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China's leading internet companies, including Douyin, Tencent and Meituan, have ramped up efforts to combat internal corruption this year, underscoring a zero-tolerance policy toward fraudulent and corrupt activities.抖音、腾讯、美团等中国互联网公司今年加大打击舞弊贪腐行为的力度,对欺诈腐败行为采取“零容忍”政策。Last week, Douyin, one of the largest video-sharing platforms in China, released its anti-fraud report for the first half of the year, revealing significant actions taken against internal corruption. The report said commercial bribery and duty encroachment were the most prevalent forms of corruption within the company.8月12日,抖音集团(即字节跳动)发布2024年上半年反舞弊通报显示,商业贿赂和职务侵占是公司内部占比较大的舞弊类违规案件。According to the report, Douyin investigated 125 cases of fraudulent activities during the first six months of the year. Those investigations led to the dismissal of 88 employees for violating company integrity regulations, with 17 who were suspected of crimes handed over to judicial authorities.根据报告,今年上半年共查处舞弊类违规案件125起,其中88人因触犯廉洁红线被辞退,有17人因商业贿赂、舞弊或职务侵占被移送公安机关立案侦查。The report detailed eight cases that were referred to law enforcement.报告列举了8例案件,目前已被移送公安机关处理。In one instance, a former Douyin employee surnamed Zhou exploited his position to provide undue assistance to external influencers in exchange for kickbacks. Zhou was dismissed and handed over to public security authorities for suspected criminal activities.抖音前员工周某利用职务便利,为外部主播提供不当帮助,并收受好处费。其行为违反了员工行为准则,集团已将其辞退。同时,周某因涉嫌违法犯罪,已被移送公安机关处理。In another case, a former product development and engineering employee, surnamed Cao, colluded with external personnel to seek personal gains through his position. Cao was also dismissed and referred to authorities.产品研发及工程架构前员工曹某利用职务便利,联合外部人员谋取私利。其行为违反了员工行为准则,集团已将其辞退。同时,曹某因涉嫌违法犯罪,已被移送公安机关处理。Embezzlement has been another focus of anti-corruption efforts across China's tech industry.反舞弊是中国科技行业反腐工作的重点之一。In February, Tencent released its 2023 anti-fraud report, which disclosed that over 70 cases of rule violations were addressed last year. As a result, more than 120 employees were dismissed, and nearly 20 people suspected of crimes were handed over to public security authorities.2月,腾讯反舞弊调查部共发现并查处触犯“腾讯高压线”案件70余起,120余人因触犯“腾讯高压线”被解聘,近20人因涉嫌犯罪被移送公安机关处理。Tencent's report detailed 17 typical cases, including 11 involving the embezzlement of company assets. In one case, two employees, Gao Qiyuan and Wang Qi, were convicted of embezzlement and sentenced to four years and three and a half years in prison, respectively.报告列举了17例典型案件,其中11例涉及挪用公司资产。在其中一起案件中,两名员工高启元和王奇因职务侵占罪分别被判处4年和3年半有期徒刑。Corruption cases often involve employees working in upstream supply chains and downstream sales channels of the internet firms. In February, Meituan, another leading Chinese tech firm, announced that it assisted authorities in investigating and prosecuting 93 individuals, both internal and external, last year for suspected criminal activities. The company released details of nine cases, seven of which involved procurement processes for fresh food, snacks, warehouse renovations and other areas.舞弊案件通常涉及互联网公司上游供应链和下游销售渠道的员工。今年2月,美团公告称,2023年全年协助公安立案侦办涉嫌犯罪的内外部人员共93人,在列举的9例案件中,7例涉及生鲜食品、零食、仓库装修和其他领域的采购流程。The companies said they are committed to strengthening their anti-fraud measures. Meituan announced plans to focus on comprehensive anti-fraud governance in key areas such as procurement and major business collaborations this year. Tencent said in its annual report that it aims to prevent, detect and combat all forms of fraudulent activities by establishing robust anti-fraud systems and comprehensive risk management frameworks. Douyin also emphasized its commitment to continuously improving its systems and intensifying efforts to combat fraudulent activities, including commercial bribery and embezzlement.我国不少互联网公司表示,将持续加强反舞弊相关措施。美团表示,将继续在商品采购、服务采购、产品零配件采购、重大商务合作等关键领域着力推进舞弊腐败的全链条治理;腾讯在年度反舞弊通报中表示,通过制定“腾讯高压线”等反舞弊制度和建立完善的风险管理体系,来预防、发现和打击商业贿赂、职务侵占等一切舞弊行为;抖音表示,高度重视依法依规经营,不断完善制度体系建设,加强合规文化及举报渠道的内外部宣贯。anti-fraud n.反舞弊