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When Tian Xiaorun, a male teacher in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, flew to the Hong Kong special administrative region to be vaccinated against HPV in January, his friends and family members questioned his decision.浙江省杭州市的男教师田晓润今年1月飞往香港特别行政区接种人乳头瘤病毒疫苗,他的朋友和家人对他的决定表示疑惑。"Even the doctor in Hong Kong was surprised to see me — a male from the mainland — come to get vaccinated against HPV," said the 30-year-old.30岁的他说:“看到我一个来自内地的男性来接种人乳头瘤病毒疫苗,连香港的医生都感到惊讶。”HPV vaccines are mainly used to prevent cervical cancer, which kills 342,000 women a year worldwide. But men also benefit from getting vaccinated to protect against genital and colon cancers and those in the head and neck, among others. Some countries and regions have approved HPV vaccines for use among both genders.HPV疫苗主要用于预防宫颈癌,全世界每年有34.2万名妇女死于宫颈癌。但男性也可以通过接种疫苗来预防生殖器癌、结肠癌以及头颈部癌症等。一些国家和地区已经批准男性和女性接种人乳头瘤病毒疫苗。"I first learned that men could receive vaccines against HPV when I was an exchange student in the United States, but at that time, I simply shrugged off the risk of the virus," he said.他说:“我在美国做交换生时第一次知道男性可以接种人乳头瘤病毒疫苗,但当时我只是简单地回避了病毒的风险。”"The COVID-19 pandemic prompted me to increase self-care, and after doing some research, I believe that getting vaccinated is worthwhile because it would not only protect myself against genital warts, but also my female partners."“新冠疫情促使我加强自我保健,在做了一些研究后,我认为接种疫苗是值得的,因为这不仅能保护自己免受生殖器疣的侵害,还能保护我的女性伴侣。”A small but growing number of men in China have considered or opted to obtain HPV vaccines outside the mainland — where the dose is not currently approved for use among men.中国有一小部分男性考虑或选择在中国大陆以外的地区接种人乳头瘤病毒疫苗,但这一人数在不断增加。While hailing the growing awareness and acceptance of the cancer-preventing shot, experts said that in China, the priority group for HPV vaccination remains females aged 9 to 45, especially young girls and adolescents.专家们对越来越多的人认识和接受这种预防癌症的疫苗表示欢迎,但同时表示,在中国,接种HPV疫苗的重点人群仍然是9至45岁的女性,尤其是少女和青少年。Wu Yinglan, director of the women's health department at the Hunan Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital, said that men could not only prevent HPV-related conditions by getting the vaccine, but could also protect their female partners by lowering women's risk of exposure to HPV viruses via sexual contact.湖南省妇幼保健院妇女保健科主任吴颖岚说,男性不仅可以通过接种疫苗预防与HPV相关的疾病,还可以通过降低女性通过性接触接触HPV病毒的风险来保护他们的女性伴侣。"Cervical cancer is common and deadly for females. As the domestic manufacturing capacity of HPV vaccines is not large enough to protect both men and women, we should prioritize female vaccination," she said during an interview with Xiaoxiang Morning Herald, a newspaper based in Hunan province.“宫颈癌是女性常见的致命疾病。”她在接受《潇湘晨报》采访时说:“由于国内HPV疫苗的生产能力不足以同时保护男性和女性,我们应该优先考虑女性接种。”"In case of sufficient supplies in the future, mass vaccination for both men and women could become a trend," she added.她补充说:“在未来供应充足的情况下,为男性和女性大规模接种疫苗可能会成为一种趋势。”Qiao Youlin, a professor at the School of Population Medicine and Public Health at Peking Union Medical College, said during a previous interview that HPV vaccines should be prioritized for girls aged under 15.中国医学科学院北京协和医学院特聘教授乔友林此前在接受采访时说,应优先为15岁以下的女孩接种人乳头瘤病毒疫苗。"Human papillomavirus is mainly transmitted through sexual contact, and males should get vaccinated but they are only the third priority," he said.他说:“人类乳头瘤病毒主要通过性接触传播,男性应该接种疫苗,但他们只是第三优先。”Cho Kyu-hyun, a South Korean singer and television host, said during a recent television program that he had obtained his first HPV vaccine. He said he hoped his decision could help break stereotypes about the vaccine as a female-exclusive product and spread awareness about the significance of preventing HPV infections.韩国歌手兼电视节目主持人曹圭贤在最近的一次电视节目中说,他已经接种了第一针人乳头瘤病毒疫苗。他说,他希望自己的决定有助于打破疫苗是女性专属产品的陈旧观念,并提高人们对预防人乳头瘤病毒感染重要性的认识。A hashtag related to his vaccination became one of the most-discussed topics on China's microblogging platform Sina Weibo on Aug 9.8月9日,一个与曹圭贤接种疫苗有关的标签成为中国微博平台新浪微博上讨论最多的话题之一。Some netizens said they were surprised to learn that men could get HPV vaccines and applauded his move, while some said even their female friends have not been vaccinated yet due to low awareness and limited supplies.一些网民表示,他们对男性可以接种HPV疫苗感到惊讶,并为曹圭贤的举动点赞;而一些网民则表示,由于认识不足和供应有限,甚至他们的女性朋友也还没有接种疫苗。Chai Yan, director of consulting firm IQVIA Biotech, said that HPV vaccination coverage among women aged 4 to 45 is uneven across China. More efforts are needed to boost inoculation rates in small cities and towns, as well as for younger girls aged 9 to 15.咨询公司IQVIA Biotech的主任柴岩说,中国4至45岁女性的HPV疫苗接种覆盖率参差不齐。需要加大力度提高小城市和乡镇的接种率,以及9至15岁年轻女孩的接种率。He added that several domestic vaccines are projected to gain market approval by around 2026, which will greatly boost the country's manufacturing capacity.他补充说,预计到2026年左右,将有几种国产疫苗获得市场批准,这将大大提高中国的生产能力。Cervical 英/ˈsɜːvɪk(ə)l/ 美/ˈsɜːrvɪk(ə)l/adj.颈的;子宫颈的Vaccinate英/ˈvæksɪneɪt/ 美/ˈvæksɪneɪt/v.给……接种疫苗;接种疫苗