlan & Bros Group, said, "As the first Saudi private company to participate in the CIFTIS for two consecutive years, we are looking forward to taking this platform to conduct in-depth exchanges with more Chinese companies.沙特阿拉伯阿吉兰兄弟集团副董事长穆罕默德·艾尔·阿吉兰表示:“作为第一家连续两年参加中国国际服务贸易交易会的沙特民营公司,我们期待着利用这个平台与更多的中国公司进行深入交流。”"We hope to strengthen cooperation in emerging fields such as 5G,artificial intelligence, big data, biotechnology, financial technology and automation, among others, join hands with more Chinese companies to tap into the potential of Saudi-China bilateral economic and trade cooperation, and help investors from the two countries achieve a higher level of cooperation," Al Ajlan added.“我们希望加强在5G、人工智能、大数据、生物技术、金融技术和自动化等新兴领域的合作,与更多的中国企业携手挖掘沙中双边经贸合作的潜力,帮助两国投资者,实现更高水平的合作”,阿吉兰补充。Jin Zhongxia, head of the International Department of the People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, said at a separate meeting on Sunday that to further promote financial sector opening-up at a higher standard, the country will improve the management model of pre-establishment national treatment plus the negative list, optimize the business climate and strengthen regulatory capacity to control risks at a level commensurate with openness.中国人民银行国际司司长金中夏3日在另一场会议上表示,为了推动金融业更高水平对外开放,中国将完善准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理模式,优化营商环境,加强监管能力,确保金融管理能力与开放水平相匹配。Rosy英 /ˈrəʊzi/美 /ˈroʊzi/adj.乐观的;美好的Service英 /ˈsɜːvɪs/美 /ˈsɜːrvɪs/n.服务业Trade英 /treɪd/美 /treɪd/n.贸易,交易;行业;职业vi.交易,买卖;以物易物vt.用…进行交换