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英语新闻丨及时调整抗疫策略Lifting the strict virus controls by no means indicates the government has surrendered to the virus. Instead, the optimization of the prevention and control measures are in line with the current epidemic situation.解除严格的防疫封控绝不意味着政府已经向病毒投降了,相反,优化防控措施符合当前的疫情形势。.On the one hand, the variants of the novel coronavirus responsible for the current wave of infections are less lethal for most of the population; on the other hand, the economy is in a dire need of a quick reboot and the society of its overdue mobility.一方面,造成当前感染浪潮的新型冠状病毒变种对大多数人来说致死性已较低;另一方面,经济急需快速重启,社会也迫切需要恢复早该实现的流动性。However, that is not to ignore the seriousness of the situation. Doing everything possible to reduce the COVID death rate is the pressing need of the new stage of the fight with the novel coronavirus.不过,这一转变并没有忽视情况的严重性。尽一切可能降低新型冠状病毒感染的死亡率仍是与病毒斗争新阶段的迫切需要。Although most people can recover from being infected with a few days of rest, the virus still poses a grave threat to the life and health of the elderly, especially those with underlying health conditions.虽然大多数人感染病毒后休息几天就能恢复,但新冠病毒仍然严重威胁着老年人的生命和健康,尤其是那些有潜在健康问题的老年人。Although 75 percent of the 240 million people aged 60 and above in the country, and 40 percent of those aged 80 and above, have had three vaccination shots, higher than that of some developed economies, it should not be forgotten that around 25 million people aged 60 and above have not been vaccinated at all, putting them at greater risk of severe illness.尽管全国2.4亿60岁及以上人口中的75%、以及80岁及以上人口中40%的老年人已经接种了三针疫苗,高于一些发达国家,但不要忘了,还有约2500万60岁及以上人口根本没有接种过疫苗,他们将面临更大的重病风险。The strain that hospitals are under nationwide is evidence of the surging demand for medical care. It is imperative that governments at various levels step into the breach. More inputs are needed to increase the emergency medical care resources in a short time and ensure the supply of anti-fever and anti-inflammatory medicines.全国医院所面临的压力表明了医疗服务需求的激增。当务之急是动员各级政府,加大投入力度,短时间内增加应急医疗资源,确保退烧药和消炎药的供应。That means establishing more fever clinics, optimizing treatment procedures, increasing the numbers of support staff for medical workers, and improving service efficiency. It is good to see some cities are already acting quickly in that direction. For instance, the number of fever clinics in Beijing has increased rapidly from 94 to 1,263, over the past weeks, preventing a run on medical resources.同时增设发热门诊,优化诊疗流程,增加医务人员配套,并提高服务效率。一些城市已在这个方向上迅速采取行动,令人欣慰。例如,近几周以来,北京接收发烧诊所的数量从94家迅速增加到了1263家,避免了医疗资源挤兑的情况。Neighborhood management departments and public health institutions should also open green channels to ensure that all calls are promptly answered and critically ill patients are transported to hospitals for treatment.社区管理部门和公共卫生机构也要开通绿色通道,确保所有电话都能及时接听,并将危重病人送往医院治疗。That the number of emergency calls public health departments have received in many cities peaked late last week suggests that the most difficult time has passed, albeit only for this wave of the virus, with more waves expected. Nevertheless, as the situation improves, grassroots departments and public health institutions are expected to take the initiative to survey and provide for people's medical care needs, including offering psychological counselling.上周晚些时候,许多城市公共卫生部门接到的紧急呼叫数量达到峰值,表明已度过这一轮病毒中最困难的时期,尽管预计还会出现更多轮的病毒。不过随着情况出现好转,基层部门和公共卫生机构有望主动调查并提供人们的医疗需求,包括提供心理咨询。As expected, the continued emphasis on putting lives and health first is selectively ignored by those China-bashers who delight in frissons of schadenfreude at the expense of the Chinese people.果不其然,那些以牺牲中国人民利益为代价、幸灾乐祸的对华抨击者选择性忽视了中国秉持以生命和健康为首的做法。Optimization英 ['ɒptəmaɪ'zeɪʃən]  美 ['ɑ:ptəmaɪ'zeɪʃən]n. 最优化Lethal英 [ˈliːθl]       美 [ˈliːθl]adj. 致死的Inflammatory英 [ɪnˈflæmətri]     美 [ɪnˈflæmətɔri]adj. 发炎的