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A cold front will hit most parts of China from Monday to Wednesday, causing a further decline in temperatures, the National Meteorological Center warned.中央气象台发布预警,10月21日至23日,新一股冷空气将袭击中国大部分地区,导致气温进一步下降。The center said that the new cold front moving eastward from Northeast China will cause strong wind, rain and snow, with temperatures expected to plummet by 4 to 8 C — and more than 10 C in some areas.中央气象台表示,从中国东北向东移动的新冷空气将引发大风、雨雪天气,预计气温将骤降4-8℃,局地降温幅度10℃以上。On Sunday, the center issued a blue alert for strong winds in North and Northeast China as well as coastal areas of Fujian province from 8 am on Sunday to 8 am on Monday. Also, strong winds are expected in parts of the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea and the Bashi Channel. 20日,中央气象台发布大风蓝色预警,预计10月20日08时至21日08时,华北、东北和福建沿海地区将有大风;此外,预计黄海、东海、台湾海峡、南海和巴士海峡的部分海域将有大风。China has a four-tier, color-coded weather warning system for strong winds, with red representing the most severe warning, followed by orange, yellow and blue.中国有一套四级颜色编码的气象灾害预警信号体系,红色代表最严重的预警,其次是橙色、黄色和蓝色。As the new cold front moves eastward from Sunday to Tuesday, many areas in central and eastern China will be hit by rain. Snow is expected to fall in parts of Beijing and in the provinces of Hebei and Shanxi, and blizzards are forecast to hit some parts of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region and Heilongjiang province, the center said.10月20日至22日,随着新的冷空气向东移动,中国中部和东部的许多地区将有降雨。中央气象台消息称,北京部分地区、河北省和山西省将有降雪,内蒙古自治区和黑龙江省局地将有暴雪。It added that the cold front was predicted to bring rain and snow to central and eastern China from Sunday to Monday.中央气象台补充,预计冷空气将在20日至21日给中国中部和东部地区带来雨雪。From 8 am on Saturday to 6 am on Sunday, heavy and torrential rain hit Sichuan, Guizhou, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Fujian provinces. Particularly battered were Mianyang and Guangyuan in Sichuan, and Guangzhou in Guangdong.从10月19日08时至20日06时,四川、贵州、浙江、广东和福建等省遭遇大雨和暴雨袭击,四川绵阳和广元、广东广州尤为严重。Many areas in North China and northern regions along the Yangtze River saw temperatures drop between 6 C and 10 C at 5 am on Sunday, compared with the same time the previous day, the center said.据中央气象台消息,华北和长江沿线北部许多地区20日05时的气温与前一天同期相比骤降6-10℃。cold front冷锋;寒潮plummetv. 骤降;大幅下跌blizzardn. 暴风雪meteorologicaladj. 气象的,与气象学有关的torrential rain暴雨