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Relevant departments from Guangdong province are going all-out to prepare for Typhoon Saola after China's national observatory issued a red typhoon warning — the most severe category — on Thursday morning.8月31日上午,中国科学院国家天文台发布最严重的台风红色预警后,广东省有关部门正全力以赴做好防台风“苏拉”的各项准备工作。Saola, the ninth typhoon this year, was moving at a speed of more than 10 kilometers an hour approaching the Guangdong coastline and the Taiwan Strait on Thursday, and is likely to make landfall between Guangdong's Huilai and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region after noon Friday.8月31日,今年第九号台风“苏拉”以每小时10公里以上的速度向广东沿海和台湾海峡逼近,并可能于9月1日中午后在广东惠来和香港特别行政区之间登陆。Saola's raging storms and strong gales could cause widespread economic losses in Guangdong's eastern and Fujian province's southern coastal areas, authorities warned.政府有关部门警告称,“苏拉”肆虐的风暴和强风可能给广东东部和福建南部沿海地区造成大面积经济损失。With Saola reclassified as a super typhoon, Guangdong's flood control, drought relief and anti-typhoon headquarters upgraded its anti-typhoon emergency response to Level 1 from Level 3 on Thursday afternoon, and ordered all fishing vessels and the ships operating at sea to return to shelters and all fishermen and offshore workers to go ashore.由于“苏拉”被重新列为超强台风,广东省防汛防旱防风总指挥部决定于8月31日18时将防风Ⅱ级应急响应提升为防风Ⅰ级应急响应,并下令所有渔船和海上作业船只回港避风,所有渔民和海上作业人员上岸避风。The coastal cities and relevant departments have been required to introduce concrete and effective measures to prevent injuries and minimize economic losses.要求沿海各市和有关部门出台具体有效措施,防止人员伤亡,最大限度减少经济损失。The Guangdong Maritime Safety Administration has prepared 18 maritime patrol ships, while the Nanhai Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Transport has also deployed another 13 professional rescue vessels and two helicopters to help cope with any emergencies and rescue those caught out when Saola batters the province.广东海事局已准备了18艘海上巡逻船,交通运输部南海救助局也调派了13艘专业救助船和两架直升机,以协助应对“苏拉”袭击我省时的突发事件和救助被困人员。The central government has sent a special work group to Guangdong to guide the province in preventing disasters, requiring special attention be paid to prevent and handle possible geological hazards, including the collapse of dikes along coastal, rivers and reservoir areas, flooding, mountain torrents, mudflows and landslides.国家防总已派出专门工作组到广东指导地方做好防汛防台风工作,要求特别注意预防和处理可能发生的地质灾害,包括沿海、沿江和水库地区的溃堤、洪水、山洪、泥石流和山体滑坡等。Zhang Jianyong, an official with the Shenzhen Bureau of Emergency Management, said the bureau has organized various districts and departments to make intensive inspection tours to local rivers, reservoirs and areas where geological hazards might occur to eliminate disaster risks.深圳市应急管理局防灾减灾处二级主任科员 张建勇表示,已组织各区各部门对水库、河道、地质灾害隐患点等重点部位加密巡查监测,消除灾害隐患。"Shenzhen's 685 indoor emergency shelters have been readied and 83 emergency rescue teams are on standby," he said.据了解,台风期间,深圳市685个室内应急避难场所随时做好开放准备,83支应急救援队加强值班值守。Heavy downpours and gales accompanying Saola had already wreaked havoc in major cities on the east coast of Guangdong on Wednesday and Thursday.伴随着“苏拉”而来的暴雨和大风已经在30日和31日给广东东部沿海的主要城市造成了严重破坏。Nearly 4,000 trains operating in Guangdong province will suspend operations or make detours to ensure the safety of passengers between Thursday and Sunday.8月31日至9月3日期间,广东省近4000辆运营中的列车将暂停运营或绕道行驶,以确保乘客安全。Passengers can refund their tickets within 30 days, China Railway Guangzhou Group said in a statement.中国铁路广州局集团在一份声明中说,乘客可在30天内退票。In addition to the intercity train services in Guangdong, passenger trains operating between Guangzhou South Railway Station and Fuzhou and Zhangzhou in Fujian were temporarily suspended on Thursday, railway authorities said.铁路部门表示,除广东的城际列车服务外,广州南站至福建福州和漳州之间的旅客列车也于31日暂时停运。High-speed trains on the Guangdong section of the Hangzhou-Shenzhen railway have been suspended starting 4 pm on Thursday while high-speed trains on the Guangdong section of the Beijing-Hong Kong railway will also be suspended starting Friday, railway authorities said.铁路部门表示,杭深铁路广东段的高速列车从31日下午4点开始停运,京港铁路广东段的高速列车也将从1日开始停运。Meanwhile, some ferry services operating between Pazhou Ferry Terminal, located in the downtown area of Guangzhou's Haizhu district, and the China Hong Kong City Terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui and Hong Kong International Airport have been suspended beginning Thursday. Ferry services to Hong Kong will be fully suspended on Friday.与此同时,位于广州市海珠区市中心的琶洲客运码头与尖沙咀中港城码头和香港国际机场之间的部分渡轮服务也从31日开始暂停。前往香港的渡轮服务将于1日全面暂停。Twenty-five ferry services operating in eastern coastal cities, including Huizhou, Shanwei and Shantou, have also been temporarily suspended to avoid marine accidents.惠州、汕尾和汕头等东部沿海城市的25条渡轮航线也已暂时停航,以避免发生海上事故。Major cities on Guangdong's eastern coast experienced heavy rainfall on Wednesday and Thursday, forcing all coastal scenic spots and swimming beaches to close temporarily to ensure the safety of tourists and swimmers, authorities said.政府表示,广东东部沿海主要城市在周三和周四遭遇强降雨,所有沿海景区和泳滩被迫临时关闭,以确保游客和游泳者的安全。Lin Juntao, a tourist in Shanwei, said the city's coastal scenic areas were closed on Thursday.汕尾游客林俊涛说,该市沿海景区31日关闭。"The sea was rough, with strong gales, and tourists were persuaded to leave the scenic areas to avoid accidents," he said.他说:“海上风浪很大,大风呼啸,游客们被劝说离开景区,以免发生意外。”In Fengshun county, Meizhou city, a total of 447 residents had been evacuated and relocated after three mountain torrents were reported on Wednesday.在梅州市丰顺县,在30日报告了三次山洪暴发后,共有447名居民被疏散和转移。Education departments in many coastal cities have asked schools and kindergartens to postpone the start of the autumn semester, which usually start on Sept 1, to next Monday.许多沿海城市的教育部门已要求学校和幼儿园将通常于9月1日开始的秋季学期推迟到9月4日。Coastline英/ˈkəʊstlaɪn/ 美/ˈkoʊstlaɪn/n.海岸线Ashore英/əˈʃɔː(r)/ 美/əˈʃɔːr/adv.在岸上;向岸上