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Shanghai has launched a comprehensive action plan to revolutionize elderly care services and address the challenges posed by its rapidly aging population.近日,上海制定了《上海市推进养老科技创新发展行动方案(2024-2027年)》(以下简称《行动方案》),旨在推动养老服务变革,应对人口快速老龄化带来的挑战。According to the plan, the city aims to harness cutting-edge technology to enhance the quality of life for seniors and emerge as a global leader in technological innovation and industrial advancement in elderly care by 2027.根据《行动方案》,该市的目标是利用尖端技术提高老年人的生活质量,并目标到2027年,初步建成养老科技创新与产业发展高地。The plan encompasses the establishment of an elderly care technology industrial park, state-of-the-art incubators, enterprise innovation hubs and research platforms. Central to the initiative is the nurturing of leading enterprises, the creation of demonstration sites for elderly care technology products, and the application of these innovations to cater to diverse needs.该方案包括创建1个养老科技产业园,建成1-2个高质量孵化器、3-5个企业技术创新中心、1-2个研发测试公共服务平台,引进培育5-10家龙头企业,初步建成上海市基本养老服务综合平台。Specifically, the plan highlights the integration of artificial intelligence technology, calling for the development of AI models and algorithms for voice, facial, emotion and motion recognition and environmental perception.It aims to enhance the autonomous perception, learning, decision-making and execution capabilities of elderly care technology products through the development of embodied intelligence and generative artificial intelligence technologies.《行动方案》将研发用于语音、人脸、情感、动作识别和环境感知的人工智能模型与算法,研发具身智能、生成式人工智能等新技术,提高养老科技产品自主感知、自主学习、自主决策、自主执行等能力。In terms of key product development, the plan categorizes products into six groups such as life assistance, health services and rehabilitation aids, with a particular focus on robots.在重点产品开发方面,将产品分为生命辅助、健康服务、康复辅助等六大类,尤其以机器人为重点。Various types of robots including rehabilitation, exoskeleton, nursing and companion robots are mentioned multiple times in the plan. Embodied intelligent or humanoid robots are seen as a key solution to address the significant shortage of elderly care nursing staff in China.康复、外骨骼、护理和陪伴机器人在内的各类机器人将具身智能或机器人被视为解决老年护理人员严重短缺的关键解决方案。Various initiatives have already been launched to integrate embodied intelligent robots with the silver economy.目前已有各类方案将具身智能机器人与银发经济相结合。On the national level, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued measures to expand the functions of intelligent robots in various sectors, including elderly care, on June 24.为在国家层面落实《国务院办公厅关于发展银发经济增进老年人福祉的意见》,智能机器人功能将拓展到包括养老在内的各领域。At the 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, the Intelligent Robotics Institute of Fudan University's Academy for Engineering and Technology showcased Guanghua No 1, a care robot for the elderly, which exhibits significant improvements in assisting the elderly and emotional responsiveness.在2024年世界人工智能大会上,复旦大学工程与应用技术研究院智能机器人研究院研发的“光华一号”人形机器人向公众亮相,该机器人在辅助老年人生活和其快速的情绪反应能力方面表现突出。Gan Zhongxue, deputy dean of the Academy for Engineering and Technology of Fudan University, emphasized the importance of emotional engagement in elderly care and health services.工程与应用技术研究院副院甘中学强调了情感参与在养老和健康服务中的重要性。He highlighted that genuine care requires emotional intelligence and warmth, qualities that can be provided by humanoid robots like Guanghua No 1.真正的关怀需要情感和温暖,而像“光华一号”这样的人形机器人具备这些功能。To drive the application and showcase the potential of these innovative products, the plan outlines initiatives to expedite the adoption of smart aging solutions, encourage the utilization of intelligent elderly care products in care facilities, and establish demonstration centers for elderly care technology products. Additionally, support will be extended to independently developed elderly care technology products and explore insurance coverage options for these cutting-edge solutions.为推动智能养老产品的应用,展示这些创新产品的潜力,《行动方案》进一步加快适老化智能场景落地,促进智能养老科技产品示范应用,加快智慧养老院建设,推进护理机器人、康复机器人等养老科技产品使用。The plan also underscores the significance of fostering a conducive environment for industry growth by backing enterprise innovation, establishing high-caliber incubators, fostering industry clusters, and fortifying standard systems to ensure seamless integration and interoperability of elderly care technology products.《行动方案》充分利用众创空间、孵化器、加速器等平台,以及上海养老科技创新大赛等活动,加强养老科技成果孵化转化和创新创业服务。Embodied intelligentn.具身智能incubatorsn.孵化器