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Two Chinese students at Florida International University and a professor at the University of Florida are filing a lawsuit in a federal court against a new state law that restricts students from China and six other countries from being employed as graduate assistants to conduct academic research projects. 佛罗里达国际大学的两名中国学生和佛罗里达大学的一名教授正在联邦法院提起诉讼,反对盖州推出一项新法律,该法律限制来自中国和其他六个国家的学生被聘用为研究生助理进行学术研究项目。The law, SB 846, was signed by Governor Ron DeSantis in May 2023 and went into effect on July 1. It prohibits state universities from accepting grants from or participating in partnerships with a college or university based in a "foreign country of concern", which includes China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and Syria.该项名为SB 846的法案于2023年5月由州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)签署,并于7月1日生效。该法律禁止州立大学接受来自“相关外国国家”的学院或大学的资助或与其建立合作伙伴关系,其中包括中国、俄罗斯、伊朗、朝鲜、古巴、委内瑞拉和叙利亚。The law is discriminatory, unconstitutional and reminiscent of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, which instituted a 10-year ban on Chinese laborers immigrating to the United States, according to the lawsuit filed in federal court in Miami. The new law also usurps the power of the federal government, which has exclusive authority over immigration, national security and foreign affairs, the lawsuit said.根据这几名中国人在迈阿密向联邦法院提起的诉讼,该法律具有歧视性、违宪,就像是1882年颁布的十年内禁止中国劳工移民美国《排华法案》的翻版。他们认为,此法律还篡夺了联邦政府的权力,联邦政府对移民、国家安全和外交事务拥有专属权力。The impact of SB 846 is becoming increasingly apparent. For instance, Florida International University has implemented a hiring pause on candidates from the seven countries until the State University System's Board of Governors revises its vetting process for such candidates. Several doctoral students are also posting on social media platforms seeking advice to transfer from Florida universities to other states or countries.SB846法案的影响越来越明显。例如,佛罗里达国际大学已暂停招聘来自七个国家的候选人,直到州立大学系统理事会修改对此类候选人的审查流程。几名博士生也在社交媒体平台上发帖寻求从佛罗里达大学转学到其他州或国家的建议。The law has forced two of the plaintiffs who are from China to put their graduate studies at Florida International University on hold and denied them entry into their research labs.该法律要求两名来自中国的原告终止在佛罗里达国际大学的研究生学习课程,并拒绝这两位中国学生进入该校的研究实验室。Yin Zhipeng, a computer science major, and Guo Zhen, a doctoral student majoring in material engineering and working as a graduate research assistant at Florida International University, were dismissed from their research positions. They maintain that the law jeopardizes their educational opportunities by firing them, as their research positions were requirements to completing their doctorates.佛罗里达国际大学计算机科学专业尹志鹏和材料工程专业博士生郭震被解除研究职务。他们认为,该项法案导致他们被解雇,会进而影响他们的学业,因为完成博士学位要求进行研究工作。Joining them in the lawsuit is Guan Zhengfei, an agricultural economics professor at the University of Florida (UF), who also is originally from China. He said the law has stopped him from recruiting the most qualified postdoctoral candidates to assist with his research, which has slowed his publishing productivity and research projects.同样参与诉讼的还有来自中国的佛罗里达大学农业经济学教授关正飞。他说,SB846法案使他无法招募最合格的博士后学生来协助研究,影响了他的出版效率和研究项目。"This law is unfair, unjust, and unconstitutional," said Daniel Tilley, the Florida director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in a statement. The ACLU is representing the students along with the Chinese American Legal Defense Alliance (CALDA) and Perkins Coie LLP, in coordination with the Chinese American Scholar Forum.美国公民自由联盟(ACLU)佛罗里达州主任丹尼尔·蒂利(Daniel Tilley)在一份声明中表示:“这项法律不公平、不公正且违宪”。同时,这些学生及老师还受到了来自华裔美国法律辩护联盟(CALDA)和博钦律师事务所(Perkins Coie LLP)以及华裔美国学者论坛的支持。A 33-page complaint claims that the law "improperly acts as a state veto over issues subject to the exclusive federal power over immigration law", violates employment rights, and "predominant and superior federal power, such as national security and foreign affairs, and which in this instance the federal government is managing through its exclusive immigration power".一份长达33页的诉讼文件写道,该法律“对受联邦移民法专属权力管辖的问题不当行使州否决权”,侵犯了就业权,并“侵犯了联邦管理国家安全和外交事务等主导和高级权力,只有联邦政府才有权管理移民”。"SB 846 facially uses domicile as a proxy for improper discriminatory prohibitions in federal employment rights that are actually based on national origin, alienage, race, and ethnicity, disproportionately burdening individuals from China," the complaint said.诉讼文件写道,SB 846法案中的不动产购买限制其实是一系列充满就业歧视色彩、不正当禁令的挡箭牌,这些禁令实际上是基于国籍、国籍、种族和族裔,给中国个人带来了极大的负担。”Several universities are also holding demonstrations on campuses to support the rights of Chinese scholars at higher education institutions. The University of Florida Chinese Student Association (CSA) and Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) at UF jointly published a statement condemning the state law and the school's reaction to it.一些大学还在校园内举行示威活动,支持高等教育机构中中国学者的权利。佛罗里达大学中国学生会(CSA)和佛罗里达大学中国学生学者联谊会(CSSA)联合发表声明,谴责该州法律以及学校对此的反应。Xie Zhiwei, the president of CSA, told China Daily that recently the Board of Governors informed them that they are looking at ways to better nuance the regulation. "That is a big improvement in that they recognize they may have adopted a bit of a sledgehammer approach, and they are willing to consider amendments," he said.CSA总裁谢志伟在接受《中国日报》采访时表示:“最近理事会通知他们,他们正在研究如何更好地完善监管。这是一个很大的进步,因为他们认识到自己可能做法过于激进啦,并且愿意做出一些调整”。"Xenophobic policies toward China stoke racial bias, and all Asian Americans will feel the stigma and the chilling effect created by this Florida law," said Clay Zhu, attorney and co-founder of CALDA. "We will not back down."CALDA律师兼联合创始人克莱·朱(Clay Zhu)表示:“针对中国的仇外政策会加剧种族偏见,佛罗里达州这项法律让所有亚裔美国人感到耻辱寒心,但我们会坚持捍卫自己权益”。xenophobic policies仇外政策be reminiscent of使想起另一个事物