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May 8, the State Council’s Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism held a news conference, introducing the prevention and control work after the COVID-19 pandemic no longer constituted a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.5月8日下午,国务院联防联控机制召开新闻发布会,介绍新冠疫情不再构成“国际关注的突发公共卫生事件”后防控工作有关情况。Discussions of COVID-19 re-infections were popular online recently as some netizens suffered from COVID-like symptoms after the May Day holidays, during which large gatherings and mass movements increased the risks of getting the coronavirus.近日,关于新冠疫情“二阳”的讨论在网上很流行,因为一些网民在“五一”假期间的经历大型聚集、迁徙后出现了类似新冠的症状。Officials said that the virus has kept mutating, and sporadic cases have been reported across the country with the harm of the disease still existing, officials from China's National Health Commission (NHC) said during a press conference on Monday.5月8日的新闻发布会上,国家卫生健康委员会的成员表示,新冠病毒在不断变异,全国各地都有零星的病例报告,疾病的危害仍然存在。According to Liu Qing, official of the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention, the recent monitoring results of nationwide fever outpatient departments show a small increase in the epidemic in some areas during the "May Day" holiday, but the number of serious cases in hospitals around the country does not increase significantly. And medical institutions are not affected. Overall, there are sporadic outbreaks of scattered infections and no large-scale epidemic nationwide.国家疾控局传染病防控司副司长刘清表示,近期,全国发热门诊监测结果显示,“五一”期间部分地区疫情出现小幅上升,但各地在院重症病例数均未出现大幅增加,医疗机构正常诊疗秩序也未受到影响。总体来看,国内疫情目前仍处于局部零星散发状态,各地医疗服务秩序正常,全国未出现规模性疫情。According to Chen Cao, a researcher from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, with China increasing its foreign exchanges, the composition of the main epidemic strains of the COVID-19 in China is increasingly affected by international influences. The XBB variants account for 97.5% of all imported cases in late April, which is close to the global proportion.中国疾控中心病毒病所研究员陈操表示,随着我国对外交流的不断增加,我国新冠病毒主要流行株的构成也受国际影响明显增大。从监测数据看,今年4月下旬,在输入病例当中,XBB系列变异株的构成已经达到了97.5%,与全球的XBB系列变异株占比基本保持一致。According to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the highly transmissible XBB variant has become the dominant strain on the mainland, with its percentage among total COVID-19 infections rising from 0.2 in mid-February to 74.4 in April.据中国疾病预防控制中心称,高传染性XBB系列变异株已成为主要毒株,在本土病例中,XBB变异株的占比自今年2月份明显升高,从2月中旬的0.2%增长到了4月下旬的74.4%。According to Chen during the Monday briefing, the XBB variants have stronger transmissibility and immune escape ability than the earlier prevalent Omicron variants, but with no significant change in their pathogenicity.5月8日,新闻发布会上,陈操表示,XBB系列变异株是一种奥密克戎重组变异株,其传播力和免疫逃逸能力均强于早期流行的奥密克戎变异株,但致病力没有明显的变化。Wang Guiqiang, Director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Peking University First Hospital, said there are many reasons for sore throat, including COVID-19, flu, and bacterial infections, so they should be treated differently. The clinical manifestations of a secondary COVID-19 infection and XBB variant infection are similar at present. It is a necessity to maintain personal hygiene, including wearing a mask, to avoid or reduce the risk of further transmission.北京大学第一医院感染疾病科主任王贵强表示,导致咽喉痛的原因有很多,包括新冠、流感以及很多细菌感染等,所以要区别对待,如果感染新冠,无论是二次感染还是新变异株导致的感染,目前看临床表现都是类似的,要做好个人卫生,包括戴口罩,避免或者减少进一步传播的风险。Pan Hongying, director of the Department of Infection at Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital, said that it has been found in clinical practice that patients with secondary infection of COVID-19 generally have milder symptoms and fewer cases of significant sore throat. If the patient does not develop a fever, then the patient is indicated as asymptomatic or mild, then it is equally unlikely to develop a sore throat.浙江省人民医院感染科主任潘红英表示,临床中发现,二次感染新冠的患者,普遍症状较轻,出现明显咽喉痛的情况较少。若患者没有出现发烧,说明是无症状或轻症,那么也就同样不可能出现咽喉痛。In general, when sore throat due to acute pharyngitis occurs, oral antipyretic and analgesic medications can be taken and attention should be paid to daily throat protection. Patients with strong immunity can recover in 2 to 4 days. If the inflammation is more serious, it may take 1 week or more to recover, and the patient needs to seek medical examination and take antibacterial drugs and other treatments as prescribed by the doctor.一般情况下,出现急性咽炎导致的咽喉疼痛,可口服解热、镇痛的药物,注意日常护嗓。抵抗力较强的患者2~4天能自行缓解。若炎症较严重,可能需要1周或更长时间恢复,需就医检查,遵医嘱服用抗菌药物等进行治疗。Here are five ways to relieve a sore throat and protect the throat on a daily basis.日常中可以通过下面5个方法,缓解嗓子疼,保护咽喉。It is recommended that healthy male adult drink 1,700 ml of water a day and women 1,500 ml a day. Drink small amounts of water many times and never wait until you are thirsty.一定的湿度对咽部黏膜有滋润和保护作用。建议健康成年男性每天喝1700毫升水,女性每天喝1500毫升水。多次、少量喝水,千万不要等到口渴再喝。Studies have shown that saline irrigation of the mucous membranes in the throat can kill bacteria and relieve inflammation. Add a small half spoon of table salt to a bowl of warm water, wait for the salt to fully dissolve and then gargle with salt water. Hold it in your mouth for 20-30 seconds and spit it out, then rinse your mouth with water.研究表明,盐水冲洗咽喉部位的黏膜能起到杀菌、缓解炎症的作用。具体做法:在一碗温水(约250毫升)中加入小半匙食盐(一啤酒瓶盖),待食盐充分溶解后用来漱喉。口含20~30秒吐出,再用清水漱口。Inhale steam from a hot cup of water through the mouth, paying attention that the water temperature does not exceed 60℃. Doing this for twenty minutes twice a day for two to three days can greatly relieve pain and ease symptoms.口张开,以适当距离对着有热气的水杯,注意水温不要超过60℃。每天2次,每次20分钟左右,如此2~3天可以大大缓解疼痛症状。When taking throat lozenge, make sure it is contained in the base of the tongue near the throat. Do not chew or swallow directly, and avoid drinking a lot of water within half an hour. It should be noted that most of the lozenges contain iodine, which can have a good inhibitory effect on bacteria. They should be taken under the guidance of a doctor.服用润喉片时应含在舌根靠近咽喉的部位,不能直接咀嚼和吞咽,含服半小时内不要大量喝水。需要注意的是,润喉片大多含碘,对细菌能起到良好的抑制作用。应在医生指导下服用,如果咽喉没有炎症,尽量不要用润喉片。Avoid frequent exertion of throat clearing as it may cause edema of throat mucosa, acute and chronic pharyngitis and other problems.频繁用力清嗓子可能造成咽喉黏膜水肿、急慢性咽喉炎等问题。说话时放慢语速,避免长时间、大声量过度用嗓。Reinfection英/ˌriːɪnˈfekʃən/ 美/ˌriɪnˈfekʃən/n.[医]再感染Variant英/ˈveəriənt/ 美/ˈveriənt/n.变异株