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Chinese diver Quan Hongchan triumphed in the women's 10-meter platform diving event on Tuesday at the Paris Olympics, defending her title in the event, claiming her second gold medal at the Paris Games and securing China's 22nd gold medal overall.8月6日,中国跳水运动员全红婵在巴黎奥运会女子10米跳台决赛中夺冠,成为了卫冕该项目的冠军,这是她在巴黎奥运会上获得的第二枚金牌,也是中国本届奥运会的第22枚金牌。Quan's teammate Chen Yuxi won silver, and Kim Mi-rae of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea won bronze.全红婵的队友陈芋汐在该项目中获得银牌,朝鲜选手金美莱获得铜牌。 Quan and Chen had also won the gold medal in the women's synchronized 10m platform on July 31.Before Tuesday, the Chinese delegation had already amassed 21 gold medals, 18 silvers and 14 bronzes in the first 10 days of the Paris Games. Amid fierce competition, there have been remarkable breakthroughs as well as results that fell short of expectations.7月31日,巴黎奥运会女子双人10米跳台比赛中,全红婵/陈芋汐组合勇夺金牌。截至8月6日,中国代表团在巴黎奥运会的前10天比赛日已获21枚金牌、18枚银牌和14枚铜牌。在激烈的竞争中,尽管有遗憾,我国运动员们仍然取得了世界瞩目的突破。The shooting events, now completed, have been especially rewarding for China, with Generation Z athletes Huang Yuting and Sheng Lihao sparking the gold rush for the Chinese team. China achieved a historic best in shooting with a total of five golds, two silvers and three bronzes.已经结束的射击项目对中国队来说尤其有意义,00后运动员黄雨婷、盛李豪为中国队点燃了巴黎奥运会首金。本届奥运会中国队在射击项目上取得了历史最好成绩,共获5枚金牌、2枚银牌和3枚铜牌。In swimming, the Chinese team started slowly but gained momentum, securing two golds, three silvers and seven bronzes. With 12 medals total, the team doubled its count from the Rio and Tokyo Olympics, and 22 more athletes stood on the podium compared with Tokyo.在游泳项目中,中国队虽起步缓慢,但势头强劲,一举夺得2枚金牌、3枚银牌和7枚铜牌,共获12枚奖牌,是里约奥运会和东京奥运会奖牌数的一倍。与东京奥运会相比,登上领奖台的运动员人数也增加了22名。The biggest surprise came from 20-year-old Pan Zhanle, who shattered his own world record in the men's 100m freestyle final with a time of 46.40 seconds to win gold. He then clinched another gold with his teammates in the men's 4x100m medley relay. Zhou Jinqiang, vice-president of the Chinese delegation, highlighted the significant impact of the Chinese swimming team at this year's Games, which challenged the dominance of European countries and the United States.本届奥运会最大的惊喜来自刚满20岁的潘展乐,他在男子100米自由泳决赛中以46秒40的成绩打破了自己曾经创造的世界纪录,夺得金牌。潘展乐与队友覃海洋、徐嘉余、孙佳俊在男子4x100米混合泳接力决赛中为中国队再夺一枚金牌。中国体育代表团副团长周进强在发布会上表示,本届奥运会,中国游泳队对欧美国家的优势地位给予了强力冲击。"Pan is the first Asian athlete to win the men's 100m freestyle Olympic gold medal since the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics," Zhou said.He noted that netizens have compared Pan to Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt, saying "the Bolt on land, Pan Zhanle in the water", which Zhou said underscores "the significance of this gold medal".周进强特别指出潘展乐男子100米自由泳金牌的来之不易:“潘展乐是1932年洛杉矶奥运会之后,第一位获得男子百米自由泳奥运金牌的亚洲选手,有网友戏称‘陆上博尔特,水中潘展乐’,可见这枚金牌的份量。”Zhou also said that the gold medal in the men's 4X100m medley relay reflects the team's overall strength, breaking the US'40-year dominance in the event. And although the Chinese mixed 4X100m medley relay team won silver, they still broke the world record, showcasing the balanced and comprehensive development of Chinese swimming.周进强表示,男子4×100米混合泳接力夺金是综合实力的体现,打破了美国长达40年长期垄断;男女4×100米混合泳接力虽然获得银牌,但也打破了原世界纪录,这是我国游泳项目实力均衡发展、全面提升的体现。Additionally, swimmer Zhang Yufei won a total of six medals (one silver and five bronzes) at this Olympics, making her the Chinese female athlete with the most medals in a single Olympic Games. She now has won a total of 10 Olympic medals, making her the most decorated Chinese Olympian. China has also achieved remarkable results in several events, including women's BMX and women's singles and mixed doubles in tennis, and it narrowly missed gold in team events in men's gymnastics and women's archery.此外,张雨霏在本届奥运会获得1银5铜共6枚奖牌,成为我国单届奥运会获得奖牌最多的女子运动员,同时,累计获得10枚奥运会奖牌,成为我国获得奥运会奖牌最多的运动员。中国队在奥运会自由式女子小轮车、乒乓球女单、混双、网球女单等多个项目上也取得了令人瞩目的成绩,在体操男子团体和射箭女子团体中以微弱优势错失金牌。Zhou, the Chinese delegation's vice-president, highlighted the intense competition of the Olympics, noting that athletes face enormous pressure, resulting in an error rate that is higher than in other competitions.周进强在发布会上还表示,巴黎奥运会比赛期间,个别运动员出现失误或未能发挥出应有水平,对这些运动员代表团给予了充分的理解。"Winning and losing are both normal outcomes," he said. "Therefore, I call for understanding and compassion for athletes who make mistakes or fail to meet expectations during the Olympics."奥运会竞争异常激烈,胜负输赢都很正常。周进强称:“我也呼吁,对在奥运会比赛中出现失误或未能达到预期成绩的运动员,给予善意的理解和包容。”BMX: Bicycle Motocrossn.小轮车